Based on enterprise level software, tested millions of times: openSUSE Leap 15 released

A fresh public release based on SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 (abbreviated SLE 15 - approx. Lane) brings a huge variety of newest software, an easy transition to SLE, transactional updates, server roles, extensible images for the clouds and provides Linux laptops.

Today's (May 25, 2018 - approx. Lane) major release of openSUSE Step 15 (openSUSE Leap 15) offers artisans, entrepreneurs, and the NPPO (Independent Software Supplier = Independent Software Vendor) a new, fresh and seasoned code base for their workloads that supports modern hardware, based on the established GNU / Linux build. This openSUSE release is designed with a new, more secure, improved proven and much more open build system with open source, which is exclusively for SUSE and openSUSE.

New opportunities

OpenSUSE Step 15 allows the transition to SLE (SUSE Linux Enterprise - approx. Ln.). Introduces a new drive allocator, adds Groupware Kopano, switches to Firewalld. Delivered by Linode for cloud and industrial installations and Tuxedo Laptops for advanced iron (other suppliers of clouds and equipment will catch up later). In addition, openSUSE Step 15 provides a selection of system role selections from a regular server and a transactional server, the second has transactional updates and a read-only root file system. The transactional server provides the benefits of seamless updates for the entire set of installations, from the Web of Things (IoT) and embedded devices to conventional servers and desktops. In addition, Step 15 has been continuously improved for use in the clouds as a guest imaginary calculator (as virtualization guest), and also offers a variety of desktop environments, including KDE and GNOME, and returns live images to users for a simple sample.

New appearance close to SLE

With a completely new look and feel developed by the community, openSUSE Step 15 delivers a host of public software built on top of SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) 15 code. For the first time, major software releases were created simultaneously from the very beginning. OpenSUSE Step 15 has a single base software with SLE 15, the release of the latter is expected in the coming months. The first release of openSUSE Step was 42.1, it was based on the first set of updates (SP1) from SLE 12. Three years later, the paid SLE and free openSUSE are aligned on the 15th release with a fresh build.

“Having a public and industrial release with the same DNA is a smart way to interact with open source habitat,” says Kai Dupke, a long-time openSUSE user and SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 Chief Production Officer. “(OpenSUSE) The step gives you more flexibility and freedom of choice for developers and users. "

Easy transition to industrial assembly

Accordingly, for the first time, SUSE will support the transition from the openSUSE server installation. Step on SUSE Linux Enterprise, which will make it easier for implementers to develop software at openSUSE Step, and later - transition to industrial implementation for DCPU (SLA = Service Level Agreement = service agreement = DCPA) , evidence of widespread deployment or extended long-term support (extended LTS).

"The transition to paid software (from free to - approx. Lane) can be difficult for developers who want to transfer solutions from public Linux assemblies to industrial ones," explains Dupke. “With openSUSE Step 15 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 this journey will be easy. We know that the community is where innovations are emerging, and the developers of the openSUSE community Step 15 can now easily extend their limits to industrial Linux, if necessary. Step 15 offers the fastest and most flexible transition to industrial maintenance, support and technical support. ”

OBS, OpenQA: better tested, more secure and more open than others

Using the Open Build Service and openQA , the openSUSE Step became the best and most proven Linux build, and it is built quite differently than any other build, because it uses a much more secure development method than its rivals.

The public build with its industrial base was developed in collaboration with SUSE developers using open source software and openSUSE tools such as the Open Build Service and openQA, and passed over a million test runs .

An active developer community, the availability of open source tools and the alignment of Step and SLE builds make it easy to contribute to Step and further move innovations and open source solutions.

All the usual rules and some new services for work networks

For all current Step users (Leap), a seamless upgrade to Step 15 is available. We advise you to make this transition over the next six months. As with previous releases, system administrators and small businesses can use Pitch to host web and mail servers or to manage their network using DHCP, DNS, NTP, Samba, NFS, LDAP, and hundreds of other services.

File sharing and cloud services include software like NextCloud and even the Kopano collaboration software suite (formerly known as Zarafa) —that ’s all in the service repositories. Step 15.

New installer and razmetovchik drive, moving to Firewalld

Step 15 further improves YaST (adaptable for setting up and installing + software updates in SUSE and openSUSE) - one of the most powerful tools in openSUSE. For example, the Libstorage-ng drive markup subsystem has been redesigned, has become more powerful and reliable, and has raised usability to a new level. The same applies to moving from SuSEfirewall2 to the widely used Firewalld firewall management tool, which provides improved pairing with changeable network settings (dynamic network setups).

Admins who want a broad deployment, say, in cloud solutions, will find improvements in AutoYaST useful. Its property sets contain data for software installation and its settings to simplify remotely controlled installation. The new version of AutoYaST benefits from cleaned property sets, an extended description, and now supports new markup properties in Libstorage-ng.

Images, deployment and hardware from Linode and Tuxedo

Today's release of the release of Step 15 was not only released on DVD and downloadable images: Linode and iron supplier TUXEDO Computers also have ready-made cloud images. While the latest TUXEDO InfinityBook Pro 13 is now available from Step 15, pre-installed and ready to launch, Linode has it for all industrial applications. And there will be even more cloud images and iron suppliers that will provide Step 15 in the coming weeks, pre-installed or deployable.

Full updates from Kubic: additional components for connoisseurs

This release offers a selection of guises (system role selection) from regular and transactional servers. Introduced by Kubic , which is a separate project for creating a container platform from openSUSE, this role uses transactional updates and the read-only root file system, which gives Step 15 all the benefits of seamless updates in many applications, including container hosts, a Network of Things (Internet of Things, IoT) and common server tasks with possible future applications and on desktops.

Created by dimensionless

OpenSUSE Step is also great and prepared for use as a virtual machine (VM, imaginary computer) or container guest (container guest), allowing artisans to efficiently perform network services regardless of whether it is a single server or data center (data center).

Any images for desktop and for direct launch are available.

OpenSUSE Step users can choose their favorite desktop environment, settings and installations. GNOME release in openSUSE This step is the same as used in SLE 15, now it uses Wayland by default. The GNOME Builder is available for the first time in openSUSE. The default step, allowing easy deployment for GNOME designs ( GNOME Projects ). KDE and the latest release of Glow 5.12 Long-Term Support (Plasma 5.12 Long-Term-Support) are also available for SLE 15 from the Assembling Site ( PackageHub ), including all of its tools and community-supported applications. OpenSUSE Step offers the return of live images for the above mentioned images .

Health and Science

The openSUSE Build Step supports healthcare, science, research and development communities with sets like GNU Health , which will contribute to hospital operations and patient data collection, and QGIS , which will allow researchers to create, change, display, parse, and publish locally-dependent information (geospatial information).

Equipment families

OpenSUSE Step works with AMD64 (X86_64) and deployment scenarios can be performed for the hardware of the immediate, virtual (virtual), host and guest, as well as the cloud. Issues for other calculators like ARM64 and POWER are in the work of the community.

Supporting and security-enhancing updates for the openSUSE series of Step 15 releases are expected for at least three years. Users would need to upgrade to the latest update packs (Service Packs, SP) for Step 15 within six months of releasing each set of updates to receive the provided patches. Update sets are expected to be released once a year. (Usually in openSUSE, the release of the main release and the complementary one — that is, with the built-in set of updates — takes place in the summer in the middle of the year, in June-July - comment. Per.).

Additions from the translator:

  1. OpenSUSE Leap 15 uses the Linux kernel 4.12, not 4.14. The previous openSUSE Leap 42.3 release was on Linux 4.4. Linux 4.12 is not LTS (release with long support), SUSE (for SUSE) will be supported during support of Leap 15 (36 months + some more).
  2. On the openSUSE website, there is a metalink link, to get the torrent and magnet links, open the link “choose a mirror”, find the section “P2P links”. Nearby you will find metalink links of both types (new and old samples).
  3. Recommended system requirements:
    • dual core processor 2 GHz or better
    • 2 GB of system memory
    • More than 40 GB of free hard disk space
    • DVD drive or USB port for installation media
    • Internet access does not hurt, but is required for network installation

The hardware requirements are the same with the current openSUSE Tumbleweed and are older than Leap 42.3.


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