English for work in a foreign market: what is not said in textbooks

The founder of the English language school for corporate clients of WES English , the American entrepreneur Jared Firth, in the column for Netology , spoke about the main problems of Russian-speaking specialists when dealing with foreigners.

I want to talk about the nuances of business communication, which are difficult to find in textbooks, and which can only be encountered in practice. It is understood that with grammar and vocabulary you are already doing well. If English is a working language, and you use it to close deals or establish partnership relations, then academic knowledge should be quickly converted into daily skills. Therefore, I will share what business nuances should be remembered when doing business with native speakers or just foreigners.

In Russian companies that promote their services in the international arena, it is easy to distinguish two types of basic types of communications: with their foreign counterparts and with customers and partners.
The effectiveness of internal communications is measured by the degree of the general atmosphere in the team, as well as the success of the joint tasks in the allotted time.
The most critical situation for a business is when English is used to communicate with customers and partners. It is in the process of communicating by phone, in person or by e-mail that the idea of ​​the manager and the company appears as a worthy, professional and trustworthy partner. And if for marketing communications you can always hire a translator or agency to bring all the materials to the required standard, then salesmen and business development managers just need to be able to persuade and listen in English, responding promptly to changing situations.

And also do not underestimate the importance of communication skills for project managers and integrators, that is, for those employees who are engaged in the implementation and launch of a product or service.

Translation difficulties

It is believed that the main difficulties arise in oral communication, when, in addition to knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation comes into play. And this is fair enough in the sense that in the midst of a business conversation, attention concentrates on what needs to be said and communicated, and much less on how .

If you notice any flaws in the pronunciation of English words, rehearse, even if with the Google Translate Listen function, common words and constructions like can, sheet, etc.
The brain of a native speaker and a person who has studied English as a foreign language works differently.
The brain of the native speaker first perceives the sound combination and selects the most appropriate interpretation of what was said, based on the sound and then from the context of the conversation. The brain of those who learn a second language most often acts according to the principle of first identifying the word, writing it mentally, and only then translating it.

Foreigners, who work a lot with Russian-speaking partners, are aware of the most frequently made mistakes related to the difference in sounds in different languages, and can be condescending to such situations. But not the fact that you are lucky in each case. An incorrectly pronounced word or phrase may sound insulting and even offensive, and the interlocutor's reaction will depend on his internal attitude.

There are always options to avoid using the word, if you feel in doubt, the benefit of the English language is also quite rich in word forms and synonyms. In the examples described above, you can not use the substitute cannot, tab or paper depending on the context.

Politeness is worth nothing, but brings a lot

The British as a nation had a significant impact on the language, which in fact in the modern world is considered to be native to many countries. Their legendary politeness and good manners are also reflected in the language.

The researchers compared what is meant by politeness by the carriers of Anglo-Saxon and Russian cultures. It was found out that for the Anglo-Saxons it is primarily manners and the regular use of words please and thank you, while the Russians often put deeper qualities in the concept of politeness: this is both concern for their neighbors, and education, and tact.

These differences are well illustrated by the situation faced by Russian companies when working with English-speaking partners: the meeting seemed to be a great success, interesting presentations, lively communication, many compliments, but the cooperation did not get any further. The difference in perception plays an important role in this case - Russians are much more stingy with compliments and more direct in the discussion, therefore they often perceive the interlocutor from their own position, overestimating their interest.

It's great to deal with pleasant and polite partners, just need to understand the nature of what is happening and act according to the situation. The more questions, clarifications and counter-proposals based on the results of a meeting or correspondence, the higher the likelihood of further cooperation, the more compliments and common phrases, the less likely this cooperation, it is simply explained in a form that is not quite usual for Russians.

A good chart , which has collected hundreds of thousands of publications in networks, is an excellent help to catch the tonality of the language. The main thing is not to take it literally as a cheat sheet, but as a tool that sets you up to communicate with a representative of a different mentality.

Of course, when communicating with Americans and other representatives of the Commonwealth countries there is much less manners, but nevertheless the influence of the English nation on the language remains. Therefore, when learning the language for sales and business development, it is important that teachers analyze the difference in perception in detail.

What is hidden under Russian severity

With a deeper acquaintance with the Russians, representatives of Anglo-Saxon cultures experience a wow effect. The depth of the Russian soul suddenly opens, although often the first, and sometimes the second, and the third impression is very restrained, if not negative. This is especially noticeable in business communications, and is associated with mental features.

Russian-speaking businessmen rather straightforwardly express their attitude, and are more likely perceived as negative, although in reality this may not have anything to do with reality. A specific “no” or negative assessment, expressed by a more detailed description, by culture carriers less prone to outright negation, is taken to be a denial of the entire position or sentence and a signal to stop the interaction.

This is easily corrected if, when studying a language, to pay attention to it and add forms and constructions to speech that express a negative response, and accompanying them with a call to continue negotiations aimed at finding a variant that suits both parties.
For example, instead of “No, that will never work” you can use a softer approach “I can see it. Have you thought about ...? Or in such a construction “Here's what I want from you”, the more familiar ear of an English-speaking speaker will be such phrase “I really like where this is going. Okay, let's do this next. ”
It should also be borne in mind that some nationalities, including Russians, are more likely to have a confrontational model of interaction, seeking a solution through conflict. Even those who explicitly deny this often build speech in this way, and when translated into English, such a model is preserved in speech and causes confusion from the other side.
For example, a very familiar form of the imperative for a Russian-speaking person “Do this” or “You do this” in a more correct translation into English sounds like “Could you do this?”.
The described differences are not “bad” or “good”, it’s just a difference in perception and a difference in the expression of one’s position, which one has to learn to take into account when doing business with English-speaking partners. The numerous successes of Russian companies in the international market are clear evidence that this is doable.

Finally, I would like to note that I myself improve my Russian language every day, and I understand that there is always room to grow. I am learning to pick up the tone, understand humor and other nuances that are often decisive in establishing business contacts with Russian partners.

Experience and regular communication in a business environment is the best way to feel the difference in mentalities and learn how to communicate information to partners who speak and think differently and in an advantageous form, and regular exercises with the media help to achieve goals quickly.

From the Editor

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412661/

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