Understanding Articles: Basic Rules

Articles in English - one of the most difficult topics. If, when studying words, we can rely on mnemonic, a similar sound, or even spelling of words, then in the case of articles we have nowhere to go: they simply do not exist in Russian. So you have to learn the rules. There are a lot of them, and it is better to divide them into categories of basic and advanced. In this cheat sheet consider the basic rules.


A / an

Does the word begin with a vowel or unpronounceable H (for example, as in the word hour)? - an. Examples: an apple, an egg.

Does the word begin with a consonant or a sound [j] (for example, as in the word university)? - a. Examples: a lipstick, a window, a highrise.

Object one! Articles a and an are not used with the plural.

Noun countable! You can’t say I want a water , but you can say I want some water . The exception may be a portion of drinks, for example, coffee. When ordering coffee, you always mean one cup, so in the conversational version it is permissible to say I would like a coffee, please.


Interested in not a specific object, but in principle any. Example: a dog for her birthday. (no matter what, sister wants any dog).

It is about a group of people to which someone belongs, and the designation in the singular. Most often these are professions and hobbies. Examples: She is a doctor. He is an avid reader.

Do you mention the object for the first time? Use the article “a”. For example, There's an awesome book I want to recommend you. (you speak for the first time about the book, the interlocutor does not know about it).

A / an = per in the sense of "per unit of something." Example: Apples cost 50 rubles a kilo (per 1 kilogram). She was driving 70 miles an hour (for 1 hour). I have English lessons twice a week (in 1 week).

The article

Objects can be countable and uncountable. Examples: I sent you files. I was interested in being strictly confidential.

The object is already familiar to the interlocutor? Use the article “the”. For example, the book I Atonement by Ian McEwan. (exactly the book that I want to recommend). Or: The girl who sits next to me is a famous blogger. (exactly the girl who sits next to you).

Is this a unique property? Use the article “the”. For example, No one lives on the Moon. The sun was shining bright.

Is this a specific object? Use the article “the”. For example, Brian saw the elephant in the zoo. (probably, there is only one elephant in the zoo. Or Brian saw a particular elephant whom he loves more than others).

Are you going to use ordinal number? Don't forget the article “the” - the first, the sixth, the twentieth.


Want to use the superlative adjective? And here don't forget “the” - the funniest show I've seen, the most interesting place I've visited.

Speak of family as a group? Feel free to use “the”: The Trumps, the Jacksons, the Smiths.

Basically speaking about the band? And here you need the article “the”. For example, Jerry decided to help the poor. (note: there is no word people, the adjective poor denotes a group of people, so the article is needed).

Undertook geography? The “the” is used with the full names of countries ( The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ), the names of the oceans ( The Pacific Ocean ), the seas ( The Black Sea ), the rivers ( The Amazon ), the archipelagoes ( The Philippines ), groups of lakes ( The Great Lakes ) and mountains ( The Alps ), deserts ( The Sahara ), designations on the globe ( The Equator, The North / South Pole ), geographical regions ( The Northwest ), hotels ( The Ritz ), theaters ( The Bolshoi ), museums ( The National Gallery ), as well as masterpieces of architecture and art ( The Mona Lisa, the Colosseum ).

In some time expressions, the “the” is needed:

Articles are not needed

Before proper names: Mary, George, Ivan, and not the Mary, the George and the Ivan.

Before the names of cities: New York, Sydney. There is, however, an exception: the Hague.

Before the short names of countries: Russia, China, France .

Before uncountable nouns: Ask Julie, she usually gives good good advice.

Before street names: Privet Drive, Marine Street . The exception is the High Street.

Before the names of individual lakes ( Ladoga Lake ), islands ( Maui ) and mountains ( Everest ), as well as canyons (except for the Grand Canyon ) and waterfalls ( Victoria ).


Before the names of languages : English, Dutch, Italian .

Before the names of days and months: Monday, June .

Before the names of colleges and universities ( Moscow State University, Massachusetts Technological Institute )

Before countable nouns in the plural, if we are talking about the phenomenon as a whole: Trees get green in spring. (no matter what, they all turn green at once).

If you already have a possessive pronoun : Are you reading my book? His essay was very interesting to read.

Before breakfast, lunch and dinner: I usually have dinner at 7 .

If you want to say a general fact about the nationality: Americans eat a lot of fast food.

After a series of time expressions:

For time expressions preceded by the words this, that, next, last, every: next year, last week, every month, this century.

Before the names of school subjects: Literature, Math, Biology.

Before sports: football, soccer, volleyball.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412407/

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