[Friday] Requires a system programmer with a high pain threshold. High S / P


“A system programmer with a high pain threshold is required. High ZP
Maybe two years ago, when I saw such an advertisement in an advertising brochure, I would have smiled and leafed on. Well, maybe sfotal and post it to his tape. However, the current financial situation forced to pay attention to any opportunity. Not that I rushed to any vacancy, but I certainly read and delved.

Today I have two interviews scheduled, why not go for a third one. I called and agreed time - nine in the evening. It was necessary to go to the campus at the Institute of Biophysics.


- Our network of active sensors, installed on the way from the thalamus to the somatosensory cortex, will allow ...

Already twenty minutes, a couple of graduate students of the Institute of Biophysics tried to explain to me the essence of their development. I really did not understand anything except that they want to climb under my skull and install something there. In the distance sat a professor who finally decided to take the conversation with me:

- Let me explain to you in simple language. We will place a device in your brain, which is a 3 to 3 centimeter gauze. This device itself will leak through the brain tissue to the right place without causing damage. After that, you mentally try to contact him.

“Is that you pushing a creature into my head?” - I asked stunned.

- Of course not! It is not a creature. These are active sensors of a certain type that do not possess any intelligence. On the contrary, their task is that you yourself can manage your brain directly. This device is a kind of console that allows you to control all the power of the human brain using ordinary commands. How to control a computer using the keyboard.

- And if this console hack and will manage me?

- It's impossible! The device is made of biological materials and can be controlled EXCLUSIVELY with the help of the synapses of your brain.

- Hmm ...

- This thing - your personal upgrade. Direct access to independent control of the mind and subconscious. Mentally typing commands in the console, you can manage emotions, memory and everything else.

- And what's the OS? Linux? Windows? MacOS? OS / 2? CP / M?

- There is now installed the most primitive command line system. The goal of our experiment is that you start programming the console yourself, expanding the possibilities. We do not know exactly how the device will work. By the way, if you agree right now, we will immediately transfer you to 100,000 Euros!

- Wow! Well ... ok - I agree!


- Now the anesthesia will begin to act. Do not worry, everything will pass quickly and painlessly!

- It's good. Why does the ad say that a system programmer with a high pain threshold is sought?

- The fact is that by entering any command, you will experience the intolerable ...


 < 'wakeup',    > @root_of_pain:>_ 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412493/

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