The digest of fresh materials from the world of the frontend for the last week No. 317 (May 28 - June 3, 2018)

We offer you a selection with links to new materials from the front-end area and around it.

Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Browsers | Entertaining


podcast Podcast “Web Standards”, Release No.123: YaC and WWDC, new Chrome, Edge and Firefox, nesting, calc and CSS hackers, how to write code quickly, variable fonts, await and ES modules, is there a beast full stack, Yandex Landings
podcast Podcast "Frontend Weekend" # 55 - Nikita Prokopov about ClojureScript, blogging and creating your own font
podcast Devschacht podcast: Night Frontend # 35 - RIT ++
podcast Podcast "Frontend Youth (18+)" # 50 Myths about zero configuration
podcast CSSSR Podcast: News 512 - Issue # 8 (May 28 - Jun 3)
video ALL YOUR HTML # 51: “Connected Particles in 3D”

Web development

en New releases: GSAP 2.0 , WordPress 15 , Lighthouse 3.0 preview , Material-UI v1 release , Jest 23 , TypeScript 2.9 preview
en Why is the development of the frontend so unstable?
en The cult of complexity . Jeffrey Zeldman's critical note on the current state of web development
en Create responsive image . How to create a logo that matches the ratio of its sides
en 9 amazing secrets of PWA
en Available focus indicators: what you need to focus on


Algebra in calc (), new specificity of level 4 selectors and other May CSS news
Where everything is difficult with line breaks. Here are all the CSS and HTML tricks for this.
Explaining Z-index: how to position elements using CSS
en Resolving Life Problems with CSS
en critters - Webpack plugin for inlining critical CSS and lazy loading for the rest.
en How CSS Works: Understanding the Cascade
en Gradient Change Status with CSS Transitions and Animations
en HSL () / HSLa () are great for software color control.


Useful methods of arrays and objects in javascript
en #SmooshGate FAQ
en Properties of modern javascript that you should use every day to improve development and what problems they solve
en Best Practices for Using Modern JavaScript Syntax
en Capturing and reporting javascript errors using window.onerror


Chrome 67 web browser release
In Firefox 63, the mining script blocker cryptocurrency will be introduced
Vulnerability in Chrome and Firefox throughout the year made it possible to get data on Facebook profiles
Google Chrome has added support for passwordless authentication on WebAuthn standard sites.


Return of Geektimes to Habr
Architect Big Data Tesla: our autopilot is SkyNet from Terminator
Which fonts are best used for complex data
How to teach a child to program
Is QWERTY a bad layout and why can’t we refuse it?
Microsoft is negotiating the purchase of GitHub

We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicate links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal, we are trying to fix them quickly.

Digest from last week .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .


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