Guilty Without Guilt

The President of the Russian Hockey Federation (FHR), Vladislav Tretyak, left for another deputy leave. Upon completion, he intends to give answers to any, including unpleasant, questions. They have already accumulated among those who consider themselves entitled to ask them. And first of all, whether Tretyak with his program, where the interests of the national team are paramount, will infringe on the interests of clubs.

... The logic of life is actually a very simple thing. After the summer, winter necessarily comes. The World Cup has already become history. The hockey championship is yet to come. The ice mundial will take place not somewhere, but in Russia. In the small homeland of hockey. If Canada is conditionally considered the historical homeland. Nobody knows how the team, the hostess of the championship, will perform on their own ice. But everyone knows exactly who and, most importantly, who will be responsible to whom, if the Russian team plays at home like they did in Riga.

Vladislav Tretyak for a long time did not agree to take the post of hockey president. In this sport, he ate more than one dog, and he knew for sure what farm he would have to manage. Only after much persuasion, the last of which was held at the highest level, did Tretyak say yes. He answered reluctantly. Again, realizing that all those dogs that he had not eaten at one time, they would let him down sooner rather than later. They lowered it not just early, but very early. Without saying a word. The only thing they didn’t remember was the washers missed by the Canadians in the 72nd. And so the newly-made president of the FHR immediately became guilty of everything. It doesn’t matter what he said and what he did. Without going into details, Tretyak firmly said only one, or rather, two things. What considers the interests of the team above all else. And that does not see the need to invite an import coach. Explained why he thinks so. And as in accordance with this is going to act firmly. The explanations were considered unintelligible, the first steps - almost criminal. An attempt on hockey fundamentals. Although, it would seem, what is really criminal - try to return to the national team everything that is due to it. As and at whose expense - you can offer, you can disagree, but indiscriminately blame ... Tretiak did not shy away from meetings with reporters, but did not ask for them. So far, he has nothing to show his merits, so to speak. And he’s not going to prove anything to anyone. Now there is one question on the agenda - who will be the head coach of the country's hockey team. Conversations go different, different surnames are called. Maybe they will offer Bykov, maybe someone else. But one of the main requirements for the future head coach is a normal atmosphere in the team. In addition, of course, professional qualities. By the way, the same Bulls is almost perfect. His respect for the players has been instilled in him for a long time and, apparently, for a long time. What kind of coach is he - everyone knows. By the way, why not? But so far the conversation is not about that. After the appointment of a coach, of course, a huge part of the responsibilities will fall on him. Tretyak, in his own words, will have one concern. To ensure the country's national team a comfortable existence. Including financial. But comfort will not be before, but after work. Hockey, according to Tretyak, is hard work. For many months of training, as in his time, he is not going to plant a team, but elementary teamwork should be present. So for some time, the players called up under the, as they say, banners will have to spend together. This may be liked, maybe not - but so far he sees it that way. What will come of this vision will become clear very soon. But in any case, at the end of the vacation, Tretyak is going to get out of the shadows.


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