Development of smart devices on the example of a heated floor controller on ESP8266

I want to share my experience in developing a smart device. In this publication I will describe the hardware (briefly) and software (in more detail) software.

The controller is designed to analyze the readings of the sensors (wired and wireless) and maintain the set (taking into account the schedule, including by the day of the week) temperature in each individual zone, by turning the boiler on / off and controlling the underfloor heating loops using thermal heads on the collector.


ESP8266 (WeMos D1 mini) was chosen as the controller, because has wifi on board. Instead of ESP8266, any other controller or microcomputer can be used - the general ideas will remain unchanged, the main thing is that a WEB server supporting WEB sockets could be deployed on the selected system. The project also used:

operating system

The operating system is all the software that ensures the operability of the application program. The operating system is also a layer between the iron and the application program, providing a high-level interface to access hardware resources. In the case of ESP components of the operating system can be considered:

File system

The project uses SPIFFS, everything seems to be clear here, this is the easiest way. For easy access to files on the device from the outside, I use the nailbuster / esp8266FTPServer library.

CPU allocation system

This is one of the main functions of the operating system and ESP will not be an exception. A global object (singleton) Timers is responsible for the parallel execution of various threads of the algorithm. The class is quite simple and provides the following functionality:

Thus, the loop function looks like this:

 void loop(void) { ESP.wdtFeed(); Timers.doLoop(); CPULoadInfo.doLoop(); } 

In practice, the loop function contains several more lines; they will be described below.
A listing of the Timers class is attached.

CPU time accounting

Service function that has no practical application. Nevertheless, it is. It is implemented by CPULoadInfo. When the object is initialized, the number of iterations of the empty cycle is measured in a short period of time:

 void CPULoadInfoClass::init() { uint32_t currTime = millis(); //      1 while ((millis() - currTime) < 10) { delay(0); MaxLoopsInSecond++; } MaxLoopsInSecond *= 100; } 

Then, count the number of calls to the loop procedure per second, count the processor load in percent, and save the data to the buffer:

 void CPULoadInfoClass::doLoop() { static uint32_t prevTime = 0; uint32_t currTime = millis(); LoopsInSecond++; if ((currTime - prevTime) > 1000) { memmove(CPULoadPercentHistory, &CPULoadPercentHistory[1], sizeof(CPULoadPercentHistory) - 1); int8_t load = ((MaxLoopsInSecond - LoopsInSecond) * 100) / MaxLoopsInSecond; CPULoadPercentHistory[sizeof(CPULoadPercentHistory) - 1] = load; prevTime = currTime; LoopsInSecond = 0; } } 

Using this approach allows you to get the same processor usage by each individual thread (if you connect this subsystem with the Timers class), but as I said, I don’t see any practical application for this.

Input / output system

UART-USB and WEB interface are used to communicate with the user. About UART I think it is not required to tell in detail. The only thing you should pay attention to is for convenience and compatibility with non-ESP the serialEvent () function is implemented:

 void loop(void) { // … if (Serial.available()) serialEvent(); // … } 

With the WEB interface everything is much more interesting. Dedicate him to a separate section.

WEB interface

In the case of smart devices, in my opinion, the WEB interface is the most user-friendly solution.

I consider using the screen connected to the device to be outdated practice - it’s impossible to create a simple, convenient, beautiful interface when using a small screen and a limited set of buttons.

Using specific programs to control the device imposes restrictions on the user, adds the need to develop and support these programs, and also requires the developer to take care of the delivery of these programs to the user's terminal devices. In an amicable way, the application should be published in the app stores of Google, Apple, Windows, and also available in the Linux repositories in the form of deb and rpm packages - otherwise, access to the device interface may be difficult for some part of the audience.

Access to the device's WEB interface is available from any operating system — Linux, Windows, Android, MacOS, on the desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone — as long as there is a browser. Of course, the developer of the WEB interface needs to take into account the features of various devices, but this mainly concerns the size and resolution. Access to the WEB interface of a smart device in a house / flat / dacha is easily provided from the outside via the Internet - now it’s hard to imagine a house / apartment in which there are smart devices and no router and Internet, and in a router such access is configured with a few clicks ( not at all in the subject, help keywords - "port forwarding" and "dynamic DNS"). In the case of giving access can be provided using a 3G router.

To implement the WEB interface, a WEB server is required. I am using the me-no-dev / ESPAsyncWebServer library. This library provides the following functionality:

HTTP operating system services

In the current project, all the settings of the operating system are performed using HTTP services. HTTP service is a small independent data retrieval / modification functionality available via HTTP. Next, consider the list of these services.


I consider the implementation of any list of commands to be right with the implementation of the HELP command. Below is the WEB server initialization block:

 void HTTPserverClass::init() { //SERVER INIT help_info.concat(F("/'doc_hame.ext': load file from server. Allow methods: HTTP_GET\n")); AsyncStaticWebHandler& handler = server.serveStatic("na/", SPIFFS, "na/"); serveStaticHandlerNA = &handler; //       server.serveStatic("/", SPIFFS, "/"); //    //info //       help_info.concat(F("/info: get system info. Allow methods: HTTP_GET\n")); server.on("/info", HTTP_GET, handleInfo); … server.on("/help", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { request->send(200, ContentTypesStrings[ContentTypes::text_plain], help_info.c_str()); }); //    setAuthentication(ConfigStore.getAdminName(), ConfigStore.getAdminPassword()); DefaultHeaders::Instance().addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); //  -  //   server.begin(); //       DEBUG_PRINT(F("HTTP server started")); } 

Why do I need a help system, I think you should not tell. Some developers postpone the implementation of the help system for later, but this “later” usually does not occur. It is much easier to implement it at the beginning of the project and supplement it with the development of the project.
In my project, the list of possible services is also displayed in case of error 404 - the page was not found. The following services are currently implemented:

 /'doc_hame.ext': load file from server. Allow methods: HTTP_GET /info: get system info. Allow methods: HTTP_GET /time: get time as string (eg: 20140527T123456). Allow methods: HTTP_GET /uptime: get uptime as string (eg: 123D123456). Allow methods: HTTP_GET /rtc: set RTC time. Allow methods: HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST /list ? [dir=...] & [format=json]: get file list as text or json. Allow methods: HTTP_GET /edit: edit files. Allow methods: HTTP_GET, HTTP_PUT, HTTP_DELETE, HTTP_POST /wifi: edit wifi settings. Allow methods: HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST /wifi-scan ? [format=json]: get wifi list as text or json. Allow methods: HTTP_GET /wifi-info ? [format=json]: get wifi info as text or json. Allow methods: HTTP_GET /ap: edit soft ap settings. Allow methods: HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST /user: edit user settings. Allow methods: HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST /user-info ? [format=json]: get user info as text or json. Allow methods: HTTP_GET /update: update flash. Allow methods: HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST /restart: restart system. Allow methods: HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST /ws: web socket url. Allow methods: HTTP_GET /help: list allow URLs. Allow methods: HTTP_GET 

As you can see, there are no application services in the list of services. All HTTP services are operating system related. Each service performs one small task. Moreover, if the service requires the input of any data, then on request GET returns a minimal form of input:

 #ifdef USE_RTC_CLOCK help_info.concat(F("/rtc: set RTC time. Allow methods: HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST\n")); const char* urlNTP = "/rtc"; server.on(urlNTP, HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { DEBUG_PRINT(F("/rtc")); request->send(200, ContentTypesStrings[ContentTypes::text_html], String(F("<head><title>RTC time</title></head><body><form method=\"post\" action=\"rtc\"><input name=\"newtime\" length=\"15\" placeholder=\"yyyyMMddThhmmss\"><button type=\"submit\">set</button></form></body></html>"))); }); server.on(urlNTP, HTTP_POST, handleSetRTC_time); #endif // USE_RTC_CLOCK 

Subsequently, this service is used in a prettier interface:

Application Software

Finally came to what the system was created for. Namely - to the implementation of the applied task.

Any application program should receive the original data, process them and produce the result. Also, perhaps, the system should report the current state.

Baseline data for a warm floor controller are:

Thus, there are a number of settings that need to be somehow set, and there are a number of parameters that the system reports as the current state.
To communicate the controller with the outside world, I implemented a command interpreter that allowed the controller to be managed as well as to receive state data. Commands are transmitted to the controller in human-readable form, and can be transmitted via a UART or WEB socket (if you wish, you can implement support for other protocols, for example telnet).
The command line starts with a '#' and ends with a null character or a newline character. All commands consist of a command name and an operand, separated by a colon. For some commands, the operand is optional, in which case the colon and operand are not specified. Commands in the line are separated by commas. For example:


And of course, the list of commands starts with the Help command, which lists all valid commands (the commands transmitted for convenience of perception begin with the sign '>' instead of '#'):

 >help Help SetZonesCount Zone SetName SetSensor ... LoadCfg SaveCfg #Cmd:Help,CmdRes:Ok 

A feature of the implementation of the command interpreter is that information about the result of the command is issued also in the form of a command or a set of commands:

 >help#Cmd:Help,CmdRes:Ok >zone:123 #Cmd:Zone,Value:123,CmdRes:Error,Error:Zone 123 not in range 1-5 >SchemasInfo #SchemasCount:2 #Schema:1,Name:,DOWs:0b0000000 #Schema:2,Name:,DOWs:0b0000000 #Cmd:SchemasInfo,CmdRes:Ok 

On the side of the WEB client, a command interpreter is also implemented, which takes these commands and converts them into a graphic form. For example:

 >zonesInfo:3 #Zone:3,Name:,Sensor:0x5680,Schema:1,DeltaT:-20 #Cmd:ZonesInfo,CmdRes:Ok 

The WEB interface transmitted a request to the controller about zone number 3, and received in response the name of the zone, the identifier of the sensor associated with the zone, the identifier of the circuit assigned to the zone, and the temperature correction for the zone. The command interpreter does not understand fractional numbers, therefore the temperature is transmitted in tenths of a degree, i.e. 12.3 degrees is 123 tenths.

The key feature is that on any command, regardless of the command input method, the controller responds to all clients at once. This allows you to display the state change at once in all sessions of the WEB interface. Since The main transport of the exchange between the controller and the WEB interface is WEB sockets, the controller can transfer data without a request, for example, when new data comes from the sensors:


Or, for example, that these zones need to be updated:


The controller's WEB interface is built on the use of text commands. On one of the tabs of the interface there is a terminal with which you can enter commands in text form. Also, for debugging purposes, this tab allows you to find out which commands the WEB interface sends and receives during various user actions.

The command interpreter allows you to easily change and increase the functionality of the device, by changing the existing commands and adding new ones. At the same time, debugging of such a system is greatly simplified, since communication with the controller takes place exclusively in human readable language.


Using a similar approach, namely:

allows you to create solutions that are understandable to both users and developers. Such solutions are easy to modify. On the basis of such decisions it is easy to build new devices, with a completely different logic, but which will work on the same principles. You can create a line of devices with the same type of interface:

As you can see, in this project, only the first three pages of the interface are directly related to the application, and the rest are almost universal.

In this publication, I describe only my view on the construction of smart devices, and in no case do I pretend to be the ultimate truth.

Who is interested in this topic - write, maybe I'm in something wrong, and maybe some details it makes sense to describe in more detail.

What happened in the end: Fiasco. The story of one homemade IoT


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