Making a racing car on 3D-printers and CNC machines. Students, racing and digital production in the Russian Federation

Hello friends! With you, Vasily Kiselev , this is my 3D-vlog about digital production and today we are guests at MGTU. Bauman, a student engineering and racing team Bauman Racing Team, which is engaged, in his free time, to create such racing cars and participate in international Formula Student races.

The creators of this miracle of technology use digital production tools: 3D-modeling , scanning , simulation of processes, many components of the device are created on CNC machines and 3D-printers . Without all this, it is simply impossible to compete in the international arena where these competitions take place.

Well, ready to find out exactly how the design of this car?

With us Denis Zaltsman, captain of the Bauman Racing Team:

Formula Student is an unusual competition, including for student life. International competitions, design - it is not just a racing project, it is primarily an educational one.

Students learn, learn “from A to Z” - what is the production, what is the project and how to conduct it, how to manage it.

If we talk about competitions, it is not only one race, it is a complex of dynamic tests, a race for endurance, and static tests, which include a presentation of the project and a story about the applied technical solutions and the production plan with the calculation of cost.

The project participants are studying production and preparing for the future, for their active participation in the production processes - this is what attracts sponsors.

The development of fireballs produced by digital production, but this will tell you our chief engineer Pavel Mikhailov.

Pavel Mikhailov - chief engineer of BRT:

We use a lot of different software in the manufacture of the car. The car is built in the SolidWorks program, we use SolidWorks PDM to organize the work, that is, we have a set of systems, they are quite structured, there are some subsystems in each system, and due to the use of PDM we have no problems with work with a single assembly with a sufficiently large number of computers.

Something like this car assembly:

The design itself begins with a layout model, according to which we can determine the weight distribution, the height of the center of mass, the moments of inertia about the horizontal and vertical axis.

We use specialized software, for example - we use the OptimumKinematics program for developing a suspension, it looks something like this.

In it, we can develop the kinematics of our suspension. We can also simulate movement in it and get certain geometric parameters in the form of tables or graphs.

In order to ensure the strength of the structure, we use a variety of programs, such as ANSYS. We also use Siemens NX.

We carry out many calculations in the HyperMesh program, mainly in composite structures.

We use 3D scanning at the design stage in order to place an already existing part in the project, for example, a scanned engine model in the assembly of a new car.

This is necessary in order to connect to it all the elements. We buy the engine, but we modify it quite strongly ourselves. When designing, we use a coordinate measuring machine to accurately determine the position of all connecting nodes. Many of the details we are developing anew. For example, the generator cover.

We lacked a standard generator, we had to develop, print, and mold this detail on the model being burned out.

Naturally, we apply topological optimization. An example is a knuckle for our car, so it looks after topological optimization.

After this, the model is interpreted and a digital model is produced for laser cutting, bending and welding. Since these operations are very accurate, the detail is then simply assembled and simply scalded. Seats for wheel bearings are already machined at the factory, on a conventional lathe, although, in principle, this can be done also on CNC machines, but this is no longer necessary.

Most software licenses, such as SolidWorks and Siemens NX, are provided to the university by developers free of charge. We recently received a license from the EPLAN program, in which our electrician designed all the wiring.

Pavel, electrician team:

From this year we started to design all the electrics of our car in a special software package called Harness proD, provided by EPLAN.

This allows you to calculate in advance all the lengths of the wires in accordance with the scheme.

Having laid wires on the three-dimensional scheme, we generate our drawing, the assembly panel which is used directly for assembly of conducting.

All wire and insulation lengths will be known in advance, which will help to avoid errors. This greatly simplifies the design and manufacture.

It took us about 3-4 months to design the wiring in the car, which is very good for so many components and the first use of the program.

We also design the boards. We have a gearbox control unit of our own design.

This year we have developed such interesting things as sensor and thermocouple expanders - Can Multiplexer allows you to connect even more sensors to our engine control unit and get more information. This helps us a lot when conducting numerous tests and to detect any errors.

We also have other custom boards. These are: motor flap control, DRS system control, wing profile control.

The rear wing is controlled automatically, taking into account the readings of the speed and acceleration sensors.

Denis Zaltsman:

What is the difference between holding competitions in Russia and abroad? In general, Russia is trying to comply with all the points of the generally accepted regulations.

While the Russian stage of the Formula Student is not certified as official, as in other countries, because the requirements for the regulations a little softer. Now in Russia there are about 20 FS teams throughout the country, and their number is growing, the project is expanding.

Every self-respecting technical university abroad has its own team of this class, and many have not one - there are teams in the class of electric vehicles, there are unmanned vehicles, and we are also thinking about developing an unmanned car based on one of our car models.

Pavel Mikhailov:

Now I will show how we produce our race cars.

Here we collect some small elements of our car. Here, for example, lining the steering wheel, produced directly by 3D-printing.

We make some 3D printed parts to try on the prototype of the part before we manufacture the part itself from metal. This saves both time and money.

There are loaded parts printed directly on 3D, such as radiator fasteners. There are also a large number of unloaded printed elements, such as holders of electronics housings and other parts.

In the previous cars we had inlet manifolds printed on the SLM technology, we are considering the possibility of 3D printing and other elements.

There are more and more devices capable of printing high-strength and heat-resistant engineering plastics. They become cheaper and more accessible than before. Now you can buy for 300-400 thousand printer, which can print engineering plastics.


Naturally, we will use such technologies. Now, if the part is responsible and too complicated for manufacturing on a router, we resort to casting from aluminum.

To do this, we pre-print the master model on the printer, fill it with plaster, burn it to obtain a mold. Aluminum casting is a good technology, but when casting under its own weight, aluminum can produce defects, such as shells, some kind of shrinkage, etc. 3D metal printing eliminates these problems, but so far it is not available to us.

Here we produce products from composite materials. We use carbon fiber and fiberglass, resin and matrix - matrix for small parts, we also print on a 3D printer.

It turns out neat beautiful surface.

We are also engaged in the production of three-layer panels. For example, a sample for testing, to study the properties of the material. This panel, with its small weight, withstood one and a half tons of load.

We plan to use such panels in the supporting structure of our future car. There are several layers of carbon on both sides, aluminum honeycombs inside.

It turns out quite strong and very light sandwich panel.

For the production of virtually all composites, we use vacuum infusion technology. We put the folded composite into the bag, pump out the air on one side and run the resin on the other. Atmospheric pressure compresses the billet during the resin polymerization process and is very durable.

We also use prepregs - pre-impregnated fiber. This helps in reducing the weight of the structure. Our 2017 car weighed 190 kilograms, without a pilot. The next one should weigh 3-4 pounds lighter. There are very few fireballs of such a mass, created with a similar budget, on the world stage.

Up to 100 km / h, the car accelerates in 4.1-4.2 seconds, depending on weather conditions.

Here we have a matrix for the production of the profile of the wing. It is made from model plastic using a CNC machine.

Such a matrix is ​​much more expensive than 3D printing - plastic is expensive, processing is also not cheap, but it is not always possible to print a large enough matrix that meets other requirements - some parts have to be baked in a furnace at high temperatures, conventional plastics are not very friendly with this, you have to use specialized ones.


We are a very open team and we will accept almost anyone who is a Bauman student and has relevant interests and knowledge. Harder to stay in the team, join it.

At the Moscow stage of the FS, we twice occupied the first places, in 2015 and 2016. In the international arena it is more difficult - we took the fortieth places in the European competitions, from 80-100. There is where to grow and what to strive for.

Competitions of the Moscow stage of the FS are usually held in September-October, come and cheer.

The project “Crimea” is a youth roadster developed by BRT.

In the coming years, scheduled to launch in the series.

There is already a working prototype.

We want to make this car affordable, it will cost up to 800 thousand rubles.


In this room we work with metal - sawing, cutting, grinding.

This is a special welding table, equipped with a set of tools that allow you to put on it pipes quite accurately in accordance with the model.

On it you see the frame of our 2016 season machine, we are working to measure its rigidity, in order to more accurately verify your design model, it will help to consider such things in the future with greater accuracy.

The hybrid frame - it used both steel pipes and carbon fiber, manufactured at the plant in Khotkovo. A good example of import substitution.

They are connected to steel pipes, which are primarily needed in order to weld in the nodes. This allows us to significantly simplify the design, save about seven kilograms with such a frame. Slightly reduces its torsional rigidity, but only slightly.

We also use composite panels. For example, the pedals are fixed on a three-layer composite panel, and the pedal is a fairly loaded element of the car, especially the brake pedal, which at the moment of braking accounts not only for the driver’s muscular effort, but also for a part of its weight, due to inertia. According to the regulations, the brake pedal must withstand at least 200 kg, and it does it perfectly.

We have a robot arm. It will milling us overall matrix, for example - for body kit or monocoque, which is almost the size of the entire car.

After assembling the frame and attaching all the nodes it goes to the tests. We can test some things until the car is fully assembled, for example - we have stands for engine testing. But this is better to tell the main engine of the team, Ivan.


We have a purge stand, next is a laboratory of fuel installations.

At the purge stand, we blow through the elements of the intake systems, measure the resistance, improve them. On fuel benches, employees experience new fuel systems.

Here is a purge stand. Here we see the cylinder head.

From here it is controlled, with the help of computers and special servers, all the equipment.

Here we have a classic, one might say, test set.

This stand is able to accelerate the engine and measure its power and torque in a wide range, as well as measure other parameters. The stand measures about 800 hp

In this box is installed motor Formula Student. This is only the engine, not the power plant as a whole - it also includes the intake system, intercooler, turbocharger, restrictor with limited air flow and exhaust system.

The engine is factory, but almost all the details are finalized by us. Sensors have been added, some outlets have been changed, plugs and coils have been replaced, improvements have been made on the cylinder head, on the crankcase, some elements have been replaced by fully developed inlet elements, generator cover, cooling system elements, oil system elements - a lot has been done from scratch.

Here is our intercooler. It also has almost all the details of custom.

Here is a carbon, here is an aluminum inlet. We wanted to make the inlet of carbon, but the pressure drop, from several atmospheres to below atmospheric, simultaneously with strong heating, distorts the part.

Many parts are also made of carbon in the cooling system and other components.

Cool that there are such projects. It is especially good and surprising that this is not happening somewhere in Stuttgart or Detroit, but here in Russia. I am also pleased that the project involves 100% digital production tools - from design to manufacturing of final parts.

And do it all the usual students, working on enthusiasm. The guys are looking for sponsors for their project. If you are interested and want to help them, pay attention to the contact details at the end.

At this issue comes to an end. Today was a very busy day.

Vasily Kiselev, Top 3D Shop CEO & Founder
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For the introduction of Digital Production technologies in your company, please contact us :
Telephone: 8 (499) 322-23-19

You can become a partner of the Bauman Racing Team:
Project Manager: Dmitry Olegovich Onishchenko +7 (925) 475-75-70

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