Astrologers announced week of iOS development in Avito

In fact, not even a week, but more - it coincided that in the coming days, Avito will host several big events, interesting iOS-developers. Already on Monday in our office we will have a joint review of WWDC, on Tuesday we are planning to hold a thematic question and answer section Ask Me Anything (go to this blog on June 5th, starting at 12:00 Moscow time), and on June 16 we will hold a traditional meeting Avito iOS Summer Edition.

During the mitap, let's talk about monitoring in mobile applications, developing, launching and stabilizing functional tests, discuss how cross-functional teams work and what the correct dependency manager should be.
You will hear reports from representatives of Group, Sberbank and Avito. Under the cut - theses from the speakers, the link to the registration and important information about the live video broadcast mitap.

Avito iOS Summer Edition


Cross functionality. How to expand the boundaries of their capabilities and bring users happiness. Ivan Bondar (Avito)

“I will talk about how we came from monolithic functions to small full-featured teams, why we needed it, what problems we faced and how we solved them. And, of course, you will find out what does cross-functionality have to do with it and how it helps to achieve the best results both for the teams and the developers themselves. ”

Monitoring and diagnostics of “live problems” in Mail.Ru Clouds mobile apps. Pavel Osipov (Mail.Ru Group)

“Monitoring has long been an indispensable tool for exploiting backends. In the field of mobile development, this practice is still considered a luxury. However, the mantra, that if you did not release a new version today, then everything works just as well as yesterday, it is no longer applicable to modern iOS and Android applications. The report is devoted to methods of identifying and diagnosing problems in combat versions of Mail.Ru Cloud applications and is spiced with life stories and open-source libraries. ”

UI test infrastructure in Avito. Vladislav Alekseev (Avito)

“I'll tell you about the experience of developing, launching and stabilizing functional tests in Avito. Together we analyze the common problems that occur on the way of everyone who tries to implement testing in their project. We will overcome obstacles encountered by experienced soldiers fighting over the UI testing problem: speeding up tests, “curing” red tests, infrastructure support for several versions of iOS, circumventing TeamCity limitations, analyzing infrastructure behavior during the run of thousands of UI tests. I will give ideas, I will point out the tools that we use. ”

What should be the dependency manager for a large project on the example of Sberbank-Online iOS. Ilya Lunkin (Sberbank)

“The report will tell the story of the development of modularity on our project, about how we reduced the average compile time of a project in a million lines of code to 15 seconds and created the possibility of independent development and transparent release for 90+ developers. And how our own dependency manager helped us with this. ”


12:00 - 12:30 - Registration
12:30 - 13:15 - Cross functionality. How to expand the boundaries of their capabilities and bring users happiness - Ivan Bondar (Avito)
13:25 - 14:10 - Monitoring and diagnostics of “live problems” in Mail.Ru Cloud mobile applications - Pavel Osipov ( Group)
14:10 - 14:40 - Break
14:40 - 15:25 - Infrastructure of UI-tests in Avito - Vladislav Alekseev (Avito)
15:45 - 17:00 - What should be the dependency manager for a large project on the example of Sberbank-Online iOS - Ilya Lunkin (Sberbank)
5:00 pm - ....... - Afterparty

Passwords and attendances

Participation in the event is free, registration is required .
Address: Avito office, Lesnaya 7 .
Look for the live broadcast link on the day of the event on the YouTube channel of Egor Tolstoy:.

See you!


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