A simple explanation of the principles of SOLID

The principles of SOLID are a programming standard that all developers must understand well in order to avoid creating bad architecture. This standard is widely used in OOP. If applied correctly, it makes the code more extensible, logical and readable. When a developer creates an application, guided by poor architecture, the code is inflexible, even small changes in it can lead to bugs. Therefore, you need to follow the principles of SOLID.

It will take some time to master them, but if you write code in accordance with these principles, its quality will improve, and you will master the creation of a good software architecture.

To understand the principles of SOLID, you need to clearly understand how to use interfaces. If you have no such understanding, first read the documentation .

I will explain SOLID in the simplest way, so that it will be easier for newbies to understand. We will consider the principles one by one.

Single Responsibility Principle

There is only one reason leading to a change in class.
One class should solve only one problem. It may have several methods, but they should be used only to solve a common problem. All methods and properties should serve the same purpose. If a class has several assignments, it should be divided into separate classes.

Consider an example:

namespace Demo;
use DB;

class OrdersReport
    public function getOrdersInfo($startDate, $endDate)
        $orders = $this->queryDBForOrders($startDate, $endDate);
        return $this->format($orders);

    protected function queryDBForOrders($startDate, $endDate)
    {   // If we would update our persistence layer in the future,
        // we would have to do changes here too. <=> reason to change!
        return DB::table('orders')->whereBetween('created_at', [$startDate, $endDate])->get();

    protected function format($orders)
    {   // If we changed the way we want to format the output,
        // we would have to make changes here. <=> reason to change!
        return '<h1>Orders: ' . $orders . '</h1>';

. ? , (, ). .

, , , XML, JSON, HTML ..


namespace Report;
use Report\Repositories\OrdersRepository;

class OrdersReport
        protected $repo;
        protected $formatter;

        public function __construct(OrdersRepository $repo, OrdersOutPutInterface $formatter)
                $this->repo = $repo;
                $this->formatter = $formatter;

        public function getOrdersInfo($startDate, $endDate)
                $orders = $this->repo->getOrdersWithDate($startDate, $endDate);

                return $this->formatter->output($orders);

namespace Report;

interface OrdersOutPutInterface
        public function output($orders);

namespace Report;

class HtmlOutput implements OrdersOutPutInterface
        public function output($orders)
                return '<h1>Orders: ' . $orders . '</h1>';


namespace Report\Repositories;
use DB;

class OrdersRepository
    public function getOrdersWithDate($startDate, $endDate)
        return DB::table('orders')->whereBetween('created_at', [$startDate, $endDate])->get();

/ (Open-closed Principle)

, .
(, , ) . , .


class Rectangle
    public $width;
    public $height;
    public function __construct($width, $height)
        $this->width = $width;
        $this->height = $height;

class Circle
    public $radius;
    public function __construct($radius)
        $this->radius = $radius;

class AreaCalculator
    public function calculate($shape)
        if ($shape instanceof Rectangle) {
            $area = $shape->width * $shape->height;
        } else {
            $area = $shape->radius * $shape->radius * pi();
        return $area;

$circle = new Circle(5);
$rect = new Rectangle(8,5);
$obj = new AreaCalculator();
echo $obj->calculate($circle);

, AreaCalculator. /, , .

? :

interface AreaInterface
    public  function calculateArea();

class Rectangle implements AreaInterface
    public $width;
    public $height;

    public function __construct($width, $height)
        $this->width = $width;
        $this->height = $height;
    public  function calculateArea(){
        $area = $this->height *  $this->width;
        return $area;
class Circle implements  AreaInterface
    public  $radius;

    public function __construct($radius)
        $this->radius = $radius;
    public  function calculateArea(){
        $area = $this->radius * $this->radius * pi();
        return $area;

class AreaCalculator
    public function calculate($shape)
        $area = 0;
        $area = $shape->calculateArea();
        return $area;

$circle = new Circle(5);
$obj = new AreaCalculator();
echo $obj->calculate($circle);

, AreaCalculator.

(Liskov Substitution Principle)

“Data abstraction” 1987-. 1994- :
φ(x) — x T. φ(y) y S, S — T.
, , :
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
1996- , :
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: / / .

, () , . , , , , , , . .


interface LessonRepositoryInterface
     * Fetch all records.
     * @return array
    public function getAll();

class FileLessonRepository implements LessonRepositoryInterface
    public function getAll()
        // return through file system
        return [];

class DbLessonRepository implements LessonRepositoryInterface
    public function getAll()
            Violates LSP because:
              - the return type is different
              - the consumer of this subclass and FileLessonRepository won't work identically
        // return Lesson::all();

        // to fix this
        return Lesson::all()->toArray();

(Interface Segregation Principle)

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, , .

, .


interface workerInterface
    public  function work();
    public  function  sleep();

class HumanWorker implements workerInterface
    public  function work()

    public  function  sleep()

class RobotWorker implements workerInterface
    public  function work()

    public  function sleep()
        // No need

RobotWorker’ , sleep, . . :

interface WorkAbleInterface
    public  function work();

interface SleepAbleInterface
    public  function  sleep();

class HumanWorker implements WorkAbleInterface, SleepAbleInterface
    public  function work()
    public  function  sleep()

class RobotWorker implements WorkAbleInterface
    public  function work()

(Dependency Inversion Principle)

. .
. .
: , - .

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class MySQLConnection
   * db connection
   public function connect()
      var_dump('MYSQL Connection');

class PasswordReminder
     * @var MySQLConnection
     private $dbConnection;

    public function __construct(MySQLConnection $dbConnection) 
      $this->dbConnection = $dbConnection;

, « » « ». .

, , MySQLConnection PasswordReminder, MySQLConnection. PasswordReminder MySQLConnection.

MySQLConnection MongoDBConnection, PasswordReminder.

PasswordReminder , - . ? :

interface ConnectionInterface
    public function connect();

class DbConnection implements ConnectionInterface

     * db connection
    public function connect()
        var_dump('MYSQL Connection');

class PasswordReminder
     * @var ConnectionInterface

    private $dbConnection;

    public  function __construct(ConnectionInterface $dbConnection)
        $this->dbConnection =  $dbConnection;

MySQLConnection MongoDBConnection. PasswordReminder, PasswordReminder .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412699/

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