Times are changing, Spartak - no

Moscow “Spartak”, having played in the First Channel Cup in a draw with Dynamo Kiev, did not surprise anyone in comparison with last season. Vladimir Fedotov presented to the public the same “fun” and “valid” team.

Strictly speaking, the match against Dynamo was not the first for the Spartacists in the offseason. But for most of their fans, the meeting was just a debut, an opportunity to see on TV after the winter separation. And it was impossible to come up with the best sparring partner.

Spartak played according to the 4-5-1 scheme with Pavlyuchenko habitually pushed to the tip. Fedotov probably had no choice. With the only forward clogging forward still, this arrangement was guessed with amazing ease. Like most performers in it.

Unless the appearance of Torbinsky and Sabitov was from the category of predictable surprises. The left flank, to which Torbinsky was sent, was plowed in turn last season. But neither Boyarintsev, nor Quincy, nor Kovalchuk, nor Dmitry himself became solid wingers there. Well, the exit of Sabitov, while the only newcomer, was dictated by the logic of the preseason. No matter how you color the poster of the match, no matter how you inflate the budget of the event and how many Abramovichs get into the box, the tournament will remain friendly.

The main events fit in the first half hour. Spartak started off the bat and already in the 7th minute opened an account. Bystrov rushed along the flank at ultrasonic speed and shot at Torbinsky, who, in a clash with two defenders, closed a cross.

I immediately remembered the last match of last season with Sporting. Isn't it true that similar goals were scored then on “Jose Alvalade” by Kalinichenko and Boyarintsev?

As in Portugal, the Spartacists soon doubled the score. Sergey Rebrov helped them in this, from which the ball flew into the net. Together with Mozart, who filed a corner, and Pavlyuchenko, who cut the ball into the far corner, the Ukrainian made a beautiful goal.

And then it looked like Lisbon. Opponent of Spartak closed the gap. And here you can not do without the "last season" analogies. Kowalewski again, like in the match against Torpedo, threw the ball “behind the collar”. Only now, for the Poles, the crossbar has entered for several seconds. However, smart Mikhalik nevertheless embodied Wojciech's mistake into a goal.

And after five minutes it became 2: 2. Kowalewski could not fix the ball after a blow from Kiev, and Jiranek dumped Milevsky, who was trying to restore the status quo. The result - a penalty, clearly implemented Rebrov. As for the guard of the Muscovites' gates, this time he also reminded the fans of Spartak how he had been mistaken last year. They hardly forgot the match with Moscow.

After the second goal, all doubts about the need to find a new goalkeeper by Fedun and Co. disappeared. Kowalewski, having lost confidence in himself, seems to be losing his place in the club.

The remaining 60 minutes were not as exciting as the first 30. Although to say that the audience was bored is to frown. The teams were looking for pleasure in attacks, forced the goalkeepers to work in sweat.

Who else is remembered? Pavlyuchenko, aimed at the gate, but sometimes not noticing partners. Titov, skillfully conducting the attack, but clearly lacking in speed. Bystrov, who terrorized the Kievans on the flank the whole game, but who ruined the most accurate moment, is the same as in the game with Bayern Munich. Kovalchuk, who still does not find “his” position on the field. Boyarintsev, motor and shot on goal at the earliest opportunity.

In general, everything is as always. For a complete set of impressions, only the last goal conceded or scored (preferably by the same Boyarintsev) was missing.

Russian teams still can not beat the Ukrainian in the framework of the First Channel Cup. And Spartak -2007 remains an exact copy of Spartak -2006. And you won’t say right away whether it is good or bad.

Dynamo Ukraine - Spartak Russia - 2: 2 (2: 2)

Goals: 0: 1 - Torbinsky (7), 0: 2 - Rebrov (18, own goal), 1: 2 - Mikhalik (26), 2: 2 - Rebrov (30, from the penalty spot).

SPARTAK: Kovalevsky, Sabitov (Zheder, 46), Jiranek, Strantzl, Shishkin, Kovach (Boyarintsev, 68), Mozart, Titov, Bystrov (Bazhenov, 85), Torbinsky (Kovalchuk, 27), Pavlyuchenko

DYNAMO: Shovkovsky, Gusev (Shatskikh, 65), Kadduri, Gavranchich, Rodrigo (Vashchuk, 46), Markovich, Mikhalik, Ninkovich (Belkevich, 65), Correa, Rebrov, Milevsky (Kleber, 74).

Warnings: Milevsky (64), Mikhalik (70), Kovalchuk (89).

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