all hands on deck

Of the two dozen referees who worked at the Premier League this year, only 14 were successfully completed to the finish of the championship. PROport asked the former president of the College of Football Referees Nikolai Levnikov to evaluate the professional qualities and moral stability of those who survived the fall without disqualifications and injuries.

Yuri Baskakov, Moscow

+ “An experienced referee - behind a huge number of serious matches in Russia and abroad. Well prepared physically, he chooses a great position on the field. In recent years, he changed the way of refereeing, becoming more lenient and selective. Now it makes decisions that correspond not so much to the rules as to the spirit of the game. ”

“Not always consistent in decision making.”

Psychological stability (on a five-point scale): 4.

Scandals: At the beginning of this fall, Baskakov felt all the oddities of the character of the owner of the Scottish Harts, Vladimir Romanov. In the return game of the Champions League qualifying round, the Russian removed two Harts players, sent a penalty in their goal, after which the Edinburgh club missed three goals and lost the group stage. “The referee openly told us that we did not pay him for some game in Liepaja and therefore he will now“ bury us, ”Romanov said after the game and sent a complaint to UEFA.

Numbers (matches of the teams of the first four over the past two years):
CSKA: 1 match (draw), 8 yellow cards (2 of them - to CSKA players).
Spartak: 3 matches (2 draws, 1 loss), 13 yellow cards (4 of them to Spartak players), 2 penalties (1 in favor of Spartak).
Lokomotiv: 5 matches (2 wins, 3 draws), 19 yellow (11 to Lokomotiv players), 1 red card (1 to Lokomotiv player), 1 penalty (1 in favor of Lokomotiv).
Zenit: 4 matches (3 matches, 1 defeat), 20 yellow cards (10 - to Zenit players).

Mikhail Veselovsky, Moscow

+ “An unbending and reliable referee who worked in all hot spots. The main specialization is matches in the Caucasian republics. Neither the stands nor other factors accompanying such matches are capable of intimidating him. ”

“Lack of physical preparation does not allow judging Moscow derby - there, as a rule, they play at very high speeds and the referee must match them.”

Psychological stability: 5.

Scandals: Two years ago, he was suspended from refereeing for a month for not having awarded two penalties in the match “Zenit” - “Shinnik” - one at the gate of each team.

Figures : CSKA: did not judge.
“Spartak”: did not judge.
“Locomotive”: did not judge.
Zenit: 4 matches (2 wins, 1 draw, 1 loss), 20 (11) yellow cards, 1 (1) penalty.

Alexander Gvardis, Kaliningrad

+ “He judges in a modern manner, that is, gives play, but in accordance with all UEFA instructions. Relentless to stiffness. "

- "Psychologically unstable and sometimes incorrectly chooses a position."

Psychological stability : 4.

Scandals. Last year I received a month of disqualification for an unassigned penalty kick into the goal of “Moscow” in the match with “Terek”. This fall, Danny pissed off something - the Portuguese Dynamo spat in Guardis in a match against Saturn and arranged an unscheduled vacation for five matches.

Figures: CSKA: 3 matches (3 wins), 22 (12) yellow cards, 2 (2) penalties.
Spartak: 2 matches (2 draws), 2 (1) yellow, 1 (1) red card.
Lokomotiv: 3 matches (2 wins, 1 draw), 4 (3) yellow cards.
Zenit: 2 matches (1 draw, 1 loss), 7 (5) yellow cards, 1 (1) penalty.

Alexander Gonchar, Sochi

+ “A prospective referee who is trusted by important matches, despite his poor track record. Excellent physical data, excellent understanding of football. "

“In difficult situations, sometimes he leads the game too gently, does not impose sanctions, thinking that everything will do without him. The most cruel retribution for this is a two-year-old match between Saturn and CSKA. However, he no longer has such serious mistakes. ”

Psychological stability: 4 with a minus.

Scandals: He has become perhaps the main culprit of the most massive and fierce fight in the history of Russian football. In August 2004, until the last moment, he turned a blind eye to the violations of the players of Saturn and CSKA, after which the whole country saw a grand brawl, in which football players, coaches, police officers and even one fan took part.

Numbers: CSKA: 3 matches (1 win, 2 draws), 18 (8) yellow cards.
Spartak: 2 matches (2 wins), 10 (4) yellow cards, 3 (1) penalties.
Lokomotiv: 4 matches (1 win, 3 draws), 18 (7) yellow cards.
Zenit: 3 matches (1 win, 1 draw, 1 loss), 21 (11) yellow card, 2 (1) penalty.

Alexander Evstigneev, Korolev

+ "Experienced, stable and responsible - a person you can rely on."

- “There is not enough authority among the players. In my opinion, Sasha should change his image - maybe, change his shape or hairstyle, in our business it is very important how you look on the field. Today in Russia, Valentin Ivanov and Igor Egorov enjoy the greatest authority among football players. ”

Psychological stability: 4 with a minus.

Scandals: Judging Evstigneev in the match “Wings of the Soviets” - “Moscow” upset the sports director of the Samara club Avalu Shamkhanov so much that he hit the judge with his fist in the chest. A year of disqualification and 100,000 rubles of a fine for Shamkhanov followed almost immediately.

Figures: CSKA: 5 matches (2 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses), 23 (9) yellow, 1 (0) red card, 3 (2) penalty.
Spartak: 4 matches (1 win, 3 draws), 20 (13) yellow cards.
“Locomotive”: did not judge.
Zenit: 3 matches (2 wins, 1 draw), 22 (11) yellow cards.

Igor Egorov, Nizhny Novgorod

+ “One of the strongest referees in Russia. He has a manner unlike anyone else, principled, independent, knows no compromises. ”

“Sometimes he judges in a too harsh and nervous manner. If he removes this defect and heals his injured leg, he will please us with refereeing for many years. ”

Psychological stability: 5.

Scandals: In May 2005, in the match “Zenit” - “Lokomotiv” did not appoint two penalties for the Muscovites, which caused hatred of all fans of the Gazprom club. A month later, he did not count the correct goal of Moscow against the Wings of the Soviets and was severely criticized by Yuri Belous. Unable to withstand the attacks against him, he threatened to end his career. At the last moment, he decided to stay and is still among the top Russian referees.

Figures: CSKA: 6 matches (5 wins, 1 draw), 31 (11) yellow, 3 (1) red cards, 1 (1) penalty.
Spartak: 5 matches (2 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses), 17 (14) yellow cards, 1 (1) penalty.
Lokomotiv: 5 matches (1 win, 3 draws, 1 loss), 16 (8) yellow, 1 (0) red card, 1 (1) penalty.
Zenit: 2 matches (2 draws); 15 yellow (10), 1 (1) red card, 1 (0) penalty.

Igor Zakharov, Moscow

+ “Iron will, knowledge of the game and constant analysis of our own actions. He tries to choose his own way of work, even if it is somewhat contrary to what UEFA recommends to us. I think that constant dissatisfaction with myself and the search for my own style will lead to the fact that he will be a serious arbiter. ”

- "At first, when I went out onto the field, I remained a soccer player and could not be reconstructed - I missed tremors and other minor violations."

Psychological stability: 5.

Scandals: Honorably withstood the attack of Sergei Ovchinnikov this summer. Dynamo goalkeeper was so tired of the failures of his new club that he went to the referee with the fists and shouts “I am the team captain, bl ...” for the yellow card shown to him. Zakharov listened to his opponent, removed him from the field and waited for Ovchinnikov to be first disqualified for 5 matches, and then put up for transfer at all.  

Figures: CSKA: did not judge.
Spartak: 4 matches (4 wins), 15 (8) yellow cards.
Lokomotiv: 3 matches (2 wins, 1 loss), 10 (5) yellow, 1 (0) red card, 1 (1) penalty.
Zenit: 1 match (victory), 4 (1) yellow cards.

Nikolay Ivanov, St. Petersburg

+ "It is in excellent shape: the last matches worked just brilliantly."

“Unstable. Due to age, Valentin Ivanov will not be able to go to Euro 2008, so now there are two applicants from Russia - Nikolai Ivanov and Yuri Baskakov. Such rivalry - which of the Russians is the best in Europe - leaves its mark and leads to nervousness. “They may not be aware of this themselves, but I know something: I myself went through such a rivalry with Khusainov.”

Psychological stability: 4 with a plus.

Scandals: 2004 is the most eventful in Ivanov’s career. Obvious successes are work on the final of the Cup of Russia “Wings of the Soviets” - “Terek” and recognition as the best referee of Russia. However, there was a beating at the entrance of his own house, and a scandal after the UEFA Cup match “Harts” - “Schalke”. Having lost one of the players due to removal in the first half, the Scots were defeated and after the match blamed “eccentric refereeing Ivanov” for this.  

Numbers: CSKA: 1 match (draw), 6 (4) yellow, 1 (1) red card.
Spartak: 5 matches (3 wins, 1 draw, 1 loss), 25 (14) yellow cards.
Lokomotiv: 1 match (victory), 4 (2) yellow cards.
Zenit: not judged.

Eduard Maly, Volgograd

+ “Phenomenal physical data - it looks very good on the field, I would say, independently. He has a great desire to judge. He listens with interest and takes note of all the advice from senior colleagues. ”

- "Not always correctly interprets martial arts."

Psychological stability: 3 plus.

Scandals: Small - the most overall referee of the Premier League (195 cm, 93 kg) - attracts attention in any city where he comes to work. However, in Nalchik, where the local Spartak hosted Moscow a month ago, he noted not only his own article. Two deletions - one in each team - caused bewilderment in the camp of both teams. Muscovites were especially indignant: Kuzmin was kicked out of the field already in the 24th minute. Having forgotten that the defender already has a warning, Maly decided to punish him for scolding an opponent, reached for the card, and when he figured it out, reluctantly removed Kuzmin from the field.

Figures: CSKA: 2 matches (2 wins), 12 (4) yellow, 1 (0) red card.
Spartak: 1 match (victory), 3 (1) yellow cards.
Lokomotiv: 1 match (draw), 2 (1) yellow, 1 (1) red card.
Zenit: not judged.

Alexey Nikolaev, Moscow

+ “Spends a good season, he was on the list of FIFA referees. The manner of refereeing is reminiscent of Yuri Savchenko. He knows football well. He has a difficult but useful time in the first division. ”

- "Sometimes there is not enough character to pay off the hassles arising on the field."  

Psychological stability: 4.

Scandals: During the match “Zenith” - “Ray” was lined with a three-story mat from Vladislav Radimov. The captain of the “Zenith” escaped with a 50 thousand fine.

Figures: CSKA: did not judge.
Spartak: 2 matches (2 draws), 14 (6) yellow, 1 (1) red card, 1 (0) penalty.
“Locomotive”: did not judge.
Zenit: 5 matches (3 wins, 2 losses), 22 (11) yellow cards, 2 (1) penalties.

Vladimir Pettay, Petrozavodsk

+ “The ability to be close to the playing moment - the judges have the same important talent as the scoring sense of the attackers.”

“Sometimes it turns out to be too close to the main events and cannot assess the situation correctly. In addition, successful matches alternate with failures. Sometimes he makes decisions that are clear only to him. What he needs now is to throw off the bonds that prevent him from developing. What kind of fetters? Pettay will understand. ”

Psychological stability: 4 with a minus.

Scandals: In last year's match, “Rubin” - “Locomotive” Pettay put a controversial penalty and penalty kick into the goal of the guests, from which Kazan scored two goals. After the game, they tried to beat Pettai at the airport, and the CFA suspended him from refereeing for “some time”. The Petrozavodsk referee thought about ending his career, but after a while a wave of indignation about his work subsided, and Pettay returned to serving the matches.

Figures: CSKA : 4 matches (3 wins, 1 loss), 21 (8) yellow, 1 (0) red cards, 1 (1) penalty.
Spartak: 5 matches (3 wins, 2 draws), 15 (8) yellow, 1 (1) red card, 1 (1) penalty.
Lokomotiv: 1 match (defeat), 3 (1) yellow cards, 1 (0) penalty.
Zenit: 4 matches (1 win, 3 draws), 22 (10) yellow, 2 (0) red cards, 1 penalty.

Alexey Sergeev, Moscow

+ “Excellent understanding of football. He stood at the gate, albeit not playing at the highest level, and this makes itself felt. "

- “He started his career not so long ago and does not have experience for crucial matches. Therefore, he needs to be given careful appointments - for matches that do not pose serious psychological problems for the judge. While he is not very psychologically balanced: when faced with a tough fight, pressure and lack of discipline of the players, he makes the wrong decisions. The match “Zenith” - “Spartak” (Nalchik) confirmed that such hot games are not yet his level. ”  

Psychological stability: 3.

Scandals: After the match in St. Petersburg, the leadership of the Nalchik “Spartak” called the refereeing of Sergeyev outrageous and immediately pointed out several of his mistakes: two unassigned penalties and missed violations of the rules by Riksen.

Figures: CSKA: did not judge.
Spartak: not judged.
“Locomotive”: did not judge.
Zenit: 1 match (victory), 9 (5) yellow cards.

Stanislav Sukhina, Malakhovka

+ "Great controls the game, perfectly interprets martial arts."

- “I’m used to judge using a long diagonal - that is, trust the linesman on the side of the field closest to that, and go to the opposite. In my opinion, he should change himself a little and become a more explosive referee - use jerks and accelerations. ”

Psychological stability: 4 with a plus.

Scandals: Sukhina attracts scandals more often than all of his Russian colleagues. Escape from a Zenit fan in a match with Spartak, work on the Baltika - Kuban game (a brawl on the field, suspension from refereeing in all divisions), two penalties in Perm (thanks to them Lokomotiv turned hopeless 0 : 3 to victory 4: 3) and the ubiquitous arbitration at the match of the same Lokomotiv in Kazan (even the silent Kurban Berdyev cursed people in black) - these are selected places from Sukhina’s scandalous biography.  

Figures: CSKA: did not judge.

Spartak: 3 matches (2 wins, 1 draw), 13 (7) yellow cards.
Lokomotiv: 8 matches (6 wins, 1 draw, 1 loss), 38 (19) yellow, 4 (1) red cards, 7 (4) penalties.
Zenit: 6 matches (2 wins, 3 draws, 1 loss), 33 (16) yellow, 1 (1) red card, 1 (1) penalty.

Sergey Timofeev, Azov

+ “According to external data, according to human qualities, he could be a great arbiter.”

“Self-flagellation and nervousness interfere with success. "Timofeev is progressing, but in every game attracts many difficult moments, and not every one of them lends itself to a logical explanation."

Psychological stability: 3.

Scandals: In September 2004, for errors made in championship matches, he was disqualified before the end of the season, along with five more referees.
Figures: CSKA: 2 matches (1 win, 1 draw), 16 (10) yellow cards, 2 (1) penalties.
Spartak: not judged.
Lokomotiv: 2 matches (2 draws), 5 (1) yellow, 2 (1) red cards.
Zenit: not judged.

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