Choral singing in an empty apartment

A concert for piano and orchestra is always awaited from the World Cup. They want a holiday, they want a beautiful game, they want the victory of the most attractive team - and there are always at least five of them. They want discoveries, they want a new word in science and technology, they want Maradona, they want Pele. And when the next World Cup turns out to be unworthy of high confidence, they start to fire it - putting all the accumulated resentment and bile. Most of all, of course, is indignant at the one whose favorite team flew out before the others.

German mundial critics have already billed. There are many accusations - he did not give new stars, debunked old ones, buried himself in defensive structures. Well, of course, the wrong team won. However, she never wins - this is the law of life. In 2002, Korea stepped into the semifinals, but France, Argentina and Portugal did not leave the group - it was bad. Now in the four are entirely football grandees - this, as it turns out, is even worse. And again a groan is heard - something needs to be done with the World Cup, he rots, and he will die.

You can complain about the lack of discoveries - indeed, the 2006 world champion did not give a single new star. But now these very discoveries have nowhere to come from. Players who play for serious teams are studied from head to toe, right down to the location of moles on the body. Discoveries are possible only in the second-row teams, but they did not flash in Germany.

They expected a bright attacking football from the World Cup, and in vain. It’s stupid to nod to the Champions League, club football and national team tournaments - these are fundamentally different things. Club players see each other every day, and come to the national team for a week - a lot for a month. Unable to hone the attacking game, many coaches rely on defense.

High expectations make it difficult to enjoy what the FIFA World Cup really has to offer. And the level of the game in the Champions League is higher, and the surroundings are no worse, but she does not take her soul as the World Cup does not catch. Incredible emotions, passions and national color - this is a real world Cup. The real World Cup is the match Netherlands - Portugal, and 20 cards of Valentin Ivanov. The real mundial is Brazilians punished for arrogance and laziness. The real World Cup is two goals of Italy in extra time, in the last minutes. The real mundial is Zidane, cutting down Materazzi in the final game. There are completely different things, different phenomena, but they are united by one thing - all this is real life without embellishment.

It is said that the World Cup will leave when the players stop dying on the field in matches for their national team. In this case, the patient will still outlive us all. Players need the World Cup, which means the fans need it. Everything else is nothing more than choral singing in an empty apartment.


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