World Championship: day six. Germany snatching victory in the last minute

Today is june 14   three matches will take place at the World Cup:

Group H

SPAIN - UKRAINE 4: 0 (2: 0)

Goals: Xabi Alonso, 13 (1: 0), Villa, 17 (2: 0), Villa, 48 with pen. (3: 0), Torres, 81 (4: 0)



Having missed the World Cup in Germany, the team of Yuri Semin left the Russian fan with only one truly correct choice. To support the team of neighboring Ukraine, which is still considered a big stretch to those countries abroad. This solution was given to many easily and naturally, even against the background of interstate relations that have not been easy to develop recently.

So, we will root for Ukraine!

Oleg Blokhin managed to create a competitive team, which, having strongly held the qualifying matches, deservedly won a ticket to the World Cup.

The main trump cards of Ukrainians are reliable actions in defense, in which - the central defender, the Kiev player, will not be able to play for injuries Dynamo " Sergey Fedorov, and the skill of the attack leader of the attacking team Chelsea " Andrey Shevchenko. Andrei was also injured and his participation in the match against the Spaniards is in question.

  Head coach Blokhin in a recent interview on this subject said the following: I still think it is worth risking Shevchenko. I have some doubts, because his injury was very serious, and he did not play for four weeks " .

The goalor himself said that he was ready to play with the Spaniards, since, having fully recovered, he was feeling well. The final decision is up to Blokhin.

The Spaniards are in great shape Fernando Torres, from which the main danger will come to the gate of Shovkovsky.

In general, the Spaniards seem to be a mysterious team, which, time after time, bringing strong teams to the World Championships, knows how to achieve nothing, despite the star compositions and big names.

However, today the atmosphere in the camp of the wards of Luis Aragones has changed, the team has a lot of young players who play outside the country and have experience in the leading European championships.

Most likely, Raul from Madrid will remain on the bench in the match against Ukraine Real Madrid " who has just recovered from a serious injury, and the Spaniards attack will be presented by Torres and, the best Spanish scorer of the local championship striker " Valencia " , By will.

The history of meetings between these teams is short. As part of the qualifying tournament for the last European Championship, the teams met twice. Moreover, the match in Kiev brought a battle draw 2: 2, and in the return game the Spaniards were stronger 2 : one.

Estimated compositions:

Spain: Casillas - Pernia, Puyol, Ibanez, Ramos, Senna, Xabi Alonso, Xavi, Luis Garcia, Villa, Torres

Ukraine: Shovkovsky - Yezersky, Vashchuk, Rusol, Nesmachny, Gusin, Tymoshchuk, Shelaev, Rotan, Rebrov, Belik

Group H


Goals: Jaziri, 23 (1: 0), Al-Kakhtani, 57 (1: 1), Al-Jaber, 84 (1: 2) Zhaidi, 90 (2: 2)



The Arab World Championship will be played in this match.

Both teams are noticeably inferior in class to Ukraine and Spain, also playing in this group, therefore, in order to maintain the chances of continuing the struggle, they are obliged to show the best and achieve results.

Group F

GERMANY-POLAND 1: 0 (0: 0)

Goal: Neuville, 90 (1: 0)



Having defeated the neighbors on the map of a united Europe, the Germans today can secure their way to the 1/8 finals.

It is expected that the Germans may appear on the field, Michael Ballack, who should strengthen the game of his team.

However, the Poles, sensationally losing in the first match of the Ecuador national team with a score of 0: 2, are well aware that failure in this game can nullify their already precarious chances of continuing the fight for the World Cup.

History of football   The collisions of these teams are very clear, in 14 matches played the Germans were stronger 10 times, tied four times.

Perhaps today is the time for the Poles to show that in Germany they are not just tourists

Vadim Sedov

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