Mutko "calmed the situation"

The RFU Executive Committee dismissed the President of the CFA Nikolai Levnikov

The RFU Executive Committee finally decided to put things in order in the judiciary. The head of the union Vitaly Mutko dismissed the president of the College of Football Referees (CFA) Nikolai Levnikov. This was announced yesterday by RFU President Vitaly Mutko.

The resignation was caused by numerous complaints from clubs and fans against judges. “Nikolai Vladislavovich worked at the CFA for five years, did a lot for her in terms of infrastructure and methods, but now the situation has worsened,” said the head of the RFU. According to him, "it is necessary to calm the situation." “Look, for example,” the arbiter from Slovakia Lyubos Michel came to us to judge. How did players and coaches behave? No complaints and protests, ”Mutko said. He emphasized that the resignation of the head of the CFA will not affect the work of the judiciary negatively. “We will do everything to support the arbitrators, including from the social side,” the RFU President summed up. The executive committee did not stop at Levnikov’s resignation. Fans and players of the Premier League teams, as well as the first and second divisions will no longer see the referees Pavel Kulalaev and Alexei Tyumin on the field. The first “distinguished” in the scandalous match of Moscow “Spartak” with “Tomyu”. After that game, the press even appeared that the judge might have been bribed, and the leadership of the capital's team was about to find evidence of this assumption. There was no evidence, but Kulalaev was removed from refereeing. The resignation of Alexei Tyumin is also a consequence of his serious mistakes in the recent match of CSKA Moscow against the Luch-Energia team from Vladivostok. The refereeing of this meeting - especially an episode in which army goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev played a hand outside the penalty area, and Tyumin did not record a violation - provoked a protest at various levels.

The president of the RFU commented on the decision to remove these judges as follows: “I think that these two will no longer appear on the lists of judges. I do not think that in a year they will be restored. Mistakes like the ones they made hurt all over Russian football. There is a person three meters from the scene where the footballer plays with his hand, and does not punish him. Here, even there can be no question of low qualification, this is a gross mistake. For this, we will continue to punish in the most severe way. The judge receives 3 thousand dollars per match. 4-5 games per month - a decent amount is obtained. Therefore, we will not forgive such mistakes. We must pay more attention to the decency of the arbitrators. ” Ironically, in a recent interview with one of the Russian sports publications, the now dismissed Levnikov also called Kulalaev, who was suspended from business, a very promising arbitrator ...

Following the meeting of the executive committee, Sergey Zuev was appointed the new head of the CFA. “This is a qualified, competent specialist who knows the judiciary,” Mutko said. “I think we can restore confidence in the referees and Zuev and stabilize the situation.” Sergey Zuev is a well-known referee in the country. After completing his career, he was a UEFA inspector, and recently he worked in the CFA as the head of the teaching department. For comments on the resignation that happened, Gazeta turned to FIFA referee Valentin Ivanov and St. Petersburg Zenit captain Vladislav Radimov.

"When the problems arose, it was he who was the extreme." FIFA Arbitrator Valentin Ivanov - in an interview with "Newspaper"

- I do not know all the details of Levnikov’s resignation. The only thing I want to say - do not forget how much good Nikolay Vladislavovich did during his career in the CFA. I can confirm this personally. However, his work is, of course, ungrateful: when everything was calm and smooth in the judging, no one thanked him for this, and when problems arose, it was he who was the last. It so happened that the leader suffered for the actions of his subordinates. Understand correctly, the judges were wrong, wrong, and will still be wrong. And what, each time we will shoot the head of the judiciary ?!

On the other hand, I am even surprised that Levnikov lasted so long in his position, which I would compare with a powder keg. And whoever takes his place in the chair of the president of the CFA, in any case, will face similar problems.

"Levnikov’s resignation is a belated decision." The captain of St. Petersburg “Zenith” Vladislav Radimov - “Newspaper”

- The Executive Committee of the RFU dismissed Nikolai Levnikov. How do you feel about this news?

- I think that this is the right decision and this resignation will only benefit. Judge for yourself, the players are already tired of the endless refereeing troubles lately. This could not go on forever. We can say that Levnikov’s resignation is even a belated decision.

- Do you think that without Levnikov the situation will change for the better?

- It will show time. It all depends on the person who comes to the place of Nikolai Vladislavovich. But in any case, such a development of events suggested itself.

- How do you personally feel about Levnikov?

- Only positive. Yes, I criticized his actions, but exclusively from a professional side.


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