And let's draw conclusions from the discussion of the article “What is wrong with the return of Geektimes to Habr”

05.30.2018 user andorro published an article “What's wrong with the return of Geektimes to Habr” . The article turned out great, and the comments are even better. Here I tried to sum up all the pain (well, almost) expressed by community members in the comments. I really hope that the administration will appear here and somehow comment on the existing problems and plans for their solution. But what if.

Problem number 1: Easy access to content

Habr, of course, exists thanks to the authors, but it was made all the same for readers. So our hit parade will start vconst comment:
I did not understand how to adequately filter the tape. But I will be eating mana ...
The bullshit is that on Habré, after the separation, I was little interested and I was very happy when the marketing went to a separate site. But then he came back and I, at first, included only the flow of Development. But at the same time began to skip posts Milfgard and Meklon. Turned on the Administration, but still interesting posts sometimes fell out. As a result, turned off the filters and began to stroll-scroll-scroll ...

On GT, I didn’t need to use ready-made filters, but now the tab with the stream of GTs is still the second open. But how now to separate "as was" - Habr and GT? So that the two tabs do not contain duplicate posts, but also not lose them?
I am in some confusion, because the filter "GT" is, and the filter "all but GT" - no ((
And I can't help but add here a second comment from TheCradle
And it will be very cool if, having tasted, you post the results of successful surveys :)
I also tried to understand. Not understood.
That is, technical resource readers can not adjust the tape so that it would be convenient. Yes, there are options to use rss, subscribe to specific companies and so on, but "if you have to explain something, it means you are not doing it right." But the audience is one of the most basic values ​​of the resource that brings money to the owners and the joy of the authors. She must be loved and cherished.

Moreover, this problem causes problem number 2:

Problem number 2 Reducing the motivation of the authors

Without a properly configured feed, the new article will fly away (and already successfully fly away) from the main page within a few hours. Accordingly, the number of people who see your article falls very quickly, which, frankly, does not add enthusiasm at all. And it is even sadder when it is not replaced by Mosigr or Krok (hello to the one who wrote old articles for you), but, for example, an article about how to fit! resume to determine the quality of the applicant.

And with the merger of GT and Habr it becomes doubly relevant. If you are not a well-known author and a technical article (that is, still more or less narrowly directed), then no one will see you. Sad comrades!

It is very important, after the first article and invite, it is no longer interesting for me to write articles, only so that they slide into the fourth page of their hub in a day (hello to endless translations).
Personally, for an article to be interesting to write, you need to know that it will be read and commented out.
And this creates a third problem.

Problem number 3 Narrowness niche

When your articles are reading the conditional 50-100 people, you have already received your karma from them. But when the author leaves with comments to the wide world, karma begins to creep to the bottom. Because the pros are mostly comments, and cons (no, of course not always), but often enough in karma. Perhaps this is an artificial problem, but it seems to me that this is an important component of the motivation of the authors. There is no joy to write articles for which you will get 1000 views, +1 to karma, if you then immediately grab -10 to karma for an unsuccessful comment.

As for me, StackOverflow could be a good solution here, forcing you to pay for its own minus with your own reputation.

“Plus comments, minus karma” everything is like in life.
In fairness, not everyone considers this a problem.

The comments on the case put minuses significantly less than the pros. If your comments put more minuses than pluses, then you are doing something wrong. You, not the community.

Other wishes of users


In terms of tools for authors, complete stagnation - like 15 years ago, we have an input field and “view” / “publish” buttons. Those who know send errors to the PM, those who do not know write in the comments and catch the minuses.

There is where to go: this is not the first time I have voiced this idea and still hope that someone will listen.

Make it possible to send an article for proof-reading to another user before publishing.
Make it possible to highlight a typo and send a correction to the author (both during proofreading and posting, activated by sufficient karma). We need a decent 2018 UI / UX: not “you have a typo there, go there, open the editor, correct, save”, but right in the article link to the word: “N people offer corrections. replace? well no".

While writing an article, everyone wanted to move this comment to the first place. Editing articles in Habré itself is not very convenient. There is no parallel viewing, md is rendered with strange indents (for quotes so in general), in html that is porridge. In general, hard.

Platform for public proposals / discussion

It would be great if Habr had a public book of complaints and suggestions. Now you can express your opinion about Habr's problems or wishes by writing a post or a comment on a post on this topic. You can go to a specialized, but third-party hub on a githaba ... This is all, of course, not that. You need a stationary and easily accessible place in Habré, where all comments / suggestions are accumulated and stored for history, where they are voted for / against, discuss where the official responses of the administration are.
What can I say - make a road-map - get a plus in karma.

Never never never

And in no case do not do an endless scroll.


If you have forgotten someone, looked through something, write, add.

And finally - I sincerely apologize to those authors whose publications were pushed by my, in general, the article is not the most valuable in terms of content. I hope only that it will benefit the community in the future.


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