What to see on weekends: 5 hacker movies

Filmmakers often allow bloopers and inaccuracies in matters related to technology (which leads, among other things, to the appearance of posts like “ Why hacking in Hollywood films is terrible ”). But despite this, there are films in the world about hackers who want to be reviewed again and again. Below is our selection of the most interesting stories in this genre.

War Games (1983)

Young hacker David Lightman hacks into the Pentagon’s computer network. On one of the computers, he finds a list that takes over the list of games. And there really were games there, but besides checkers, bridge and poker there were names like “Air battles” and “Military operations in urban conditions”.

David launched one of the “games” and chose a side - the USSR. The problem is that these games were not intended for people, but for training the intellectual system WOPR (War Operation Plan Response), which must respond to a possible attack on the United States. The highest military command decides that the USSR is attacking them, and they begin to prepare a retaliatory strike. Realizing that he had done, the young man wants to stop playing, but this is not so easy to do.

Hackers (1995)

An eleven-year-old computer genius wrote a virus that infected more than 1,500 computers and caused panic on the New York Stock Exchange. Parents of a teenager were fined $ 45,000, and he received a suspended sentence and a ban on using a computer and a telephone until the age of majority.

Seven years later, the young man gets acquainted with the company of hackers. One of them accidentally penetrates the network of the oil producing corporation and receives a file that proves the theft of money and environmental crimes of the company's management. For a group of hackers begins a real hunt.


Angela Bennet works as a tester. One day, she receives from her colleague Dale a floppy disk with a trojan that the cyberterrorist group uses to attack important IT systems (banks, airports, special services databases). Soon Dale is killed in a strange car accident, Angela goes on vacation, where they steal documents from her and try to kill her. The girl finds out that she became the target of the very group.

Upon returning home, it turns out that hackers have changed all her data in state registration systems: now, from the point of view of the authorities, she is a wanted criminal, her house is sold, even someone else goes to her work instead. The problem is that the girl led a closed lifestyle, and she had almost no friends. Angela has to confront criminals alone.

Hacking (2000)

The film tells the story of the life and work of the legendary hacker Kevin Mitnick. He is on probation, but the FBI agents trick the hacker into hacking, violating the conditions of the probationary period. As a result, the hero will go to jail. He manages to escape from prison and successfully hide from the authorities.

One day, Mitnick finds out about information security specialist Tsutomu Simomour, who invented a telephone to listen to other people's calls. Interested in the project, Mitnik hacks into Tsutomu's computer and steals files. In them, he finds an encrypted virus that allows paralyzing all known systems on the Internet.

Cyber ​​(2015)

According to the plot of the film, an unknown hacker group carries out simultaneous attacks on a nuclear power plant in Hong Kong and the Chicago Stock Exchange. Chinese and US intelligence agencies jointly investigate the case. They decide to bring to the case of an American hacker named Nicholas Hathaway - he was one of the creators of the software used to attack.

Now he is released from prison, wearing a special tracking bracelet on his leg. His task is to help stop cyberterrorists.

And what movies about hackers do you know?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412927/

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