Team for Forsberg

Peter Forsberg will no longer suffer in Philadelphia. A big man and a big player with very big health problems got the opportunity to play big hockey again, sorry for repeating this dimensional adjective so often. On the night of Saturday to Sunday, Foppa played his first Nashville match. The team he deserves. And which is worthy of him.

To begin with, a fact: Nashville acquired Peter Forsberg from Philadelphia, who will enter the market in the summer as an unlimited free agent. That is, acquired at best for four months. Such a pleasure cost the "predators" not cheap. In return, I had to give Scotty Upshall, Ryan Parent, as well as the elections in the first and third rounds of the next draft. Although to say that it is expensive, the language also does not turn.

What is Upshall, Parent and Two Peaks for Nashville? The first is a diligent hockey player, not without perspective, but who did not play an important role in the team. And most importantly, a bit behind peers, who not so long ago were quoted at about the same level with him (Lehtonen, Baumister, Pitkianen, Lupul, Bouchard). The second is a very young, not sniffing NHL gunpowder, continuing to play in the junior league. And its Enhael prospects are, by and large, foggy. The depth of the composition and the number of promising youth in the system only reduce the value of these players for the Predators. Draft peaks, given the current status of the club, are also not so hot at all. So, apparently the price was not small, but Nashville could easily afford it without unnecessary regrets.

And what is Forsberg for Nashville? First of all, hope. As the head coach of the “predators” Barry Trots rightly remarked on this occasion, it would be simply foolish not to take this chance. Twenty years later, he said, he would have to tear his hair out because he missed the opportunity to compete for the Stanley Cup because he had not bought a Swede. It sounds somewhat pathetic, but, in fact, true. The magnificent Nashville this season could, of course, have fought for the cup without Forsberg. But it’s much more convenient with him.

Of course, Trot exaggerates. But here it is not a matter of one specific player, who will immediately increase the status of the club and its chances of success. This question is more psychological. The Forsberg level star dramatically raises the team’s self-esteem. Even though Nashville is already tall. Now it’s absolutely certain that any player can undoubtedly tell himself and others: “We have everything to take the cup. We are in no way inferior to competitors. ”

But this is very important, given that in the regular season the “predators” the third season is in order, and the playoffs for them are limited to two flights in the first round. And sorties, I must say, inglorious. So Forsberg is also an experience. Colossal, invaluable. It’s the cup experience. Offhand Fopp scored more points in the playoffs than the entire current Nashville roster combined. Who is not lazy - count. Most likely it is. And not even forgetting about the chronic injuries of a precious recruit, we must admit that he is a worthwhile acquisition, whatever one may say ...

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In the wake of the exchange, Forsberg told reporters that he was "a little shocked." What you need to comprehend what happened. That he was in no hurry to sign a new contract with Philadelphia solely out of a desire to carefully consider his prospects in the summer and assess his state of health. May be so. Although the cunning of pure water: everyone knows about the clause in the contract of Peter on the impossibility of exchange. And without his personal desire this item could not be circumvented. So - there can be no talk of shock. In addition, the Forsberg exchange was probably the most anticipated this season. Since then, as it became clear that the presence of "pilots" among outsiders is far from accidental. That the crisis is serious and systemic in the team. That the time has come for a major restructuring. But Foppa did not have much time and very little health to get this hippopotamus out of the swamp.

“Philadelphia” without Forsberg (before his exchange) played 17 matches this season, in which they did not win a single victory (but after the exchange, they immediately defeated the Rangers). In this sense, for the team, his departure is, of course, a loss. But the loss is local. Forsberg could no longer help the Flyers, who were stuck in last place in the league. He would have pulled out several matches on his talent, lifted a couple of steps up, nothing would have changed.

In 2003, the “pilots” chose two excellent centers in the first round of the draft at once - Jeff Carter and Mike Richards. Today they need to give the first two links already, and be patient, wait until they grow up, and with them the whole team. After all, "Philadelphia" is now where there is only one road - up. Well, why would she use Forsberg? And why is Forsberg? For the role of "uncle" for Carter and Richards, if they need one, it will fit, for example, Knubble ...

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Simon Gagnier said in an interview with Courier Post Online that Forsberg almost swore an oath to him: in the summer, first of all, consider the Philadelphia proposal. That is, the return of Foppa after going for Lord Stanley’s cup - especially if he proves successful - is very likely. You can recall a very recent precedent when the “St. Louis” gave “Carolina” Doug Waite for the first round of the draft, after which he returned to the “Blues” without any compensation ring with the championship ring.

But Forsberg is not Waite, with all due respect to the second. Fopp already kissed the goblet twice. Not for him to “Nashville” to do it for the third time. In any case, not only for this. His return would be a mistake. Forsberg and Philadelphia do not need each other. Especially - she told him.

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