“It’s not a sin to look into the passports of some Portuguese”

Dialogues after Saturday's victory of the Russian youth team over the Portuguese team

Vitaliy MUTKO, head of the RFU: “I hope that the first team will play like that”

- You very actively behaved in the box of honored guests, literally jumped and almost ran after every goal of the Russian team.

- I am very proud of the guys. They say that we have no talented players. But this is not true. The team showed character. These are men. Moreover, we were confronted by a very serious opponent. I’ll tell you that it’s not a sin for some guys to look into the passport.

- So take a look.

- This is a complicated procedure.

- Who will take the team to Portugal?

- I.

- And from the coaches?

- We will decide. No need to escalate around this passion. We have a well-thought-out system.

- If the first team also plays with the Israelis ...

- Why "if"? I'm just sure of the first team. You see how they work in training. And anyway, let's love the team for what it is. But I believe that the national team will play so sincerely.

Evgeny Savin: “We can’t relax”

- Victory over the Portuguese turns the return meeting into a formality?

- If we enter the game with such a mood, then we will not achieve a positive result. We have been responsibly preparing for this meeting. And we will approach the second match as seriously as possible.

- Scoring first, you relaxed?

- No, just the Portuguese team is a pretty strong opponent. We expected aggressive football from her in any situation. By the way, it’s good that they scored. It spurred us.

- And then there is the removal of the opponent.

- It has become easier for us, it's true.

- What can you say about the full stadium?

- It's great. No one expected this. And the huge flag on the podium just dissolved me.

Kirill Nabakin: “We can play at midnight”

- The Portuguese will probably not play three goals.

- I do not know. It seems to me that the second meeting will be much more difficult than the first.

- You entered the game with an amazing mood.

- Yes, that's right. And even the opponent’s return goal didn’t stop us. With a score of 1: 1 it was difficult, but in the second half we showed our football and achieved a result.

- What did Vitaliy Mutko tell you at the last meeting?

- That we should pass the opponent, it is a shame so much time not to play in the final part of the European Championship.

- The return game at midnight in Moscow. Will this become a problem?

“I don't think so.” We will prepare for this. Although I like to go to bed early.

- Not afraid to fall into euphoria after such a success?

- Of course not. Everyone understands that only the first half has been played.

Victor Losev: “I will not allocate anyone”

- The best player in the team was Dmitry Khomich, who pulled out several goals in the first half. Or did someone surpass him?

- Nobody surpassed him. I will not highlight players at all. We have one team.

- Will you go to Portugal with a calm heart?

- In no case. We just made a good start. But it will be very difficult there.

- You yourself are not surprised by the result?

- We believed that the guys could play well, although by and large they did not count on such a gap. But everything flew into the gates of others. Honor and praise to our boys who completed the installation.

- Didn’t you think that your opponent underestimated your team a little?

- It was so. They even got through this in an interview. Like, they are favorites. Well, this is a sport.

- You will be the head coach in Portugal. What do you say to the players before entering the field?

- It's a secret.

Alexey Shevchenko

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