Inattentive students in Chinese schools begin to "catch" with the help of facial recognition

Computerization helps all of us live better. With the help of specialized software and hardware systems, business, military, scientists increase the efficiency of their work. The Chinese believe that computers should help students improve performance. Not only with the help of effective training systems, but also through other tools.

Namely - face recognition systems. Classes are changing, but only slightly - after the modernization, three “eyes” look at the students above the board. We are talking about cameras that transmit video to specialized servers. And there the software complex highlights those students who are distracted - looking out the window, drawing something in a notebook, or chatting with a neighbor.

In principle, we were all distracted in the classroom, but we did it because the teacher could not follow everyone at the same time. Some educators did not even care whether they were listening or not. Quietly in the classroom - and it’s okay, but what’s really happening there is unimportant.

In China, things may change soon. It all started with the installation of the system in question in one class of a randomly chosen school. There are already positive changes in the students' attitude towards learning, and they are going to transfer the experience to other schools.

The pupils talk about their impressions as follows: “Earlier, when I had lessons that I didn’t like too much, I could be lazy, look at the table, poke around in textbooks,” says one student. “Now you can't do that - the cameras are constantly watching me. They look like mysterious eyes that constantly look at me. ”

The facial recognition system evaluates students' facial expressions, and then analyzes all this information, outputting data. Pupils and teachers can see the statistics calculated by the computer.

The recognition system can identify seven different emotions, including neutral facial expression, happiness, sadness, bewilderment, anger, fear and surprise. If the system "sees" that someone is distracted and does not listen to the teacher, he is notified and reminded of the need to act.

According to the authors of the system, it is not a surveillance tool, but, as it were, an assistant teacher, which makes it possible to improve the quality of education. They disagree with the fact that it is an intervention in the life of schoolchildren, saying that the system only analyzes the expressions on the pupils' faces, not their actions during the whole day.

Actually, for China, privacy is not something sacred. There are many cameras that track, for example, violators on the roads, both pedestrians and motorists. With the help of cameras, a crime suspect was recently detained at a 50,000-seat stadium.

In China, a social rating is gradually being introduced, which determines a person’s capabilities. Those who often violate the rules, quarrel with their neighbors, trying to get on the subway, not paying, and generally do themselves in relation to the laws is not good, can cut rights. You can not get a loan, you can not go abroad or even buy tickets for a commuter train.


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