Tracing the path to the GPU in Unity - part 2


"There is nothing worse than a clear image of a blurred concept." - Photographer Ansel Adams

In the first part of the article, we created a Whitted ray tracer that can trace perfect reflections and sharp shadows. But we lack the effects of fuzziness: diffuse interplay, glossy reflections and soft shadows.

Based on the code we already have , we iteratively solve the rendering equation formulated by James Cajia in 1986 and transform our renderer into a path scanner capable of transmitting the above-mentioned effects. We will again use C # for scripts and HLSL for shaders. The code is laid out on Bitbucket .

This article is much more mathematical than the previous one, but do not be alarmed. I will try to explain each formula as clearly as possible. Formulas are needed here to see what is happening and why our renderer works, so I recommend trying to understand them, and if something proves incomprehensible, ask questions in the comments to the original article.

The image below is rendered using the Graffiti Shelter card from the HDRI Haven site. Other images in this article are rendered using the Kiara 9 Dusk card.


Rendering equation

From a formal point of view, the task of the photorealistic renderer is to solve the rendering equation, which is written as follows:

L ( x , v e c o m e g a o ) = L e ( x ,  v e c o m e g a o ) + i n t O m e g a f r ( x ,    v e c o m e g a i ,  v e c o m e g a o ) ( vec omegai cdot vecn)L(x, vec omegai)d vec omegai

Let's analyze it. Our ultimate goal is to determine the brightness of a pixel of the screen. The rendering equation gives us the amount of light L(x, vec omegao) outgoing from point x (point of incidence) towards  vec omegao (direction in which the beam falls). The surface itself can be a source of light emitting light. Le(x, vec omegao) in our direction. Most surfaces do not, so they only reflect light falling outside. That is why the integral is used. It accumulates light coming from every possible direction of the hemisphere.  Omega around the normal (so for now we take into account the light falling on the surface from above , and not from the inside , which may be necessary for translucent materials).

First part - fr called the two-dimensional distribution function of the reflectivity of objects (bidirectional reflectance distribution function, BRDF). This function visually describes the type of material we are dealing with: metal or dielectric, dark or bright, shiny or dull. BRDF determines the proportion of lighting coming from  vec omegai which is reflected in the direction  vec omegao . In practice, this is implemented using a three-component vector with values ​​of red, green and blue in the interval [0,1] .

The second part of - ( vec omegai cdot vecn) - this is equivalent to 1 cos theta where  theta - the angle between the incident light and the surface normal  vecn . Imagine a column of parallel rays of light falling perpendicular to the surface. Now imagine the same beam falling on a surface at a flat angle. Light will be distributed over a larger area, but it also means that every point of this area will look darker. Cosine is needed to take this into account.

Finally, the very light received from  vec omegai is defined recursively using the same equation. That is the lighting at the point x depends on the incident light from all possible directions in the upper hemisphere. In each of these directions from the point x there is another point x prime whose brightness again depends on the light falling from all possible directions of the upper hemisphere of this point. All calculations are repeated.

This is what happens here, this is an infinitely recursive integral equation with an infinite number of hemispherical integration domains. We will not be able to solve this equation directly, but there is a fairly simple solution.

1 Do not forget about it! We will often talk about cosine, and at the same time we will always mean scalar product. Because  veca cdot vecb= | veca |  | vecb | cos( theta) , and we are dealing with directions (unit vectors), the scalar product is the cosine of most computer graphics tasks.

Monte Carlo comes to the rescue

Monte Carlo integration is a numerical integration technique that allows us to approximately calculate any integral using a finite number of random samples. Moreover, Monte Carlo guarantees convergence to the right decision - the more samples we take, the better. Here is its generalized form:

F_N \ approx \ frac {1} {N} \ sum_ {n = 0} ^ {N} {\ frac {f (x_n)} {p (x_n)}

Therefore, the integral of the function f(xn) can be approximately calculated by averaging random samples in the integration domain. Each sample is divided by the probability of its choice. p(xn) . Due to this, more often the selected sample will have more weight than the selected less often.

In the case of uniform samples on a hemisphere (each direction has the same probability of being selected), the probability of samples is constant: p( omega)= frac12 pi (because 2 pi Is the surface area of ​​a single hemisphere). If we put all this together, we get the following:

L(x, vec omegao) approxLe(x, vec omegao)+ frac1N sumNn=0 colorGreen2 pifr(x, vec omegai, vec omegao)( vec omegai cdot vecn)L(x, vec omegai)

Radiation Le(x, vec omegao) - this is just the value returned by our Shade function.  frac1N already running in our AddShader function. Multiplication by L(x, vec omegai) happens when we reflect the beam and trace it further. Our task is to give life to the green part of the equation.


Before we go on a journey, let's take care of some aspects: the accumulation of samples, deterministic scenes and randomness of the shader.


For some reason, Unity does not pass me the HDR texture as a destination in OnRenderImage . I worked the format R8G8B8A8_Typeless , so the accuracy quickly becomes too low to accumulate a large number of samples. To deal with this, let's add a private RenderTexture _converged to the C # private RenderTexture _converged . This will be our buffer, accumulating results with high accuracy before displaying them on the screen. We initialize / free the texture in the same way as _target in the InitRenderTexture function. In the Render function, we double the blit:

 Graphics.Blit(_target, _converged, _addMaterial); Graphics.Blit(_converged, destination); 

Deterministic scenes

When making changes to rendering to evaluate the effect, a comparison with previous results is useful. So far, each time we restart Play mode or recompilate the script, we will get a new random scene. To avoid this, add the public int SphereSeed and the following line to the beginning of SetUpScene in the C # script:


Now we can manually set the seed scene. Enter any number and disable / re-enable the RayTracingMaster component until you get the right scene.

For example images, the following parameters were used: Sphere Seed 1223832719, Sphere Radius [5, 30], Spheres Max 10000, Sphere Placement Radius 100.

Shader randomness

Before proceeding to stochastic sampling, we need to add randomness to the shader. I will use the canonical string I found on the network, modified for more convenience:

 float2 _Pixel; float _Seed; float rand() { float result = frac(sin(_Seed / 100.0f * dot(_Pixel, float2(12.9898f, 78.233f))) * 43758.5453f); _Seed += 1.0f; return result; } 

We initialize _Pixel directly in CSMain as _Pixel = id.xy , so that each pixel can use different random values. _Seed initialized from C # in the SetShaderParameters function.

 RayTracingShader.SetFloat("_Seed", Random.value); 

The quality of random numbers generated here is unstable. In the future, it would be worth exploring and testing this function, analyzing the effect of parameters and comparing it with other approaches. But for now, we'll just use it and hope for the best.

Hemisphere Sampling

Let's start first: we need random directions evenly distributed over the hemisphere. This nontrivial task for the full sphere is described in detail in this article by Corey Simon. It is easy to adapt to the hemisphere. This is what the shader code looks like:

 float3 SampleHemisphere(float3 normal) { //     float cosTheta = rand(); float sinTheta = sqrt(max(0.0f, 1.0f - cosTheta * cosTheta)); float phi = 2 * PI * rand(); float3 tangentSpaceDir = float3(cos(phi) * sinTheta, sin(phi) * sinTheta, cosTheta); //      return mul(tangentSpaceDir, GetTangentSpace(normal)); } 

Directions are generated for a hemisphere centered about the positive Z axis, so we need to transform them so that they are centered relative to the desired normal. We generate a tangent and a binormal (two vectors, orthogonal to the normal and orthogonal to each other). First we select an auxiliary vector to generate a tangent. To do this, we take the positive X axis, and return to the positive Z only if it is normal (approximately) aligned with the X axis. Then we can use the vector product to generate a tangent, and then binormal.

 float3x3 GetTangentSpace(float3 normal) { //       float3 helper = float3(1, 0, 0); if (abs(normal.x) > 0.99f) helper = float3(0, 0, 1); //   float3 tangent = normalize(cross(normal, helper)); float3 binormal = normalize(cross(normal, tangent)); return float3x3(tangent, binormal, normal); } 

Lambert scattering

Now that we have homogeneous random directions, we can start implementing the first BRDF. For diffuse reflection, BRDF is most commonly used according to Lambert, which is surprisingly simple: fr(x, vec omegai, vec omegao)= frackd pi where kd - this is albedo surface. Let's insert it into our Monte Carlo rendering equation (I’ll not take radiance into account yet) and see what happens:

L(x, vec omegao) approx frac1N sumNn=0 colorBlueViolet2kd( vec omegai cdot vecn)L(x, vec omegai)

Let's immediately insert this equation into the shader. In the Shade function, we replace the code inside the if (hit.distance < 1.#INF) construction if (hit.distance < 1.#INF) following lines:

 //   ray.origin = hit.position + hit.normal * 0.001f; ray.direction = SampleHemisphere(hit.normal); *= 2 * hit.albedo * sdot(hit.normal, ray.direction); return 0.0f; 

The new direction of the reflected beam is determined using our homogeneous sample function over the hemisphere. The beam energy is multiplied by the corresponding part of the equation shown above. Since the surface does not emit any light (it only reflects light received directly or indirectly from the sky), we return 0. Here, do not forget that AddShader averages the samples, so we do not need to worry about  frac1N sum . The CSMain function already contains multiplication by L(x, vec omegai) (the next reflected beam), so there is not much work left for us.

sdot is a helper function that I defined for myself. It simply returns the result of the scalar product with an additional coefficient, and then limits it to [0,1] :

 float sdot(float3 x, float3 y, float f = 1.0f) { return saturate(dot(x, y) * f); } 

Let's summarize what our code is doing for now. CSMain generates the camera's primary rays and causes a Shade . When intersecting with the surface, this function in turn generates a new beam (uniformly random in the hemisphere around the normal) and takes into account the BRDF of the material and the cosine of the beam energy. When crossing the beam with the sky, we sample the HDRI (our only light source) and return the light that is multiplied by the beam energy (i.e. the result of all previous intersections, starting with the camera). This is a simple sample that is mixed with a converging result. As a result, each sample takes into account the impact  frac1N .

It is time to check everything in work. Since metals do not have diffuse reflection, let's turn them off in the C # script's SetUpScene function (but still calling Random.value here to keep the scene deterministic):

 bool metal = Random.value < 0.0f; 

Start the Play mode and see how the noisy image is initially cleared and converges to a beautiful rendering:

Phong mirror image

Not bad for just a few lines of code (and a small fraction of mathematics). Let's enhance the picture by adding mirror reflections using BRDF on Phong. Phong's original wording had its own problems (lack of interaction and energy conservation), but fortunately other people eliminated them . The enhanced BRDF is shown below.  vec omegar - This is the direction of the perfectly reflected light, and  alpha - this is Phong's index, managing roughness (roughness):

fr(x, vec omegai, vec omegao)=ks frac alpha+22 pi( vec omegar cdot vec omegao) alpha

An interactive two-dimensional graph shows what a BRDF Phong looks like when  alpha=15 for a beam falling at an angle of 45 °. Try changing the value  alpha .

Insert this into our Monte Carlo equation:

L(x, vec omegao) approx frac1N sumNn=0 colorbrownks( alpha+2)( vec omegar cdot vec omegao) alpha( vec omegai cdot vecn)L(x, vec omegai)

Finally, add it up with the already existing BRDF according to Lambert:

L(x, vec omegao) approx frac1N sumNn=0[ colorBlueViolet2kd+ colorbrownks( alpha+2)( vec omegar cdot vec omegao) alpha]( vec omegai cdot vecn)L(x, vec omegai)

And this is how they look in the code, along with Lambert scattering:

 //    ray.origin = hit.position + hit.normal * 0.001f; float3 reflected = reflect(ray.direction, hit.normal); ray.direction = SampleHemisphere(hit.normal); float3 diffuse = 2 * min(1.0f - hit.specular, hit.albedo); float alpha = 15.0f; float3 specular = hit.specular * (alpha + 2) * pow(sdot(ray.direction, reflected), alpha); *= (diffuse + specular) * sdot(hit.normal, ray.direction); return 0.0f; 

Notice that we replaced the scalar product with a slightly different, but equivalent (reflected  omegao instead  omegai ). Now turn on the metallic materials in the SetUpScene function and check how it works.

Experimenting with different values  alpha , you can notice the problem: even low rates require a lot of time for convergence, and at high rates noise is especially striking. Even after a few minutes of waiting, the result is far from perfect, which is unacceptable for such a simple scene.  alpha=15 and  alpha=$30 with 8192 samples look like this:

Why did this happen? After all, before we had such beautiful perfect reflections (  alpha= infty )! .. The problem is that we generate homogeneous samples and give them weights according to BRDF. With high Phong scores, the BRDF value is small for everyone, but these directions are very close to the ideal reflection, and it is very unlikely that we will randomly select them using our homogeneous samples. On the other hand, if we actually intersect one of these directions, then BRDF will be huge to offset all the other small samples. The result is a very large dispersion. Paths with multiple specular reflections are even worse, and lead to noise that appears in the images.

Improved Sampling

To make our path tracer applicable in practice, we need to change the paradigm. Instead of spending precious samples on areas in which they end up being unimportant (since they get a very low BRDF and / or cosine value), let's generate important samples .

As a first step, we will return our ideal reflections, and then we will see how we can generalize this idea. To do this, we divide the shading logic into diffuse and specular reflection. For each sample, we will randomly choose one or the other (depending on the ratio kd and ks ). In the case of diffuse reflection, we will stick to homogeneous samples, but for a specular one, we will explicitly reflect the beam in a single important direction. Since fewer samples will now be spent on each type of reflection, we need to increase the impact accordingly in order to get the same total value:

 //       hit.albedo = min(1.0f - hit.specular, hit.albedo); float specChance = energy(hit.specular); float diffChance = energy(hit.albedo); float sum = specChance + diffChance; specChance /= sum; diffChance /= sum; //     float roulette = rand(); if (roulette < specChance) { //   ray.origin = hit.position + hit.normal * 0.001f; ray.direction = reflect(ray.direction, hit.normal); *= (1.0f / specChance) * hit.specular * sdot(hit.normal, ray.direction); } else { //   ray.origin = hit.position + hit.normal * 0.001f; ray.direction = SampleHemisphere(hit.normal); *= (1.0f / diffChance) * 2 * hit.albedo * sdot(hit.normal, ray.direction); } return 0.0f; 

energy is a small auxiliary function averaging color channels:

 float energy(float3 color) { return dot(color, 1.0f / 3.0f); } 

So we created a more beautiful Whitted ray tracer from the previous part, but now with real diffuse shading (which implies soft shadows, ambient occlusion, diffused global illumination):


Sampling by importance

Let's take another look at the basic Monte Carlo formula:

F_N \ approx \ frac {1} {N} \ sum_ {n = 0} ^ {N} {\ frac {f (x_n)} {p (x_n)}

As you can see, we divide the influence of each sample (sample) on the probability of choosing this particular sample. While we used homogeneous samples by hemisphere, we therefore had constant p( omega)= frac12 pi . As we saw above, this is far from optimal, for example, in the case of the Phong BRDF, which is large in a very small number of directions.

Imagine that we could find a probability distribution exactly corresponding to an integrable function: p(x)=f(x) . Then the following will happen:

FN approx frac1N sumNn=01

Now we have no samples making a very small contribution. These samples will be selected with less probability. This will significantly reduce the variance of the result and accelerate the convergence of rendering.

In practice, it is impossible to find such an ideal distribution, because some parts of the integrable function (in our case BRDF × cosine × incident light) are unknown (this is most obvious for incident light), but the distribution of samples according to BRDF × to cosine or even just according to BRDF will greatly help us. This principle is called sampling by importance.

Sample of cosines

In the subsequent stages, we need to replace our uniform distribution of samples with the distribution according to the cosine rule. Do not forget, instead of multiplying homogeneous samples by cosine, reducing their influence, we want to generate a proportionally smaller number of samples.

This article by Thomas Poole describes how this is done. We will add the alpha parameter to our SampleHemisphere function. The function determines the cosine sample rate: 0 for a uniform sample, 1 for a cosine sample, or higher for higher Phong values. In code, it looks like this:

 float3 SampleHemisphere(float3 normal, float alpha) { //  ,      float cosTheta = pow(rand(), 1.0f / (alpha + 1.0f)); float sinTheta = sqrt(1.0f - cosTheta * cosTheta); float phi = 2 * PI * rand(); float3 tangentSpaceDir = float3(cos(phi) * sinTheta, sin(phi) * sinTheta, cosTheta); //      return mul(tangentSpaceDir, GetTangentSpace(normal)); } 

Now the probability of each sample is equal to p( omega)= frac alpha+12 pi( vec omega cdot vecn) alpha . The beauty of this equation may not immediately seem obvious, but a little later you will understand it.

Lambert sampling by importance

To begin with, we will enhance the rendering of diffuse reflection. In our uniform distribution, we use the constant BRDF in Lambert, but we can improve it by adding cosine. The distribution of sampling probabilities over a cosine (where  alpha=1 ) equals  frac( vec omegai cdot vecn) pi That simplifies our Monte Carlo formula for diffuse reflection:

L(x, vec omegao) approx frac1N sumNn=0 colorBlueVioletkdL(x, vec omegai)

 //   ray.origin = hit.position + hit.normal * 0.001f; ray.direction = SampleHemisphere(hit.normal, 1.0f); *= (1.0f / diffChance) * hit.albedo; 

This will speed up our diffuse shading a bit. Now let's deal with a real problem.

Phong selection by importance

For the BRDF Phong procedure is similar. This time we have the product of two cosines: the standard cosine from the rendering equation (as is the case with diffuse reflection) multiplied by the own cosmic BRDF. We will deal only with the latter.

Let's insert the probability distribution from the examples above into the Phong equation. A detailed conclusion can be explored in the article Lafortune and Willems: Using the Modified Phong Reflectance Model for Physically Based Rendering (1994) :

L(x, vec omegao) approx frac1N sumNn=0 colorbrownks frac alpha+2 alpha+1( v e c o m e g a i c d o t v e c n )    L ( x , v e c o m e g a i ) 

 //   float alpha = 15.0f; ray.origin = hit.position + hit.normal * 0.001f; ray.direction = SampleHemisphere(reflect(ray.direction, hit.normal), alpha); float f = (alpha + 2) / (alpha + 1); *= (1.0f / specChance) * hit.specular * sdot(hit.normal, ray.direction, f); 

These changes are enough to fix any problems with high Phong scores and make our rendering converge in a much more reasonable time.


Finally, let's expand our scene generation to create varying values ​​for the smoothness and radiance of the spheres! In the struct Sphere from a C # script, add public float smoothness and public Vector3 emission . Since we changed the size of the struct, we need to change the step when creating the Compute Buffer (4 × number of float numbers, remember?). Let the SetUpScene function insert values ​​for smoothness and SetUpScene .

In the shader, add both variables to the struct Sphere and struct RayHit , and then initialize them to CreateRayHit . And finally, set both values ​​in IntersectGroundPlane (hardcoded in the code, insert any values) and IntersectSphere (retrieving values ​​from Sphere ).

I want to use the smoothness values ​​in the same way as in the standard Unity shader, which differs from the rather arbitrary Phong index. Here is a well-functioning transformation that can be used in the Shade function:

 float SmoothnessToPhongAlpha(float s) { return pow(1000.0f, s * s); } 

 float alpha = SmoothnessToPhongAlpha(hit.smoothness); 

The use of emissivity is done by returning the value to Shade :

 return hit.emission; 


Take a deep breath. relax and wait until the image turns into such a beautiful picture:


Congratulations! You managed to get through the thicket of mathematical expressions. We implemented a path tracer that performs diffused and specular shading, learned about the sample by importance, immediately applying this concept to render the convergence in minutes, not hours or days.

Compared with the previous one, this article was a huge step in terms of complexity, but also significantly improved the quality of the result. Working with mathematical calculations takes time, but it justifies itself, because it can significantly deepen your understanding of what is happening and allow you to expand the algorithm without destroying physical certainty.

Thanks for reading! In the third part, we (for a while) will emerge from the jungle of sampling and shading, and return to civilization to meet with gentlemen Moller and Trumbor. We will need to talk to them about triangles.

About the author: David Curi is a developer of Three Eyed Games, a programmer at Volkswagen’s Virtual Engineering Lab, a computer graphics researcher and heavy metal musician.



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