myDribbble Meetup 2017 in Moscow

June 3 in Moscow was myDribbble Meetup 2017 . At this informal conference for designers, a dozen and a half strong experts and novice experts spoke, many of whom are represented in one of the main thematic social networks Dribbble . Creators of Principle and Sympli, Georgy Kvasnikov (Fantasy), Oleg Beresnev (Beresnev Design), Max Orlov (ONY), Nikolai Ivanov (AIC), Artyom Geller (Design of State Systems), Ivan Vasilyev (Alfa-Laboratory), Ilya Grishin and Oleg Andrianov (VKontakte), Dmitry Chuta (Screens Today / Chapps), Radik Zagidullin, Danial Siddiqi, Lena Anikeeva (Pixies), Roman Khramov (Tappawards / Cuberto), Andrei Sundiyev, Dmitry Osadchuk, Evgeny Dolgov and Daria Gantseva (Mail.Ru Group). There were many practically useful stories and stories from the life of designers and companies with a lively and cheerful dialogue with the audience.

Together with Oleg Andrianov, we are holding a mitap for the sixth time with the support of Mail.Ru Group and Dribbble, and this year our team has expanded - joined Andrei Sundiev, Dmitry Osadchuk, Evgeny Dolgov, Denis Shumov, Darya Gantseva and Slava Yashkov. Moscow mitap is one of the largest in the world . For six years, 78 speakers appeared on the stage, and there were a few thousand guests. This time we broke all records - 1,000 people visited the hall during the day, about 10,000 people watched the online broadcast, about 70 people attended the afterparty. Not a bad growth: 70 in 2012 , 400 in 2013 , 550 in 2014 , 600 in 2015 and 900 in 2016 . The fourth year the event takes place at the Mail.Ru Group office on Leningradsky Prospect.

Mitap for six years

2012 - 70
2013 - 400
2014 - 550
2015 - 600
2016 - 900
2017 - 1000

The program was opened by George Kvasnikov from the New York office of Fantasy . He spoke in detail about the design process in the studio on the example of a conditional project from research to launch, as well as his way to the company. Last year, his performance fell apart at the last moment, but this summer everything grew together.

The next was the creator of the Sympli tool for transferring layouts to developers Maxim Ignatiev . He briefly talked about the product and announced a solution for versioning layouts based on Git. Now this is one of the most popular things and you can already sign up for beta testing .

Together with Dmitry Chuta from Chapps studio , we tried a new portfolio review format - several designers told about a recent project. He recently launched Screens Today , a service that helps designers publish fresh work and is trying to solve the current limitations of other sites. The format of the portfolio review fits into the mitap, and next year we will work it out to make it very good.

Radik Zagidullin showed how the style of illustrations MAPS.ME developed.

Danial Siddiqi presented a huge number of concepts for the Badoo competition.

Lena Anikeeva from Pixies spoke about the creation of Chefshows identity.

After lunch, Ilya Grishin and Oleg Andrianov made a whole pack of announcements from VK . Pieces of the design process of VK Mobile and VK Live, a contest for the best design of the Discover section , details of the launch of the mobile operator.

Daniel Hooper, one of the creators of Principle , came to us along with co-founder Stan Stevens. He spoke about the instrument, its capabilities and the history of its creation. During the intimate session of questions and answers, they hinted at the next version, and also made it clear in what direction Principle would evolve and which possibilities contradict their vision. It turned out that Stan had a birthday

After the break, Roman Temples of Cuberto announced the award for mobile applications Tappawards . It is designed for really working products that are already in the app stores and put together a good jury.

Max Orlov from ONY made a presentation on one of the most relevant topics right now - a bunch of brand with the interface. A relatively small number of companies have found a way to reflect the language and brand values ​​in digital products, and at the system level - only a few. Max collected, probably, all the current examples from the world practice and showed how ONY does it - they are one of the rare companies in Russia that realize the importance of this problem and try to solve it in their projects.

Another experiment in the framework of the mitap was a panel discussion on design systems with the participation of Artem Geller from the Design of State Systems , Ivan Vasiliev from Alpha Laboratories and Andrey Sundiev from Mail.Ru Group . This is one of the most topical issues in the past few years, although in Russia there are not so many companies that have implementations at the technological level. The format of such round tables works great for us on the UX-Environment , but within the framework of a large conference, the discussion is more complicated, so we will repeat this topic in the fall in a closer circle.

Nikolay Ivanov from AIC spoke about the controversy in the worldview of a designer who is working on large projects and wants to publish work on Dribbble. Often, a useful and popular product made at a good level is boring enough to publish on Dribbble, so you need to add “juice” that is not relevant to the real task.

This year, we became even more confused with the identity of myDribbble Meetup 2017 and made a holistic style that spread to the whole design of the conference - the stage and the interior, the website, t-shirts, video beats, beer, packages and lots of nice little things. Designers from different departments of the company Andrei Sundiyev , Dmitry Osadchuk , Yevgeny Dolgov and Daria Gantseva gathered in an initiative group for this task and talked about how this style was created. Unfortunately, Denis Shumov fell ill with the temperature and could not connect to the performance.

The program was closed by Oleg Beresnev , whose studio makes insanely cool animated illustrations. He talked about how to start a career, how the format of working with clients changed and how adding animation changed their vision and format of work - they opened a game studio and make even brighter and more immersive projects. It was a perfect performance for the ending - from the heart and about what drives a bright designer.

Last year we tried a lot of new things, and this time we developed and improved ideas - a single identity for digital channels and interiors, designer beer without any problems with a after-party bar, the best stage design, two vans with food (including the best burgers away in Moscow from Burger Heroes), broadcast in 360, a new approach to the program with a portfolio review and a round table. There is still something to improve in all respects, but it is already clear that the mitap is reaching a new level. Next year, it will be necessary to strengthen the work on the most important thing - the program - because the old approach of the informal event is already failing. In general, there is work to do.

It was the “every time a little more, a little better” approach that allowed us to grow out of the partisan party in one of the largest design conferences in Russia. Next year we will probably correct the format a little more noticeably - we already have ideas and a desire to fix the main schools. But the mitap will also take place on the first Saturday of the summer - for example, on June 2. Follow the announcements on Facebook , Twitter , VK , Telegram and on the event website .

PS Thanks to everyone who spoke and came to listen - it was you who made this mitp. In terms of organizing this year, Andrey Sundiev, Dmitry Osadchuk, Yevgeny Dolgov, Denis Shumov, Daria Gantseva and Slava Yashkov joined us with Oleg Andrianov, they came up with and implemented all these crazy ideas in a single conference style. None of this would have been possible without our insanely cool team of internal events, and especially Dasha Prokhorova - she is not with us for the first time and helps realize the most insane ideas at the last minute The team of administrators with Sergey Cherepkov, the administrative service with Anna Latkina-Turkova - on them holding the entire infrastructure of the event.



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