Hamburg doesn't count

Estimating the chances of CSKA to reach the Champions League playoffs, Hamburg is no longer worth taking for a real rival of the army team. In the table of group “G” he is still without glasses. But Porto, a major German club, is not deadly behind CSKA and Arsenal.

The owners of "Dragau" safely exchanged zero in the scored goals. In a decisive starting assault, they were driven by a downpour that threatened to hopelessly ruin the lawn and deprive Porto of an undeniable advantage in technology. Rain alarm, however, turned out to be false. The weather calmed down. But this happened after the debut explosion of the Portuguese champion turned into a long-awaited unit on the scoreboard. Gesualdo Ferreira should be pleased with how the team performed the pressure they ordered. Fighting hard for the ball in the alien half, the hosts made the mistake of Hamburg defenders Benjamin and Wicca. The first did not accurately pass from the side edge back, and the second did not manage to stop the young Anderson's jerk on the left flank. He left the "scythe", pulled out of the gates of Kirshtayn, and the closing chamber Lysandro Lopez could only substitute his leg.

A dozen minutes later, in the middle of half-time, the vigorous offensive of Porto could double the goal scoring. But Luxembourg referee Hamer refused the hosts a penalty. Meanwhile, the fall of Kuarezhma at the entrance to the penalty area in the version of television people seemed to be a direct result of de Yong's bandwagon, and not a sin of simulation. However, the eleven meter debt was repaid by the referee at the end of the time. For some reason, Lyuboya, who came to defend himself, threw out his hand in pursuit of the ball, which fell at the far corner of the penalty area after the corner. Penalty Lucho Gonzalez in time appeased the Portuguese sadness over the loss of injured Anderson.

The ability of the guests to play two goals was not completely believed. Hamburg finally entered the image of a total loser. In the starting season, he did not win a single official victory. Coach Thomas Doll failed to close up the leak in the center of defense, from where the summer of transfer seized the tandem of Bulahruz and van Buyten at once. And before the visit to the Port, the Company was also torn out of the defensive order. In his place had to pull out from midfield experienced Wicca. Not only did the captain play unsuccessfully. He has not yet finished the match, asking for a substitution at the beginning of the second half.

Then Doll seemed to spit on fate and caution. He took off one defender, rebuilt the team on a tactical 3-4-3 circuit and blew a signal for the offensive. Alas, he was received in a call to action in a foreign camp. The first counterattack with exemplary dribbling of Quarezhma, throwing the ball into the penalty area and hitting Elder Poshtigi with his head in the opposition to the goalkeeper brought the third goal.

Anticipating the fourth, Bruno Moraes pas on Lysandro Lopez easily pierced the guest defense in the flabby center.

The consoling guest ball was circled by a penalty kick from the corner of the penalty Trochowski. According to the Hamburg account, he did not mean anything at all and only upset the goalkeeper of Porto Elton. He did not reach the “dry” match just a couple of minutes.


PORTO Portugal - HAMBURG Germany - 4: 1 (2: 0)

Goals: Lisandro Lopez, 14 (1: 0), Lucho Gonzalez, 45 (2: 0) - from the penalty spot, Elder Poshtiga, 69 (3: 0), Lisandro Lopez, 81 (4: 0), Trochowski, 89 (4 :one).

Porto: Elton, Pepe, Cech, Quarezhma (Vieirinha, 81), Lucho Gonzalez, Lisandro Lopez, Anderson (Jorginho, 43), Fusile, Bruno Alves, Raul Meileres, Elder Poshtiga (Bruno Moraes, 75).

Hamburg: Kirshstein, Sorin, Atuba (Guerrero, 68), Mataisen, Wicca (Klinbayl, 54), Mahdavikia, Trochowski, Sanogo, de Jong, Benjamin (Fillinger, 46), Luboya.

Warnings: Quaresma, 22, Luboia, 26, Fusile, 30, Mahdavikia, 31, de Jong, 89.

Judge: Hamer (Luxembourg).
Porto Dragau.


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