Fedun about Giner

Today's escapades of the president and owner of Spartak Leonid Fedun at the address of the president and owner of CSKA Evgeny Giner are not the first, but the sharpest. SPORT Today traced the evolution of Fedun's speeches about Giner, from compliments in November 2004 to direct accusations in December 2006.

“I didn’t leave Russia anywhere, I saw what was happening in the country in the 90s. Compared to that gloomy gloom now, life is different and the business is cleaner. Unfortunately, football was stuck there at some point in the middle 90s. And only now, with the advent of Giner, Tkachenko, Fedorychev and others, he, I think, will rush up. The system of transfers and refereeing will be debugged. It is clear that with me or with Giner no one will “weld” the players. For such a person, the first attempt to do this will be the last day of work - and not only to the club But even in football. "

"Sport-Express", 11/22/2004

“I want the heads of the Premier League clubs to have a coordinated position on all the most important issues. Only in this case will we be able to influence the leadership of the RFU, whose main task, it seems to me, is to support investment in football. So, I constantly communicate with the president of CSKA Eugene Giner and find his understanding. "

"Sport-Express", 10/25/2005

“Mutko is doing the right thing by attracting foreigners to the games of the Russian championship games. On the one hand, this stimulates the work of our judges, creates competition for them, and on the other hand, the clubs have a different attitude to the judge from abroad. And Spartak, and CSKA know: no matter what the judge makes the wrong decision, it will be a mistake, not a planned "murder".

"Sport-Express", 03/31/2006

- CSKA will not overtake this season?

- CSKA had an administrative resource for half a season. Now it is over. But next season we'll see.

- What kind of resource?

- Think for yourself.

"SPORT today", 10/31/2006

- Have you chosen the president of the Premier League?

- No, they didn’t

- And why?

- Ask Giner.

- And when will you choose?

- Giner will say.

"SPORT today", December 5, 2006

"The current president of the Premier League, Yevgeny Giner, is an outstanding manager from the point of view of football management. He created a new style of managing football in Russia. I won’t hide it, I am studying from him. But, in my opinion, the president of the Premier League is a person to whom everyone belongs calm, which does not represent the interests of a very popular club. The RFPL president should not defend the interests of any football groups. Vorontsov, working at Saturn, proved that he knows how to manage. "

"Soviet Sport", December 7, 2006

“I already have documents in my hands that allow me to review the results of this championship. But I won’t do it. Because the other team has already passed the lap of honor, drank champagne, and it’s unlikely that such a championship as in Italy will bring joy to someone "Was this season more corrupt than last or the year before last? Just journalists began to talk about it! There was an object that began to take questions from journalists. Vitaly Mutko came to the RFU, he at all meetings in the Premier League says to club leaders: here you are, you and you buy games!

And they sit and do not mind. Nobody objected to me in Rostov, even Victor Monday, when I asked: well, how did you give CSKA something like that? And they answer me: why don’t you give us money? Right in the face, no one is too shy ...

As for the match, “Zenith” - CSKA, it was clear that the “charged” two side, which framed a pretty good non-corrupt referee. All these guys will never judge again. And now others will think, why do they need it? "

"Soviet Sport", 12/13/2006

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