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After the defeat of “Rostov” (1: 6), Shinnik striker Alexander Shirko tried to crack down on a fan who insulted him in the spirit of Eric Canton. But, like on the football field, Shirko’s shots didn’t have accuracy (VIDEO).

Next season we will not see Shinnik in the Premier League. Neither the spectacular lag behind the “security zone” that increased with each round, nor the recent resignation of Oleg Dolmatov, gave such conviction as a Sunday match with “Rostov” (1: 6), and especially as events that unfolded immediately after the match.

After the final whistle, Shinnik captain Alexander Shirko climbed over the fence and climbed up to the third row of stands, where he tried to hit several fans - those, as Shirko explained later, throughout the match insulted him personally and Shinnik as a whole. This fight, like the match itself, did not work out for the Yaroslavl striker from the very beginning: the opponents hung on his hands, and then completely dumped Shirko onto the podium. Only Shirko’s partners and police officers who arrived in time for the battlefield saved the serious consequences of the captain of the “Shinnik” (see video). Moreover, the stands of the Yaroslavl stadium continued the mocking chant of “Rostov, Rostov”, which had been delayed several times during the match.

Half an hour after the incident, Alexander in an interview with the local press admitted that he regrets what he had done. Nevertheless, to calm the fans of “Shinnik” after that was not so easy. 70-80 activists waited after the game for the players of the team at the exit of the locker rooms - and as a result, they had to leave the stadium through the back door.

According to Viktor Marushchak, chairman of the RFK KDK, this trick of Shirko is recorded in the official protocol, and the player will be punished - disqualification for up to three months. Manchester United striker Eric Cantona, who committed a similar offense during the Crystal Palace - Manchester United match in 95, suffered a much more serious punishment: the period of ineligibility was 9 months and the fine was 20 thousand pounds. In addition, the French striker was sentenced to 120 hours of community service and deprived of the captain's armband in the national team. Perhaps all this is due to the fact that his blow in the style of kung fu turned out to be accurate (see video).

Another difference from the situation with Shirko is that Eric Cantona hit a fan of the opposing team. This episode subsequently became one of the components of club mythology and only strengthened the status of the Frenchman as one of the idols of Manchester fans.

Denis Bystrov

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