Where more pay programmers. Compare 22 countries

A couple of months ago, I posted a pivot table-comparison called "The best country for a programmer . " It was 9 countries. The article was warmly received both because of some mistakes in it and because of the desire of readers to get similar data from other countries. I promised to finish the table. No sooner said than done.

In this article, 22 countries are compared by the following parameters:

1. Programmers salaries
2. Taxes
3. Cost of living (rental housing, utilities, food, transportation costs)
4. IT market development
5. Social security

Please do not treat the data in the table as a scientific study. I propose to perceive it as an online study on a given topic.

Programmers salaries

Before you go to the table, I will make a few explanations.

This article compares the median wages for a senior software engineer position.

Salary data is from PayScale. In the absence or insufficient number of reports (<100), the numbers were adjusted by statistics from local sites. For example, for Belarus - it is dev.by , Ukraine - dou.ua. Salaries across Moscow look underestimated, but I relied on statistics from the article published My circle on Habré.

For the convenience of further calculations (deducting taxes and applying the cost-of-living index — see below), all data were converted from local currencies to US dollars at the current exchange rate for May 25, 2018.

In the United States, the city of Palo Alto was chosen as an IT hub as the territorial center of Silicon Valley and the golden mean for the cost of living.

Almost all countries from the list use a progressive tax system (the higher the salary, the higher the tax). In the table it is impossible to reflect all the subtleties of the tax system of each country, so I will make a few general explanations. In Germany, Canada, the United States and Switzerland, payroll taxes vary by region. The presence of a spouse, children, availability of loans, certain expenses and some other factors in most countries can significantly reduce the taxpayer's rate.

In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, salaries are announced to candidates already net of taxes and it is logical that the poll took into account “salary on hands”, therefore the tax rate was not applied in the table for these countries (the figures in the line “Salaries net of taxes” remained unchanged ).

The cost of living in itself is very individual: someone is ready to live in a modest apartment on the outskirts and there is “Doshirak”, and the other does not agree less than on a penthouse in the city center. The most objective thing I could think of was to show you a rating from Numbeo , and apply the proposed cost-of-living index (COLI) to the salary obtained in the table above. I allowed myself to intervene a little in the US rating: since Palo Alto was not on the Numbeo list, I took the value of the Colla Alto for 100 on the basis of the CRF San Francisco (106.29) and San Jose (82) and my own life experience in Silicon Valley.

Do not forget that the applied colla includes only housing, food, travel, but does not take into account travel expenses, the purchase of cars and other pleasures.

IT market development

Data on the number of startups taken from the site Startup Rankin.

This table took into account the availability of open positions in the position of Software Engineer / Developer. Empty field means no open IT vacancies,> 10 and <10 have corresponding value.


Leave data is taken from an article on Wikipedia . In many countries, the number of days of vacation depends on length of service, region and other factors.

In the United States, the law does not provide for minimum paid leave or public holidays. Employers can provide paid leave, which is established by the employment contract with the employee. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 77% of private employers offer paid holidays to their employees; staff members earn an average of 10 days leave after one year of service. Similarly, 77% of private employers give their employees paid leave during public holidays, an average of 8 public holidays per year. The average number of paid vacation days offered by private employers is 10 days after 1 year of service, 14 days after 5 years, 17 days after 10 years, and 20 days after 20 years.

Thanks for attention!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412529/

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