For the year, wired Internet users in Russia have not increased, but the volume of traffic is actively growing

Recently, the analytical agency TMT Consulting published statistics on the number of users of wired Internet in Russia and the dynamics of the volume of network traffic. In the first quarter of this year, the volume of the wired Internet market in Russia increased to 33.8 billion rubles, Vedomosti reports. The number of users at the same time amounted to 32.7 million. Compared to the last quarter of last year, the revenue of providers increased by 1.5%, and the number of subscribers - by 0.4%. For the year, the growth of these indicators was 3.9% and 3%, respectively.

As for the work of individual companies, in the first quarter 37% of subscribers from the Russian Federation served Rostelecom, 11% - Er-Telecom Holding. As for MTS, Vimpelcom and Transtelecom, by the number of subscribers, they occupied 9%, 7% and 5% of the market. The subscriber base of MTS and TTC increased by 1.6% compared to the fourth quarter of the past, VimpelCom - by 1%, and Rostelecom - by 0.2%.

It turns out that revenue grows with providers faster than the subscriber base. This happens because subscribers are gradually moving to faster and higher rates. The growth rate in the first quarter is due to seasonality, since most of the promotions of providers intended to attract new customers occur at the end of the year. In the first quarter of the new year, the activity of holding such shares gradually decreases.

As for Internet traffic in the networks of Russian operators in the first quarter, by the end of 2017, the wired Internet traffic in the Russian Federation grew by about 30% to 35.5 Pbytes. The volume of mobile Internet traffic is growing even faster - in 2017 it increased by about 86%. But in absolute terms it is 6.46 PB.

According to experts, the number of wired Internet subscribers for telecom operators in the Russian Federation has practically ceased to grow. Well, traffic is growing due to the improved quality of media files transmitted over the network. Streaming video, online games, cloud services - all this affects the dynamics of the volume of traffic.


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