“He loves the Bolshoi Theater and the word“ ingenuity ”

Israeli national team head coach Dror Kashtan gave a press conference at which he clashed with a compatriot journalist. He was a little surprised that the rival of the Russian team dreams of victory.

“Gentlemen, the press conference is a little delayed,” the representative of the RFU press service suddenly announced. - The official delegation of the Israeli team stuck in traffic on New Arbat.

Those who are familiar with the situation in the city wondered why the Israelis living in the Baltschug Hotel had suffered on Novy Arbat. The driver (according to available information, he was provided by the Russian Football Union - A.Sh.) chose a clearly strange way to get to Luzhniki. On the other hand, the game against Israel will be very difficult. And in this moral confrontation, every little thing is important. Getting into the mash is at least a little, but it will infuriate the opponent. And who knows, maybe on Saturday all this will affect. It is hoped that the driver turned on the radio "Chanson" in the cabin at full volume. And although representatives of the RFU categorically denied their involvement in this incident, they smiled shyly.

Meanwhile, Israeli journalists showed temperament. Someone was rushing around the Luzhniki Big Arena press conference room with hamburgers splashing with ketchup. One girl arrived with a suitcase, apparently, only flew in (for her traffic jams, it turns out, no - A.Sh.). In addition, colleagues spoke very loudly. It constantly seemed that they were arguing.

Dror Kashtan entered the hall with a very slight delay (some 17 minutes, the driver was inexperienced - A.Sh.), in a sports uniform. The coach of the future rival of the Russian team was subtly similar to Viktor Chernomyrdin.

“I always and everywhere work to achieve the maximum result,” he said bluntly. - And it seems to me that we need to set ourselves serious tasks. We came to Moscow to win.

From such a statement, one of the Israeli reporters almost choked on a hamburger.

- And you do not take too much on yourself, declaring the upcoming victory? he asked Chestnut.

The specialist, of course, answered with a question to the question:

“You do not want me to say that we want to lose?” - he was indignant.

“The Russian team has always been a strong team,” Kashtan decided to hold his horses a little. - Although she did not take part in the last world championship.

It was evident that the coach of the Israeli team grinned.

... During the training session, all Russian journalists stood around Alexander Uvarov, who, of course, liked such attention.

“I really want to work in Russia,” the Russian dreamily rolled his eyes, and then became sad. “But there are no offers.” And if they are, then, of course, I’ll come. Yes, Israel is warm and calm, but we all walk under God.

The former Dynamo goalkeeper suddenly admitted that he had seen almost all the matches of the last round of the Russian championship.

- I and Spartak watched, with ... like him ...

“With Moscow,” prompted Uvarov.

“Exactly,” the trainer smiled. - Only now Dynamo did not watch.

- Do you protect nerves? - one of the correspondents asked sympathetically.

“Yes, I'm worried about the team,” Uvarov was sad. - It will be very difficult for her to keep a place in the Premier League. Oh look, the training has begun. I need to work.

Uvarov ran away to knead the goalkeepers. An Israeli team translator came up with a story about how Dror Kashtan really respects Russia.

“He loves the word“ savvy ”very much and constantly pronounces it in Russian,” a member of the delegation revealed secrets. - And also loves the Bolshoi Theater very much and always gives it as an example.

It remains only to understand how this information can be useful to us.

Alexey Shevchenko

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