How I smashed drones in different parts of the world.

My name is Dima, and I am a professional dolt. At least in relation to drones, phones and photographic equipment. I love sailing, travel the world often and often want to shoot cool pictures.

It all started a few years ago with the purchase of a professional DSLR and a couple of shooting courses. According to the results, it turned out that for the web it doesn't matter what camera you shoot, but it is important what you shoot and where your hands come from. In fact, my big attachment to the final result washed all the professional equipment from the backpack. And it is also heavy, which creates a sea of ​​problems.

Then I saw interesting photos from a very long selfie stick with interesting angles that are clearly inaccessible to mere mortals. Then in Bali, we got to shoot a Ferrari - there were beautiful ladies, cars, sunsets and two cameramen who drove a huge drone with a professional camera.

I wanted such a thing. And then began the story of broken drones.

Do not repeat my mistakes

The first is DJI, and the rest. I ordered the first pre-order Mavik and started to wait. I read stories about the fact that the first flight usually lasts 30 seconds, and then repairs. Suddenly I thought that I should start training on cats, went to the market and bought a cheap big drone. There was a camera there too, and I decided that learning to control was the most. And if I break it, I don’t feel sorry.

So here. All that is cheaper than 500 bucks and not DJI (according to personal impressions), has absolutely terrible control for my average hands. And to learn from the cheap drones just do not. But I started. And an extraordinary number of propellers broke: the first ten, bought in advance, ended on the second day. The drone fell and broke several times, but it was made in two layers of different plastic, so it was possible to simply “snap” it. A couple of times I managed to fix it at home with the help of a soldering iron and some kind of mother. From the inevitable fate of scattering pieces in a vast area of ​​the drone's territory, only what my brother wanted was to save him. I gave.

Then came Mavik. He spawned the rules.

Do not do this with Mavic

1. Do not start from the yacht until you understand how everything works.
The worst thing is if the automation turns on and starts behaving strangely. For example, if you let go from the bow of the ship, it immediately goes to the flybridge, because the ship is going, and the drone is tied to a GPS point. So I broke the first three propellers. We thought that it would sink, but it turned out to be saved - the drone went from the nose to the superstructure, hit the ceiling several times, flew out and began to behave quite drunkenly in the air due to chips on the screws. Managed to return.

The second time, the binding to the point did not allow him to fly to the yacht - in the settings there is a radius limit from the starting point. I controlled the drone with my hands, and the captain with my voice, so we were able to return. At that moment we were the head yacht of the regatta and laid a sharp turn. Other captains were a bit dumbfounded by such a maneuver and decided that there was something dangerous there.

Then I raised the drone from the stern and returned to the stern.

2. Never, never, never take off without eight GPS satellites. Better - nine .
With any compass error you are waiting for a flight in a random direction. Accordingly, try not to take off from metal structures.

3. Learn biology.
With sea exits around Seyshelov there was such a story: birds live above the islands with vegetation, there are many of them. The first time some bastards, listed in the red book, began to hound the drone and shot down over the island, he fell on a mountain in the jungle. Then it was about three kilometers from the yacht.

4. Never run from a balcony in Moscow.
In general, try not to run in the city. I hit both the drone and the balcony. He took off well, flew around the house and on his return hit the base station sector of the cellular operator. I lost contact - he returned, almost passing through the house (I would have gone 30 centimeters lower, I would have collected him in the yard). Sent to the balcony - and he has sensors that do not allow to crash into obstacles. He turned it to the forest front, to the hut backwards and began to drive out the window. Compass failure - and he continued to fly. He flew into the wall, fell in convulsions. Minus screws, minus camera suspension, minus plume, pokotsal wall. Well, the wife did not see. We have long painted the wall as something very expensive.

I repaired it (with a fixed camera) - it does not turn on. They say to me: “Well, that's right, the train has been interrupted, now, look how soft it is.” The official service wanted as much as the same drone smuggled in costs. Unofficial repaired for half the price of the drone.

5. Do not play the hero.
I rented a sunset, height - 500, distance - 4 kilometers. It takes 3 minutes to descend, if you want to return - a couple more. As a result, I had to walk a mile through the jungle, because I did not take into account the wind.

6. 30% is the return time.
I wanted to shoot another scene in the winter, about 30% of the battery remained. At the drone. And the remote from the cold sat down. Another walk with searches.

7. And once again: do not fly in reinforced concrete buildings.
Took on New Year's corporate. It was a large building, and all supporting structures are completely iron. Over the balcony, he flew well. He went berserk behind the railing and started flying sideways until he met a pair of tops and a metal support. I miraculously did not hit anyone hard - there were a lot of people. This experience cost me nerves, four screws, a certain state of mind when you really zaapkapil everything.

8. Do not fly into the fog.
In the instructions and written. The height sensor can be switched off, and he will think that the objective height is 30 centimeters. And so me just sit down. Batteries for a full descent is not enough. Then it was possible to deceive the sensor by strongly tilting the drone in sport mode (or condensate was blown off from it, I don’t know for sure). And do not fly in the rain - the same reasons.

9. Do not grab it from above.
He is very sharp and hard there, his fingers cut into the trash. Yes, I did it. Why - I have no idea.

10. Do not take junk without understanding why it is you.
Professionals advised me immediately filter kits and other things. Played and postponed - almost none of this is necessary if you are an amateur. And tutorials are also almost not needed - it only makes sense to buy courses for video, but for me the drone is a long selfie stick plus new angles. The same view from above or the view from the height downwards are two different places. We went around the main lagoon in one archipelago. I was there on a bicycle in a couple of lagoons: the view from the shore is generally a plague. But the view from the water on the surf is even steeper.

From what is needed, I can only advise a bottle with ethyl methylated alcohol (displace water) or a bag of silica gel.

Now European regattas are coming to me, and there I will test local laws. Perhaps, I will switch to Sparky: it’s not so pitiful to lose them and you can buy them already without a remote control.


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