[GT-H]: About system problems, the future and (some) Tesla - where do without it

Expensive GT-soo ... Perhaps, we put aside false modesty - dear GT- and H-communities!

Yesterday, we set up an interesting on-site experiment - and its results exceeded all the most daring expectations!

Anchor ...
deniskin , Boomburum , marks , alizar , SLY_G - you, in principle, know, but still put anchor. :)

An article with the most resonant topic was chosen as the research environment for conducting our socio-psychological research. It is, of course, about all the anxiously beloved company Tesla, Inc. and its CEO E- / Ilona M at Aske.

Well, for those who have not yet had time to familiarize themselves with the text of the article and the attached discussions, I would like to briefly summarize that the main resonance of the commenting community was caused by the mention of the report of the authoritative American edition of Consumer Reports (CR) about testing the Tesla Model 3.

In the report itself, the editorial board of the CR leads, as one would expect, a wide variety of comments. And, including, clearly says that Tesla Model 3 according to the results of tests of one of the key functions of the car "... is much worse than any modern car from the tested by us ...". Also in article CR it is said that another well-known edition “Car and Driver” in its publication about the same make of car declared “... anomalous dispersion of results ...” tests of extreme inhibition. In an interview with CR, the head of the Car and Driver testing department adds that in 11 years of his work, he has not yet seen a car with such unstable braking.

According to the results of the discussion of the above news, we can safely say that our sociological games ( apart from delivering simple human pleasure from the energetic communication ) once again contrasted with a number of systemic problems:

  1. The practical impossibility of expressing even a reasonable, but unpopular among a certain active group of opinion without aggressively infringing the rights expressed by the community and the rating system.
  2. The interaction of established commenting traditions ( to a greater extent ) and the rules for calculating the rating and karma of users ( to a lesser extent ) leads to the ousting from the community of users of the group of “dissenting criticizing professionals” by a group of militant and aggressive-aggressive neophytes (BAAN) different from the mainstream.
  3. The established practices of the entry of new members into the community support primarily active and overactive users. This is justified from considerations of active expansive development of the portal - but because of the high positive feedbacks between overestimated self-conceit, little experience and / or knowledge, and overactivity, the percentage of BAANs among them is very high compared to the average distribution of people from this group in the average established social community.
  4. The combination of points 1, 2 and 3, as well as some traditional portals' policies, demotivates / denies highly skilled users who value their time right away.
  5. Acquaintance of the community with the rules of the Russian language and their support at the proper level in many cases leaves much to be desired.

The above problems, however, are only partially and to a very small extent related to the rules of the portals and the policies of the administration.

The main reason for these problems is the immaturity of some social groups of participants, which, however, due to their increased activity and due to the imposition of their characteristics on the existing practices of portals, lead to regularly occurring negative turbulences in the social structure of the community.

All this may not only make it difficult, but even have a very negative effect on the future of portals on the international Internet scene. What would really like to avoid.

Dear community, quite a weighty part of you has yet to grow out of short pants, gain experience and gain the missing key knowledge. You will need to understand that the world is not black and white, but very, very multi-colored, with an infinite variety of opinions, each of which is valuable in its own way. And it is precisely in the ability to listen, listen to other judgments and in joint productive discussion that is one of the most important components of the qualitative evolutionary development of portals.

And you can outgrow your childhood illnesses, dear community - you are not so stupid!

After all, not only Mask lives on a techno-world. ;)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412485/

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