Vyacheslav Bykov: "I would be glad if we are again called the" red car "

The head coach of the Russian national hockey team Vyacheslav Bykov - “Gazeta”

The debut of one of the main stars of the hockey team of the early 90s - the era that last brought us the title of world champion - turned out to be successful as a coach of the national team. The first place in the Czech stage of the Eurotour sets up in a positive way. At the start of the new season, Vyacheslav Bykov met the observer of the "Newspaper" Valery Wingurt.

- Vyacheslav Arkadevich, let's start from the beginning. Are you satisfied with the result?

- Believe me, the result was of secondary importance. To say that we were hoping to win would be too much. But to achieve a good result - we counted on this. Of paramount importance was the concept of the game, the philosophy and approach to business that we (Bykov says "we", meaning ourselves and our assistant Igor Zakharkin. - "Newspaper") wanted to convey to the guys. I must note that the players readily responded: we saw this by how diligently the guys played, how responsibly they performed the coaching tasks. This is encouraging, and I believe that the initial contact with the players invited to this tournament has taken place. Working with people is not an easy job. It is very important that you are understood, that you are listened to. I would like to characterize all the guys who took part in the tournament, only on the positive side. As for the quality of the game itself - in the five days we spent together, the game was difficult to deliver. But we saw that in many ways it corresponded to the requirements that we tried to present. I would also like to note the psychological climate that we immediately offered the guys. Instead of authoritarianism and despotism - an environment in which players and coaches feel like comrades, participants in one thing. This time we found supporters. And, parting with the guys at the airport, they felt like that: I want something more, I want to continue. Some kind of kinship bound us. It costs a lot.

- Vyacheslav Arkadievich, did you yourself like working as a national team coach?

- If at first, in the first hours of communication with the team, there was still no family feeling I was talking about, then after the tournament it arose, and I am ready to answer your question unequivocally: yes, I liked it. Interesting job. Moreover, I had to work with the best Russian hockey players.

- If this seems tactically incorrect to you, you can not give names, but admit: for yourself, have you already determined the circle of obvious applicants for a trip to the World Cup?

- I will not mention names, nor even numbers - simply due to the fact that we do not have an agreement with the National Hockey League. We still do not know whether the appearance of Russian hockey players is possible here at the World Cup, so I am not entitled to comment on any personnel issues now. I can only say that we saw in this team hockey players who will definitely take part in the championship. But I won’t talk about who exactly, or about their number.

- And there are those who as a coach disappointed you?

- At this stage - no. This was the first tournament, and the dedication that the guys showed fully met our requirements.

- What, in your opinion, caused such a successful result?

- I think the attitude of the guys to the work has served. Well, our game system, which was to prove its effectiveness. We are not in any way deceived and are not going to rest on our laurels. A positive result adds to our enthusiasm and makes it possible to speak with the players in the correct language. Now we are talking to them, reinforcing our words with results. This inspires confidence both in hockey players and in us, coaches.

- You are talking about the system, about the concept of the game. What is she doing?

- Now some say: in what Bykov does, there is nothing new. All his new ideas are well-forgotten old, from the time of the “red machine”. Well, if we are again called the "red car", I will only be glad. I completely agree with those who see in our game a continuation of the Soviet hockey past. But there is also novelty. We are watching everything that happens in the hockey world, and we are trying to take all the best, everything new. And not only take, but also invent your own. I agree with those who say that so far this is not so noticeable. But we are moving in the right direction.

- Are there any innovations in the preparation of the national team for the World Cup?

- Nothing radically new is expected. There are tournaments that precede the World Cup, there are friendly matches. In them we will play up our ideas.

- Why did it happen that in the first matches the team had to recoup, and in the last, on the contrary, the team could miss the victory?

- That was the tactical idea! (Laughs.) Seriously, before the start of the third match we really were looking for the right words for the guys. Because it was the finale.

- Do you agree with the statement that at this stage Russia had the strongest nominal staff?

- Remember the world championship won by Canadians in 1997. They did not have big names. But they won - thanks to good organization, cohesion and a triumphant spirit. This always distinguished the Soviet, and then the Russian team. We will strive to maintain this spirit. By their attitude, exactingness, first of all to themselves ... And also about names. The team of Swedes at this tournament played two Olympic champions, six world champions. But they did not win. I repeat, we are not deceived by the result; it was of secondary importance. It was important for us that the candidates selected for the tournament speak the same language with us.

- What will you work on after the tournament? What game elements require your intervention?

- Power struggle, standards, playing in unequal compositions ... A lot of everything.

- Given the situation in the Hockey Federation, your success came in handy. What did Tretyak say after winning?

- As for the federation, this, as they say, is not my prerogative. Vladislav Alexandrovich congratulated me immediately after the match. He was very happy, worried. As well as Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich (Fetisov. - "Newspaper"). I also received congratulations from him. It was nice, I was very moved, and most importantly - it was not a surprise. Together with these people, we went through a lot and experienced a lot ... So their congratulations were pleasant. But Tretyak wished further progress. We will meet again. We have proposals for the federation. There is something to talk about.


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