Masterpieces of the world column design: QUAD 11L - the best "shelving machines" of the two thousandth

It so happened that in the series about the legendary amplifiers and speakers, I, as a rule, consider vintage systems, with their characteristics that are not too remarkable for the modern level. This time I wanted to tell about what has been done relatively recently, already in the 21st century. At the same time, it is important that the technologies in this device were used not only to reduce the cost and service life of the product, but also to improve the relevant parameters.

Unfortunately, over the past 25-30 years, not many such speakers have been created. However, they were, and many are produced to this day. Today we will talk about QUAD 11L, which has been repeatedly recognized as the best by a number of respected publications about audio equipment. In particular, called this model the best for two years in a row (in 2002 and 2003).

Interestingly, venerable audiophile reviewers began unanimously scolding this system for supposedly “inexpressive”, “overly smooth” and “overly neutral” sound - this made me even more interested and provoked to write about these “bookshelves”. For me, this characteristic is synonymous with high fidelity playback, when the speakers practically do not introduce audible changes in the reproduced sound. Looking ahead, I note that, in my opinion, is the best speaker in the price segment of up to 60,000 rubles, capable of equally efficiently performing the function of studio monitors and a home stereo pair.

Not a random product

QUAD 11L not accidentally took a special place among the shelf speakers of the beginning of the 21st century. The fact is that the system was developed by the chief engineer of the company, Peter Kompyu, who at that moment wanted to get the most out of the concept of a relatively low-cost mass bookshelf speakers with practically audiophile characteristics.

The result, I believe, was expected. To maximally simplify the electrical design and reduce the likelihood of problems with filters, as well as largely influenced by the zero trend formed at the beginning, they decided to use the two-lane option as a basis.

Development was carried out for two years from 2000 to 2002 year. The company and its chief engineer sought to invest in the device a maximum of promising ideas, innovations, modern materials. Quite expectedly, the model has become a long-liver and is being produced to this day.

Design and features

The mid / low section was equipped with a conical five-inch Kevlar driver, which, according to the creators, was supposed to provide high sound pressure with a minimum of distortion with a relatively small diameter. For the HF spectrum, traditional silk dome tweeter was used.

Considering the concept underlying the development, it became necessary to create an extremely accurate panorama and the lowest possible level of distortion at such a cost. By reliably damping and dispersing inside the case, as well as calculating the frequency of 2 phase inverters at once, provided for by the speaker design, it was possible to realize high-quality reproduction of the low frequencies and minimize parasitic resonances.

Frequency-timbral consistency and a relatively flat frequency response were obtained through the competent combination of emitters and the installation of the RF module with a special sound guide.

Modification of QUAD 11L 2 in a section

For the so-called The “even” sound had to be sacrificed slightly by a superdeep bottom, the low-frequency threshold starts from 48 Hz, which is not the best indicator among analogs and somewhat limits the genre versatility. Also, the system has a relatively small sensitivity.


A complete idea of ​​any speaker system is impossible without analyzing the technical parameters relevant to sound:

Test measurements of the frequency response and THD QUAD 11L - red line.

Not infrequently, the weak point regarding the budget speaker is the filter. In this case, the widespread flaws were taken into account, both at the circuit design level and at the element base level.

Subjective impressions

For me, when listening to this system, it was important to evaluate the features that are difficult to identify with the help of technical tests. For example, the accuracy of the location of the apparent sound sources in the panorama and the presence of intermodulation distortion that are significant for perception when playing a complex musical signal.

In my opinion, Requiem V.A. is ideal for such subjective testing. Mozart It has a symphony orchestra, which makes it possible to determine the clarity of the location of a large number of CIC and a mixed choir with a large number of female treble component, which makes it possible to identify intermodulation.

After listening, I can conclude that with respect to accurate panning, the “scene” with a fairly large size with the canonical location of the CID did not lie to the audio press - everything is really where it should be - there is no “smearing” and no source bias.

If you find fault, then there was some insignificant influence of intermodulation, some vagueness and obscurity in the difficult moments of choral performance, strongly straining, could be distinguished. It should be noted that in such a quantity IMD may be present in the AU with the cost much higher than that of the QUAD 11L.


Before writing a post, I tried for a long time to understand which of the modern speakers is worthy of the first mention in this cycle. I can say with confidence that in terms of the totality of characteristics, objective parameters and my subjective impressions, the best such acoustics (with a price of up to $ 1,000) is the QUAD 11L.

This acoustics has already gone through quite a few reprints, including a premium version in a veneered, lacquered case and modifications equipped with amplification.

Among other things, for me personally, QUAD impresses with the fact that this company is one of the few that provides documentation with detailed technical descriptions and test results of its products.

Our catalog contains acoustic systems and amplifiers created by QUAD, as well as a wide range of high-fidelity audio components from other manufacturers.


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