Fintech Digest: DG approved cryptocurrency laws that are inconsistent with experts, fintech solutions are becoming more popular

All over the world, including Russia, fintech solutions are becoming increasingly popular. Statistics on the world, relatively detailed, regularly laid out by well-known analytical agencies. But for Russia, such data so far has not yet been. Now they have appeared, and you can get acquainted with them after kata. In addition, it also tells about the opinions of Russian experts on the laws approved by the State Duma in the first reading. These opinions, to put it mildly, are not very good.

Let's start, perhaps, all the same with the State Duma . On May 22, the deputies approved several bills in the first reading, including “On digital financial assets ”, “On introducing amendments to the first, second and fourth parts of the Civil Code (GC) of the Russian Federation”, “On alternative ways to attract investments ( crowdfunding )”.

At the same time, in different bills such concepts as cryptocurrency and tokens are mixed , and in one of them - “About crowdfunding”, nothing is said about cryptocurrency at all. With all this, the legal justification of the term "cryptocurrency" is necessary because it will allow the business to carry out various operations with digital means.

Another problem is, of course, the requirement to fully identify the participants of the crypto market. Officials consider this requirement legitimate, arguing that identification will help counteract money laundering and terrorist financing. In fact, this is not entirely true; in most cases, the requirement will simply complicate the lives of ordinary businessmen. After all, even digital wallets will need to use only those that belong to exchange operators, you cannot use your own.

Accordingly, if you wish to deal with Russian cryptocurrency projects, foreign partners will need to comply with the requirements of Russian legislation. And this means the need to entrust your funds to these very “operators”, which nobody knows abroad and will hardly be trusted. And one more thing - the exchange of digital assets, according to the bills, is possible only for rubles or foreign currency. Cryptocurrency cannot be used as a means of settlement in tokens purchase transactions.

The consequence of the adoption of bills in its current form will be the inability to use smart contracts. In addition, investments can be made only in the form of non-cash funds transferred to the operator of the investment platform. Which investors will agree to such conditions? Maybe someone will take the risk, but there will be few of them, even here the services of fortune-tellers are not needed.

And one more thing - investors who want to participate in the ICO will be divided into skilled and unskilled. For the latter will set the maximum amount of funds that they will be able to invest in ICO. As far as can be understood, it will be 500 thousand rubles.

On top of all that has been said, it is worth mentioning an important point - it is now unclear how cryptocurrency should be considered from the side of business accounting and tax accounting. It is not clear how digital property can be recovered as part of the enforcement proceedings, taking into account the peculiarities of the issue and circulation of digital assets.

Well, now for the good . The Central Bank will soon launch a fast payment system. This project will be implemented together with partners - Russian banks. It will be combined with another one - the financial services marketplace, which is planned to be part of the national fintech infrastructure.

“New opportunities for financial sector customers are opening up with the creation of a marketplace platform, we are discussing this topic with market participants, and a prototype platform will be presented next week. Through the marketplace, market participants will be able to offer their products and services, and customers will quickly and easily compare the offers that exist on the market and purchase the necessary products and services in terms of price and quality, ”said Elvira Nabiullina, head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Another positive news is that popularity and demand for fintech solutions is gradually increasing in Russia. Such a conclusion can be made according to research company EY. The study says that Russia has already entered the top three largest markets in the world in terms of the frequency of using innovative services in the financial sector. In the first and second place - China and India. The most active growth drivers are online payments, non-bank transfers and payment using a smartphone.

And, perhaps, the last for today . Moscow authorities interviewed 5,000 residents of the capital. Subject of the survey - how digital technologies will change in Moscow by 2030. The results of the survey - in the video .


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