Digest of June IT events

This time, the deal seems to do without the traditional summer period of lull: June opens the season with a whole scattering of mitaps for a variety of languages ​​and technologies and non-format events such as co-viewing broadcasts and a demonstration hacking office.

Gamedev Festival DEVSGO

When: June 2
Where: Moscow, st. Trifonovskaya, 57, p. 1
Participation conditions: free, registration required

Gameddev-festival from the DevsGo team with the support of educational programs on the gaming industry at the TSBI. First of all, the event is designed for novice developers who want to better understand the mechanics of the processes and the specifics of the industry. From the reports, participants will learn how to negotiate and make connections, look for their niche in the market, better understand the player’s psychology, bring the project to launch, and also discuss industry prospects with venerable game designers. In addition, within the framework of the festival there will be a showcase where indie-developers projects will be presented and prizes will be raffled.

König 101

When: June 2
Where: Kaliningrad, Moscow Avenue, 40, 14th floor
Participation conditions: free, registration required

The first episode of a series of web development mitapov and devops for the Kaliningrad community. The declared format is as follows: each of the meetings will be devoted to its own theme, which the speaker will predetermine in his speech in an hour in a speech; then follow questions and comments from the audience, smoothly flowing into free communication. The first topic from the list is the complexity of maintaining large-scale legacy projects, including migration to a new code, using the example of musescore.com.

Krasnodar Frontend: Meetup # 3

When: June 2
Where: Krasnodar, st. Karasunskaya, 60
Participation conditions: 200 rub.

A cozy evening for the future vendors in Krasnodar: development, javascript, layout, design, coffee. Four reports are on the agenda: an introduction to Elm as a language for developing web interfaces (tools, pros and cons); development of technology stack and practice tips for those who want to keep up with the times; TypeR: how to apply a proven pattern to ReactJS and whether to do it; and, finally, what are progressive web applications and web components, why the future is still behind them and, accordingly, how to use them.

View WWDC 2018 in the Avito office

When: June 4
Where: Moscow, st. Lesnaya, 7, Business Center "White Gardens", 15th floor
Participation conditions: free, registration required

Joint views are gaining popularity: if in the past month Moscow developers gathered at Avito's office to mentally populate Google I / O, now it was the turn of WWDC 2018. This time the program was expanded - besides the actual viewing, which will be the final two-hour chord of the evening, the participants discuss how to get to the main iOS event of the year live, hold a quiz and listen to first-hand impressions from an Avito employee, specially for the occasion sent to California.


When: June 4-6
Where: Tyumen, st. Republic, 142, Tyumen Technopark
Participation conditions: free, registration required

In Tyumen, the start-up competition is coming to an end, which means that the local community has a reason to get together, look at the rising stars and listen to how innovators from the jury talk about cases from their practice - more than 30 regional experts will attend the event. On the first day, the program will be especially intense: an exhibition of finalists' projects, a panel discussion for all participants, a competition of the first stage competition for the youngest and a number of sections with reports (IB, Smart City, project development). The second day is devoted to the presentation of projects, the determination of winners and non-networking. On the third day a number of workshops and business games will be held on the site.


When: June 4
Where: Moscow, st. Pokrovka, 47
Participation conditions: free, registration required

The general theme of the conference from the company Center-Game - technology in education. Various aspects of the use of modern learning solutions - interactivity, increasing the level of engagement, gamification - will be considered with concrete examples from the experience of large companies in the educational industry. The program is divided into three sections: presentation of new case studies from Center-Game, Teachbase and partners, discussion platforms where Digital Learning and entrepreneurship are discussed, live games testing.

ED summit

When: June 5-6
Where: Moscow, st. Pokrovka, 47
Conditions of participation: 10 000 rubles.

Continuing the theme of modern educational decisions: the very next day an international forum will be held on the relevant topic. A motley crowd will gather here - experts, investors, consumers, representatives of start-ups and companies, regulators - in the course of the dialogue to try to clarify requests for training tools today and outline an educational trajectory for a competitive business. The actual technical issues will be discussed in the areas of “Digital Personnel” (AI training, Fintech, robotization, cybersecurity, AR, VR, Computer Vision, blockchain and smart contracts) and, occasionally, “Education Technologies”. In addition to performances in coworking and pitch sessions, you can enjoy a demonstration of technologies and projects, and in networking - pleasant communication.

Forum "Infrastructure 2018"

When: June 5
Where: Moscow, 1st Zachatievsky lane, 4, event hall "Infospace"
Conditions of participation: 9900 rub.

Infrastructure as a foundation for digital enterprise services and applications. The forum will highlight various types of infrastructure solutions: IT infrastructure (convergent and hyperconvergent solutions, smart networks, network factories), storage infrastructure (NVMe, NVM over Fabric, Flash, backup storage and archiving), cloud infrastructure (hybrid cloud platforms, ready-made integrated solutions, border computing, solutions based on OpenStack) and data center infrastructure (modernization, design and construction, operation, energy saving and cooling systems, decentralization). In addition to all this, three workshops will be held at the site.

Penetration Test. Office hacking

When: June 6
Where: Moscow, Bersenevskaya Embankment, 6s3, Digital October
Participation conditions: free, registration required

A clear and effective demonstration of why crypto-security concerns are important. In the eyes of the amazed and slightly alarmed public, the speakers will consistently do the following: penetrate the local network, hack the video surveillance system, then go to the office and finish their looting with a top manager's computer. The guests of the seminar will be able to trace the sequence of steps in detail and ask them to comment on unclear points. This imitation of illegal activities will be carried out by major information security specialists from the organizing company “Electronic Cloud”.

Next Hop Networking Conference

When: June 6
Where: Moscow, st. Leo Tolstoy, 16
Participation conditions: free, registration required

The next event from Yandex will be interesting for those who have to deal with large high-load networks and all related problems, from overflowing forwarding tables and cascading failures to uneven load distribution and growth of the affected area of ​​errors. Employees of the company and invited experts (Intel, Equinix, Nuage Networks) will consider various aspects of setting up, operating and debugging the work of huge networks, will tell you about personally tested techniques and discuss the future of the industry. Reports will be presented in English.

Perl meetup

When: June 6
Where: Moscow, st. Leo Tolstoy, 16
Participation conditions: free of charge

Yandex staff writing Perl would also like to meet with sympathizers and share their case studies. These include working with dependencies, developing Perl applications using Docker, extracting data from source codes and preparing for analysis using Perl, and also a bonus report on non-standard code verification methods. Preference in the selection will be given to applicants with extensive development experience.

.Net Meetup

When: June 7
Where: Moscow, Andropov Avenue 18, building 2
Participation conditions: free, registration required

.Net Raiffeisenbank developers organize a general collection for all working with the platform. People with questions, advice, hot topics and a desire to speak and listen are welcome. For their part, the company's specialists have prepared two reports, which are described in more detail in the corporate blog .

Principles of object-oriented design SOLID, GRASP

When: June 7
Where: Moscow, st. Petrovka, 26, building 3
Participation conditions: free

And one more mitap, this time extremely focused and arranged by the forces of the SOFTER Open Meetups group. The conversation will focus on the principles of object-oriented design SOLID and GRASP, which will be considered on practical examples of their different programming languages. Those interested can familiarize themselves in advance with a small list of references provided on the event page. Relaxed atmosphere, elements of gamification and tea with cookies are attached.


When: June 8-9
Where: St. Petersburg, st. Garden, 15
Participation conditions: from 6000 rubles.

Russian conference on the frontend of the European spill. The composition of the speakers is appropriate - a mixture of experts from different countries, representing well-known companies (Microsoft, Spotify, 2gis). The program promises: typography, CSS in all details, game design, gradients, search strings, cross-platform and other interesting things.

Saint P Rubyconf II

When: June 10
Where: St. Petersburg, st. Lomonosov, 9
Participation conditions: free

The second St. Petersburg conference for Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers offers everyone a rare opportunity to interact with world-class specialists, Bozhidar Batsova and Nick Satterer, and not go broke on entrance tickets. Of course, the matter will not be limited to this: the program promises about a dozen speeches from experienced developers (metaprogramming, replication without conflicts with CRDT, event sourcing, new testing tools, working with large projects, and so on). Keep in mind that the official language of the event is English.

International competition of female startups

When: June 15-16
Where: Moscow, st. Novoslobodskaya, 16
Participation conditions: free

A bit of gender segregation: the European association, which aims to help women develop their own business in the early stages, has reached Russia for the first time this year. The requirements for the teams are the following: the woman should be the founder or the leader and / or half and more of the team should be female. The semi-final will be held in Moscow after the selection of online applications by the expert committee, then the winners will go to London. Both stages include educational events: a two-day bootcamp for startups will be held at the Moscow site, and the finalists will be able to take part in a weekly mentoring program. Applications are accepted until the sixth of June.

DevOpsDays Moscow 2018

When: June 16
Where: Moscow, st. Rusakovskaya, 24
Participation conditions: 8000 rub.

All the eternal problems of DevOps: software development, quality control, security, effective methods and technologies, through the eyes of Russian and European experts. Reports of speakers in the program are interspersed with practical workshops. The range of topics includes: DevOps in a decentralized environment, high-load systems, pros and cons of automation, clouds, infrastructure problems, open source and practical cases from large companies.

Lecture by Professor Bertrand Meyer

When: June 16
Where: St. Petersburg, Peterhof, st. University Avenue, 28, aud. 405
Participation conditions: free, registration required

The founder of the Eifel language, the founder of the company of the same name and simply a world-class IT engineer Bertrand Meyer will speak for the St. Petersburg community for free and in Russian. The theme of the speech was witnessed by the very unexpected - “What is closer to Innopolis: Petersburg or Leningrad?”. The professor offers to answer this question with the use of algorithms. Along the way, topics such as information security, big data, blockchain, software development, robotics, and artificial intelligence will also be covered. The most distinguished student of the professor will receive a promotion in the form of a free trip to the IT-weekend .


When: June 22-23
Where: Cronwell Yahonty Tarusa Hotel, transfer from Moscow
Participation conditions: from 17 000 rub.

July 22-23 at the hotel Cronwell Yahonty Tarusa 95 km. Moscow will host the sixth conference for python programmers PyCon Russia. The format is a two-day outdoor conference with foreign speakers, Lightning Talks and afterparty. Until June 12, the organizers accept applications for reports. If you have something to tell your colleagues, and you want to speak, fill out an application.

Already in the program: Yuri Selivanov (Core Python Developer, EgdeDB, Canada), Andrey Svetlov (Core Python Developer, Ukraine), Christian Heimes (Core Python Developer, Red Hat, Germany), Melanie Warrick (Google, USA), Kate Heddleston ( Shift, USA), Stephan Jaensch (Yelp, Germany), Alejandro Saucedo (Eigen Technologies, United Kingdom), Vadim Pushtaev (Mail.Ru), Marina Kamalova (Yandex).

White nights

When: June 28-29
Where: St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Prospect V.O.103, Lenexpo Exhibition Complex
Conditions of participation: € 250 (18 162 rub.)

The next conference series from Nevosoft for those who make games. The reports consider various aspects of developing and promoting games on any platforms (PC, consoles, web, mobile platforms); Representatives of famous studios are invited to participate with impressive expertise. For indie developers, White Nights is a good opportunity not only to improve your level, but also to get connections or get support for your project - for this you can take part in an exhibition of projects or the Indie Game Cup championship.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412887/

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