How to build a dosovsky COM file with the GCC compiler

Article published December 9, 2014
Update from 2018: RenéRebe made an interesting video based on this article ( part 2 )

Last weekend I participated in Ludum Dare # 31 . But even before the announcement of the conference topics because of my recent hobby, I wanted to do an old school game under DOS. Target platform selected DOSBox. This is the most practical way to run DOS applications, despite the fact that all modern x86 processors are fully backward compatible with older ones, up to 16-bit 8086.

I successfully created and showed the DOS Defender game at the conference. The program works in real 32-bit 80386 mode. All resources are embedded in the executable COM file, no external dependencies, so the game is completely packed into a 10 kilobyte binary.

For the game you will need a joystick or gamepad. I included mouse support in the release for Ludum Dare for the sake of the presentation, but then I deleted it because it didn't work very well.

The most technically interesting part is that no DOS development tools were needed to create the game ! I used only the usual Linux C compiler (gcc). In reality, you can't even build DOS Defender under DOS. I see DOS only as an embedded platform, which is the only form in which DOS still exists today . Together with DOSBox and DOSEMU, this is quite a handy set of tools.

If you are only interested in the practical part of development, go to the section “Cheating GCC”, where we will write the DOS COM program “Hello, World” with GCC Linux.

Finding the right tools

When I started this project, I did not think about GCC. In reality, I followed this path when I discovered the bcc package (Bruce's C Compiler) for Debian, which builds 16-bit binaries for 8086. It is kept for compiling x86 boot loaders and other things, but bcc can also be used to compile DOS COM files. This interested me.

For reference: 16-bit microprocessor Intel 8086 was released in 1978. It had no fancy features for modern processors: no memory protection, no floating point instructions, and only 1 MB of addressable RAM. All modern x86 desktops and laptops can still pretend to be this 16-bit 8086 processor forty years old, with the same limited addressing and all that. This is not sickly backward compatibility. This feature is called real mode . This is the mode in which all x86 computers are loaded. Modern operating systems immediately switch to protected mode with virtual addressing and secure multitasking. DOS did not do this.

Unfortunately, bcc is not an ANSI C compiler. It supports the K & R C subset, as well as the built-in x86 assembler code. Unlike other 8086 C compilers, it does not have the concept of “far” or “long” pointers, so a built-in assembler code is needed to access other memory segments (VGA, clock pulses, etc.). Note: the remnants of these “long pointers” 8086 are still preserved in the Win32 API: LPSTR , LPWORD , LPDWORD , etc. That built-in assembler doesn’t even compare with the built-in assembler GCC. The assembler needs to manually load variables from the stack, and since bcc supports two different calling conventions, the variables in the code should be hard-coded in accordance with one or another agreement.

Given these limitations, I decided to look for alternatives.


DJGPP - GCC port under DOS. A really very impressive project that DOS takes almost all of POSIX. Many DOS-ported programs are made on DJGPP. But it creates only 32-bit programs for protected mode. If in the protected mode you need to work with hardware (for example, VGA), then the program makes requests to the DOS protected mode interface service (DPMI). If I took DJGPP, I would not be able to confine myself to a single standalone binary, because I would have to have a DPMI server. Performance also suffers from requests to DPMI.

Getting the necessary tools for DJGPP is difficult, to say the least. Fortunately, I found a useful build-djgpp project that runs everything, at least on Linux.

Either there is a serious error, or the official DJGPP binaries again became infected with a virus , but when I started my programs in DOSBox, the error “Not COFF: check for viruses” constantly occurred. To further verify that the viruses are not on my own machine, I set up the environment for DJGPP on my Raspberry Pi, which acts as a clean room. This ARM-based device cannot be infected with the x86 virus. Still, the same problem arose, and all binary hashes coincided between machines, so this is not my fault.

So considering this and the problem of DPMI, I began to look further.

Cheating gcc

What I finally stopped at was the tricky GCC “trick” trick for building real-mode DOS COM files. The trick works up to 80386 (which is usually necessary). The 80386 processor was released in 1985 and became the first 32-bit x86 microprocessor. GCC still adheres to this instruction set, even in the x86-64 environment. Unfortunately, GCC cannot produce 16-bit code, so the original goal of making the game for 8086 had to be abandoned. However, it does not matter, because the target platform DOSBox is essentially an 80386 emulator.

In theory, the trick should work in the MinGW compiler, but there is a long-standing bug that keeps it from working properly (“don't need PE operations on non PE output file”). However, it can be bypassed, and I did it myself: you should remove the OUTPUT_FORMAT directive and add an additional objcopy step ( objcopy -O binary ).

Hello World at DOS

For demonstration, we will create the dos Hello-World COM program using GCC on Linux.

In this way there is a major and significant obstacle: there will be no standard library . It's like writing an operating system from scratch, with the exception of a few services that DOS provides. This means no printf() and the like. Instead, we will ask DOS to output the string to the console. Create a DOS request requires running an interrupt, which means the built-in assembler code!

In DOS, there are nine interrupts: 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x2F. The most important thing that interests us is 0x21, a function 0x09 (print a string). Between DOS and BIOS there are thousands of functions named for this pattern . I'm not going to try to explain the x86 assembler, but in short the function number is clogged in the ah register - and the 0x21 interrupt is triggered. The function 0x09 also takes an argument - a pointer to a string to print, which is passed in the dx and ds registers.

Here is the print() function of the inline GCC assembler. Strings passed to this function must end with a $ character. Why? Because DOS.

 static void print(char *string) { asm volatile ("mov $0x09, %%ah\n" "int $0x21\n" : /* no output */ : "d"(string) : "ah"); } 

The code is declared volatile because it has a side effect (printing a string). For GCC, the assembler code is opaque, and the optimizer relies on output / input / clobber constraints (the last three lines). For such DOS-programs, any built-in assembler will have side effects. This is because it is written not for optimization, but for access to hardware resources and DOS - things that are inaccessible to simple C.

You must also take care of the caller, because the GCC does not know that the memory pointed to by string has ever been read. Probably, the array that supports the string will also have to be declared volatile . All this portends the inevitable: any actions in such an environment turn into an endless struggle with the optimizer. Not all of these battles can be won.

Now to the main function. Its name is not important in principle, but I avoid calling it main() , because MinGW has funny ideas on how to handle such characters specifically, even if it is asked not to do so.

 int dosmain(void) { print("Hello, World!\n$"); return 0; } 

COM files are limited to 65,279 bytes in size. This is due to the fact that the x86 memory segment is 64 KB, and DOS simply loads the COM files into the address of the 0x0100 segment and executes. No headers, only a clean binary. Since a COM program cannot, in principle, be of significant size, no real freestanding should occur, the whole thing is compiled as one translation unit. This will be one GCC call with a bunch of parameters.

Compiler options

Here are the basic compiler options.

-std=gnu99 -Os -nostdlib -m32 -march=i386 -ffreestanding

Since standard libraries are not used, the only difference between gnu99 and c99 is in disabled trigraphs (as it should be), and the built-in assembler can be written as asm instead of __asm__ . This is not Newton's bin. The project will be so closely connected with the GCC that I am still not concerned about the extensions of the GCC.

The -Os option reduces the result of the compilation as much as possible. So the program will work faster. This is important with a view to DOSBox, because the default emulator is slow as an 80s machine. I want to fit into this restriction. If the optimizer causes problems, then temporarily put -O0 to determine if your error or optimizer is here.

As you can see, the optimizer does not understand that the program will work in real mode with the appropriate addressing restrictions. It performs all sorts of invalid optimizations that break your perfectly valid programs. This is not a GCC bug, because we ourselves are doing crazy things here. I had to redo the code several times to prevent the optimizer from breaking the program. For example, we had to avoid returning complex structures from functions, because they were sometimes filled with garbage. The real danger is that the future version of GCC will become even smarter and will break even more code. Here is your volatile friend.

The next parameter is -nostdlib , since we will not be able to link to any valid libraries, even statically.

The -m32-march=i386 parameters command the compiler to give out code 80386. If I wrote a bootloader for a modern computer, then the sight at 80686 would also be normal, but DOSBox is 80386.

The -ffreestanding argument requires that GCC not provide code that refers to the helper functions of the built-in standard library. Sometimes, instead of actually working code, it gives the code for calling the built-in function, especially with mathematical operators. I had one of the main problems with bcc, where this behavior cannot be turned off. Such a parameter is most often used when writing loaders and OS kernels. And now DOS COM files.

Linker options

The -Wl used to pass arguments to the linker ( ld ). We need this because we do everything in one GCC call.


--nmagic disables section page alignment. First, we do not need it. Secondly, it wastes precious space. In my tests, this does not seem to be a necessary measure, but I leave this option just in case.

The --script parameter indicates that we want to use a special linker script . This allows you to precisely place the sections ( text , data , bss , rodata ) of our program. Here is the com.ld script.

 OUTPUT_FORMAT(binary) SECTIONS { . = 0x0100; .text : { *(.text); } .data : { *(.data); *(.bss); *(.rodata); } _heap = ALIGN(4); } 

OUTPUT_FORMAT(binary) says not to put it in the ELF file (or PE, etc.). The linker should simply reset the clean code. A COM file is just a clean code, that is, we give the linker a command to create a COM file!

I said that the COM files are loaded in the address 0x0100 . The fourth line offsets the binary there. The first byte of the COM file is still the first byte of the code, but it will be launched from this offset in memory.

Then all sections follow: text (program), data (static data), bss (data with zero initialization), rodata (lines). Finally, I mark the end of a binary file with the _heap . This will come in handy later when writing sbrk() when we end up with “Hello, World”. I have indicated to align _heap by 4 bytes.

Almost done.

Run the program

The linker usually knows our entry point ( main ) and sets it up for us. But since we requested a "binary" issue, we will have to figure it out ourselves. If the print() function starts first, the program will start with it, which is wrong. The program needs a small header to get started.

In the linker script for such things there is a STARTUP option, but for simplicity we will implement it directly into the program. Usually these things are called crt0.o or Boot.o , in case you bump into them somewhere. Our code must begin with this inline assembler, before any inclusions and the like. DOS will do most of the installation for us, we just need to go to the entry point.

 asm (".code16gcc\n" "call dosmain\n" "mov $0x4C, %ah\n" "int $0x21\n"); 

.code16gcc tells the assembler that we are going to work in real mode, so that it will make the correct setup. Despite the name, it will not issue a 16-bit code! First, the dosmain function that we wrote earlier is called. It then tells DOS using the 0x4C function (“finish with the return code”) that we ended up by passing the exit code to the 1-byte register al (already set by the dosmain function). This inline assembler is automatically volatile because it has no inputs and outputs.


Here is the whole program in C.

 asm (".code16gcc\n" "call dosmain\n" "mov $0x4C,%ah\n" "int $0x21\n"); static void print(char *string) { asm volatile ("mov $0x09, %%ah\n" "int $0x21\n" : /* no output */ : "d"(string) : "ah"); } int dosmain(void) { print("Hello, World!\n$"); return 0; } 

I will not repeat com.ld Here is the GCC challenge.

 gcc -std=gnu99 -Os -nostdlib -m32 -march=i386 -ffreestanding \ -o -Wl,--nmagic,--script=com.ld hello.c 

And testing it in DOSBox:

Then if you want beautiful graphics, the only question is to call the interrupt and write to VGA memory . If you want sound, use PC Speaker interrupt. I haven't figured out how to call Sound Blaster yet. From that moment grew DOS Defender.

Memory allocation

To cover another topic, remember that _heap ? We can use it to implement sbrk() and dynamic memory allocation in the main section of the program. This is a real mode and there is no virtual memory, so we can write to any memory that we can access at any time. Some areas are reserved (for example, lower and upper memory) for equipment. So there is no real need to use sbrk (), but it's interesting to try.

As usual on x86, your program and partitions are in the lower memory (0x0100 in this case), and the stack is in the upper one (in our case, in the 0xffff area). In Unix-like systems, the memory returned by malloc() comes from two places: sbrk() and mmap() . What sbrk() does is allocate memory just above the program / data segments, incrementing it up towards the stack. Each sbrk() call will increase this space (or leave it exactly the same). This memory will be managed by malloc() and the like.

Here's how to implement sbrk() in a COM program. Please note that you need to define your own size_t , because we do not have a standard library.

 typedef unsigned short size_t; extern char _heap; static char *hbreak = &_heap; static void *sbrk(size_t size) { char *ptr = hbreak; hbreak += size; return ptr; } 

It simply sets the pointer to _heap and increments it as necessary. A little smarter sbrk() will also be careful with alignment.

An interesting thing happened during the creation of DOS Defender. I (incorrectly) considered that the memory from my sbrk() reset. So it was after the first game. However, DOS does not reset this memory between programs. When I launched the game again, it continued exactly where it stopped , because the same data structures with the same contents were loaded into their places. Pretty cool coincidence! This is part of what makes this built-in platform fun.


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