YouTrack 2018.2 release: new page of projects, YouTrack Docker image and much more

Hello! We have released a new version of the project management system - YouTrack 2018.2 - and we hasten to share with you the innovations.

What's new in YouTrack 2018.2?

Experimental functionality:

New Project Page

The new version of YouTrack page "Projects" has become more convenient. Now you can mark projects as favorites, as well as go to the settings of any project directly from the projects page.

YouTrack Docker image

If you use YouTrack Standalone, now it is much easier to switch to new versions. You can download the YouTrack image from the repository and create a Docker-container with a new installation or transfer an existing installation (ZIP, MSI, JAR) to the Docker-container.

SAML authentication

This authentication module allows users to log into YouTrack through a third-party SAML authorization service, for example, Okta.

Restriction of login attempts

In YouTrack 2018.2, it became possible to limit unsuccessful login attempts by login. Combined with the reCAPTCHA test, this functionality prevents attacks by brute force and does not block users who simply forget the password.

Personal Data Management

Within the framework of the requirements of the GDPR, we have added the ability to anonymize our data.

Other improvements

Displaying the task queue as a list

In the new version, you can view the task queue on the Agile boards in two ways: as a list or as a tree. Previously, only one view was available, where subtasks were attached to the main tasks and presented in a hierarchy. A new view allows you to display only those tasks that are specified in the request.

Explicit sorting of cards on Agile boards

Now you can enter an explicit sorting of cards on Agile boards. For example, if you want tasks on the board to always be sorted by priority, enter "sort by: priority". Please note that manual sorting will not work if explicit sorting of tasks is specified.

Limitations by artist and start date for Gantt charts

We have added two new parameters for the Gantt Chart report, which allow you to set additional constraints on the distribution of tasks in the chart. So, you can set limits in accordance with the performers in the projects and in the field "start date".

New sorting options for value sets in custom fields

For most types of custom fields, you can now sort the values ​​by secondary properties. In addition to automatic sorting by name, you can sort the values ​​by version number, build date and release date. When values ​​in custom fields are sorted, these parameters can be used in the search.

Attaching Files to Comments

Now you can attach files not only to tasks, but also directly to the comments below them. This innovation is convenient for teams that often exchange files in comments (for example, designers) - now it has become easier to find the latest version of attached files.

Search for similar tasks

We added a new search query - looks like : with it, you can find tasks that are similar to the specified task. This is convenient for searching for duplicates when backing up a product.

Ability to update tasks without sending notifications in the rules on a schedule in workflows.

The new rule parameter according to the schedule allows you to update tasks in the background according to the specified schedule.

Ability to make custom fields required

Previously, in order to make a field mandatory, you had to use a workflow rule. Now in the project settings it is possible to make the field mandatory without specifying the default value. Thus, the user who creates the task will have to set the value of this field himself.

New keywords to search for released and archived versions

When searching for tasks, you can now use a query that will find released and archived versions of the product. For example, to find tasks with the fix version “archived”, you can use the query fix versions: Archived .

Page "Groups and Teams"

We have updated the “Groups” page, on which both groups and teams are now displayed. In addition, you can combine a group with a project team.

Cloning roles

Role cloning allows you to create a new role with exactly the same set of permissions as an existing role. If required, all values ​​can then be edited.

General parameters of authentication modules

All settings that are associated with authentication settings have been moved from the Global Settings page to the General Settings page. Also on this page are the settings of the new functionality, which limits login attempts and Google settings reCAPTCHA.

Configuring Attributes for SAML Service Providers

If you use YouTrack as a SAML identity provider, you can now specify attribute names for a login, first name and last name, as well as the user's email address sent to the SAML service provider.

Experimental functionality

New task creation page

We continue to work on improving the YouTrack interface: in this version we have changed the page for creating a new task. To use the new functionality, the administrator must enable it on the Feature Configuration page.

In addition to general UI improvements, the following changes appeared on the new page:

  1. Project selection is moved to the page header.
  2. Improved drafts functionality:
    • tags and attachments are displayed in the draft list;
    • A button appeared to remove all drafts from the list.

We also made a number of other improvements - see the full list of tasks that were included in the release.

Try YouTrack 2018.2 and share your impressions with us! You can download a free version for 10 users or register in the cloud to use the trial version for 30 days.

If you are already using cloud YouTrack, then your server will be transferred to the new version on a schedule .


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