Maxim Kalinichenko: “I am ready to replace, if only the team wins”

Spartak's midfielder, who will take to the pitch in the main team of Spartak in less than an hour, told Sport Today about the emotions of red and white and about the painful topic of Gabriel Tamash.

- Did not expect to get to the base today?

- Everyone had a chance to get out. I want to play all 90 minutes, but I won’t talk about my form. We’ll see the degree of my readiness in the match. This is the first game of the season, so everyone will be hard.

- Because of weather?

- No, it is psychologically difficult to play the first official match, all the more so right away in the European Cup. God bless us to cope with our emotions.

- And what kind of emotions?

- I always want to start the season with a good result. I am sure that many of our players will start in earnest, because they have not played at this level for a long time.

- “Celta” brought to Moscow only one forward Bayano, and he was injured. Have you ever played with a team without nominee hitters?

“It is possible, but I don’t remember that on purpose.” I prefer to think about the problems and successes of my club. We need to play to win. Now, if our rivals came out without nominal defenders, it would really be easier. I think playing without forwards for Celta is not a problem. On the road, the most important thing is to avoid mistakes in defense, you can not think about an attack at all. Now any team is full of universal football players, so the Spaniards will somehow manage this.

- With Fedotov sorted "Celta" by personalities?

- A team is characterized by a team game, so they did not study anyone by their last names. We focused only on our own preparation. Let them fear us and study us. In newspapers and on satellite television, a lot of information has passed about Celta, its players, strengths and weaknesses. So those who wanted could study it in a detailed way. I mean the players and coaches of Spartak.

“He can't play Quincy.” Is this a serious loss for the team?

- The loss of one, even the most irreplaceable and cool player, should not put an end to the qualifications of the entire team.

- And if Pavlyuchenko hadn’t played, who has long been a permanent only forward?

- God forbid, of course! But let's do without the subjunctive mood. I don’t think losing one player is a tragedy.

“No matter how cynical it sounds, but due to the absence of Quincy, you will leave today from the first minutes.”

- The fact that I will go out at the base, I knew for a long time. And how to play, you will see for yourself.

- Now in the attack at “Spartak” plays one Pavlyuchenko, who is supported by a group of attacking midfielders. Among them must be Titov and Bystrov and someone on the left: Torbinsky, Quincy, you or Boyarintsev. And Kovalchuk can play there. Does this state of affairs correct you?

- I can play both on the right and in the center. Where I just do not play. All the left midfielders you listed are very different from each other. For this, there is a team - so that each player reveals his best qualities and with their help eliminated weaknesses. Therefore, we are not worth comparing. But for an opponent one Spartak may be more convenient, and the other - vice versa.

- Do you agree that you are the lifesaver of Spartak? Your role is to replace and score a decisive goal.

- Yes, I'm ready to be any stick, if only the team won.

- Perhaps the former Spartak Gabriel Tamas will play against you today. They say he harbored a grudge against Spartak because of the constant sitting in the reserve.

- For him, Spartak is a sore subject, because he was not allowed to play there.

- Spartak bosses were right that they did not transfer the match to Krasnodar?

- For me personally, it is better to play in Moscow, even in the cold. You don’t have to go anywhere, and after the game I will immediately find myself in the family circle. You can come home after the game, plop down on the couch and not think about anything.

- Recently, there was information again that the start of the championship, you still leave Spartak.

Again these rumors?” I don’t know anything about this.

- Who knows?

- Well, who? God…


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