Red Hogwarts. Series 6. Shooter

Today in issue: Praetorian Guard of the Revolution, when the Persian Cossacks rebelled, resident with cocaine, the mystery of the first left, and much more

When I was engaged in the Petty Bes, I mean, Vakhtang Tigranovich Ter-Oganezov, I got caught ... I already wanted to say the word “curious”, but in fact - no. Not at all the curious document was caught, the “bureaucratic common bureaucracy” came across. This is order No. 192 of the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute of October 23, 1931: “To approve the Methodological Bureau of the Geophysical Department as of 22 / X 31 as follows: M.F. Dumpis. - Chairman Metodbyuro; Shpigel S.A. - Secretary Metodbyuro; Metodybyuro members: Zaborovsky AI, Ter-Oganezov V.T. , Bonchkovsky V.F., Baranov V.I., Levshin V.L., Sorokin L.V., Malyshev N.P. and two representatives from the student organizations. AND ABOUT. Director MGRI Mitrofanov " .

So what's interesting about it, you ask? Interesting in it - the name of the chairman, I will answer you. When I write to Wikipedia an article about Max (he is Mark) Frantsievich (he is Fritsevich) Dumpis (he is Dumbis and Dumpeis), immediately under the name I will have to give a list of professions that are not well matched with each other:


Dumpis, Max Frantsevich - famous Soviet revolutionary, military leader, orientalist, diplomat, intelligence officer and geophysicist.

And all this is true. In the biography of this man, the “Consul General of the USSR in Kashgar” is peacefully replaced by a “student of the Moscow Mining Academy”, “a resident of Soviet intelligence in Mazar-i-Sharif” does not interfere in the least with “the rector of the Moscow Mining Institute” and “the brigade commander of the 170th brigade of the 57th rifle division the fourth army of the Western Front of the Red Army ”is quite compatible with the“ Senior Researcher of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the group of technical physics ”

This time, dear readers. It was such a time and such people.

The plot of the first warrior: "Berzini, Sporgisa, Klyavini ..."

Born comrade Dumpis in the Courland province of the Russian Empire in a poor Latvian family. However, the word "poor" in this case is unnecessary - an indecent proverb about a Latvian, who has only hell and soul, I think everyone has heard. And the saying does not lie - the phrase “rich Latvian” was then an oxymoron, something like “hot snow” or “an honest banker”. The fact is that from time immemorial and until the beginning of the twentieth century in all present Baltic countries the East Germans have always and all ruled. They always occupied more or less decent positions and places. And the Latvians ...

Best of all, their status is described by a quote by Boris Godunov. He, accepting refugees from Livonia, poisoned by the Poles, comforted them, just like their own father: “Do not grieve, we will give you again three times more than what you had there. We will make you, nobles, princes, and you, tradesmen and children of serving people, will be boyars. And your Latvians and coachmen will be free people in our country too . And if you think that something has changed since the seventeenth century, you are mistaken. At the end of the XIXth century, Dostoevsky wrote in “Crime and Punishment”: “... my sister would rather go to the planter in the Negroes or to the Germans in the East Germans, than to undermine her spirit and moral feeling ...” . And only at the beginning of the 20th century did something change ...

But I digress. Max Dumpis, like the overwhelming majority of Latvians, worked as a slave from an early age, and to youth he was tired of this really ungrateful occupation. He was so tired that, having earned at least some money, at the age of 19, he fled to Riga, where he entered polytechnic courses - Max Frantsevich always wanted to become an engineer.

Learning failed, prevented the Second World War - so then called the First World War. Call, front, trenches, parapets, louses ... An intelligent and educated boy was noticed, and sent to study as a non-commissioned officer - so Max became a cadet of the Gatchina military school. As for the issue, non-commissioned officer Dumpis fought in the 4th Latvian Vidzeme Rifle Regiment - during the war, as we know, at the suggestion of the commander of the North-Western Front, Mikhail Alekseev, and at the call of State Duma deputies Janis Goldmanis and Janis Zalitis, Latvians began to form national military formations . The fighters of these battalions received a name that will soon remain forever in Russian history - the “Latvian arrows”.

Here is a photo of the servicemen of this regiment. In the center is the father-commander of our hero, a career officer of the Russian army, a graduate of the Vilna infantry cadet school Colonel Anton Petrovich Zeltin.


Mom and dad, however, called Anton Petrovich Ansis Zeltynshem. For this reason, the officer of the Border Guard who received three orders in Russian-Japanese and Vladimir with bows for battles in Galicia in the new war and was transferred to the infantry, to the post of commander of the 4th Vidzeme rifle battalion. The commander, by the way, was good, the soldier was ashore and didn’t hide behind his back, for which his subordinates first awarded him the St. George's Cross of the IV degree, and then, becoming red Latvian riflemen, several times fought off Zeltynsha from the Chekists, who wanted to arrest someone who was stuck in Russia because of his injury. gold mines ".

In general, of course, the Latvian arrows are a phenomenon not fully explained. Latvians have always been an unusually peaceful people, some kind of provincial poor but homely hobbits who never bring up djigits or samurai boys. But it was the Russian revolution that glorified them for centuries, and the phrase “Latvian arrows” was learned by the entire former empire - from the Pacific Ocean to the Bug, from Murmansk to Ashkhabad. They were everywhere - the most loyal, the most disciplined and the most combat-ready parts of the Bolsheviks, it was the Latvians who were thrown at the most difficult sections. And they - pulled!

These silent round-headed guys, all these sporgis and Kalnins with unpronounceable surnames, have seen little in life, except for their farms, and the endless peasant work from light to dark. But in the Great Dream, professed by the Bolsheviks, they believed the way only incredulous stubborn peasants can believe - recklessly and forever. The peasant of those times differed little from cattle in his way of life, but man therefore surpasses animals, sometimes raising his head and looking at the sky.

Building the Kingdom of Justice throughout the entire territory of this rotten world was a great mission. In a business worthy of giving all the blood for him drop by drop. These phlegmatic farm guys were ready to die at any moment, and therefore everyone was afraid of them - the violent "bratushki" from the Baltic cruisers, and the frenzied Basmachi with their crooking dialect, and the cheeky Little Russian "batki" with trimmed and tachanka.


Berzini, Sporgisa, Klyavini ...
Years of people melted down.
Grind. Glorified.
Shook up. Relaxed.
And divided them into two:
not gods
not by nations,
not according to family sympathy
and on the fronts and in batches.
Coughing up blood and blizzards
time asked everyone:
"Who are you for?"

Lenzmany, Lepini, Crasti
walked like a youth
in red!
And froze - engaged -
then in the guards at Smolny,
then on a shot parapet ...
Clenched fists hardened,
hired laborers and trenches
in the red banner horsemen.
Not for church hymns,
not because they figured:
where is more satisfying ...

Max Dumpis also believed. He believed once and for all and after that he no longer felt sorry - he did not spare anyone, and first of all himself. Unter Dumpis became a Bolshevik long before the revolution, back in February 1917. A year later, Comrade Dumpis was appointed by the Moscow provincial military commissar. Incidentally, many Latvians have been in this position - Berzin Oskar Mikhailovich, Peche Yan Yakovlevich, Berzin Eduard Petrovich ...

They honestly fought wherever the Revolution sent them, and at the end of 1918 they went to beat off their Latvia, forming the 1st Rifle Division of the Army of Soviet Latvia from the Latvian regiments. He was also there - a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of Latarmia and the Riga Revolutionary Committee, then a military commissar of the operational management of the Headquarters of the Western Front. He fought like never before, but the Germans, Estonians and Poles still squeezed them out of their homeland, forced them to go back to Russia.

However, the Revolution has no nationality, and he served it to the best of his ability - he fought Denikin, then commanded the 10th and 170th brigades on the Polish front. Everything was like in the song:

On the Don and in Zamoć
White bones smolder
Over the bones rustle breezes.
Remember dogs chieftains
Remember the Polish gentlemen
Our warrior blades.

The order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic No. 68 by which the commander of the 170 brigade of the 57th rifle division of Dumpis Mark (as in the decree) Frantsevich was awarded the Order of the Red Banner became the end of his life in the military incarnation. Then it was not even a Hero of the Soviet Union, but much cooler. As another student at Hogwarts wrote, " in those days, orders were not awarded at all often ."

And in the second half of 1921 our order bearer was recalled from the army and sent to work at the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. Not even from the ship to the ball, but from the trench to the floor.

The plot of the second, a diplomat: "When the Persian Cossacks rebelled ..."

In the new, diplomatic, incarnation, he was thrown like a puppy into the water. They threw, as in the river, into the Big Game.

The term “Great Game” (Great Game), by the way, was first used exclusively by the English, first appearing in the letters of the English officer Arthur Conolly, one of the most famous participants in this conflict of the Russian and British empires in Central Asia. The Russians used to call the Big Game the “Tournament of Shadows” - the then Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, Count Karl Nesselrode, called this perennial fight of secret agents, defiant field intelligence officers and seemingly unruffled diplomats.

But the Russians didn’t have their own Shadows Tournament painter, and the English had the great skald of the empire Rudyard Kipling, who glorified the Great Game in his most famous novel, Kim. Remember the prophetic words of one of the heroes of the novel: "Only when everyone dies will the Great Game end"? Conolly, by the way, did not show copyright rights: by the time Kim was published, more than half a century had passed since that tragic day for Britain, when Colonel Charles Stoddart and Captain Arthur Conrolly, who had been sitting in the zindan for more than a year, were cut off from the main square of Bukhara heads. It was cut off - in Turkestan, the heads were never cut, as in barbarous Europe or Russia, but they only carefully separated one vertebra from another with a thin knife.

I will not talk about all the ups and downs of the renaissance of the Great Game in the early years of Soviet power, for this we need a book, if not a multi-volume. Only at a gallop I will run through those episodes in which our hero took direct part.

His first diplomatic duty station was the position of Consul General of the RSFSR in Tabriz, which Dumpis held from September 1921 to January 1923. Tabriz is in Persia. Persia, in the imperial period, became an honestly divided “buffer country”, the northern part of which was controlled by Russia, and the southern part - by Great Britain. But the revolution has lost everything.

The Bolsheviks, in their hatred of imperial politics and other bourgeois colonialism, first withdrew Russian expeditionary forces from Iran and annulled all Russian-Iranian agreements. The Englishmen, delighted in full accordance with the main principle of world politics, “asshopped - lost the place!” Quickly occupied the former zone of Russian influence, used it as a springboard for intervention in the Caucasus and Transcaspian regions of Turkestan, and actually occupied Persia in general.

“Oh, how are you?” - the Bolsheviks were offended and organized the Persian puppet regime of Gilan Soviet Socialist Republic.

Bilingual wall newspaper "GROWTH": Long live Mirza Kutshek Khan, June 27, 1920

Nobody remembers that now either, and then Ordzhonikidze and Raskolnikov left Baku on the ships of the Volga-Caspian military flotilla and headed for the port of Bandar-Enzeli, where the ships hijacked during the evacuation by the defeated White Guards. Then the victorious workers of the Soviet Transcaucasia were actively cutting themselves with the British and White Guard troops that controlled the city, and they still drove them out of the port, returning the ships to themselves. Meanwhile, Iranian communists occupied the city of Rasht, the capital of Gilan province, under the guise, declared the Persian Soviet Republic and began the creation of the Persian Red Army. However, in all this mess, the further, the higher the star Reza Khan Pahlevi rises

Purebred Persian, Reza was born in the family of a small landowner officer, and in 1900 entered the service as an ordinary machine-gunner in the Persian Cossack Division. The fact is that during the active phase of the Anglo-Russian struggle for influence in Persia, the Persian Cossack Brigade was created in the capital in 1879 (in 1916 it became a division). The “Iranian Cossacks” were commanded by Russian officers and constables, and the personnel at the initial stage were staffed mostly from the so-called Muhajirs - descendants of Caucasian highlanders, primarily Circassians, who emigrated after the Russian conquest of the Caucasus to neighboring Muslim countries. However, not only them. One of the most famous "Cossacks" became Persian Reza Khan, who began serving as an ordinary Cossack and served as a colonel. Because of this particular feature of his biography, the future Persian monarch spoke Russian fluently. And in conversations with Soviet diplomats, the former machine gunner, and now the founder of the Shah Pahlavi dynasty, who ruled the country until 1979, was very fond of beautifully, in the Cossacks, wrapped up with selected Russian obscenities.

Behind the machine gun - dashing Cossack Reza Pahlavi

However, by the time our hero appeared in Persia, the jolly began to slowly subside. Reza Khan, who displaced the Russian commander of the Cossack division in 1920 and took his place, a year later, with the help of fellow Cossacks, fought the city of Persia, Tehran, and was appointed military governor and commander-in-chief, and after a while - military minister.

The city of Tabriz, in which our hero became a consul, had a long and glorious tradition of rebellion. As recently as April 1920, an uprising against the ruling country of the “British minions”, which was defeated in September of the same year in the city of Tebriz, rose in the whole of Northern Iran under the leadership of Sheikh Mohammed Khiabani. However, even in the 22nd, the active struggle for power in Iran did not even think to subside. The former Latvian Rifleman Max Dupis took part in it.

Here is what Yury Alexandrovich Demin wrote in his dissertation, “The Communist Party of Iran, its activities and relations with the Comintern”.

“At the beginning of February 1922, an uprising of gendarmes led by Major Lakhuti, who was present at the Congress of Eastern Nations in Baku, began in Tabriz. The rebels demanded the expulsion of the British from Iran and the removal of Reza Khan from the post of minister of war ... But when the gendarmes defeated the Cossack units and took the city, the Communists decided to join the movement and take the leadership in their hands. The Consul of the RSFSR in Tabriz Dumbis (as in the text - VN), apparently at his own peril and risk, agreed to the communists joining the uprising and promised them help with military equipment. "

The uprising, naturally, was defeated, Reza Khan did not forget the betrayal of the Soviet consul in 1923, when Pahlevi became prime minister, Dumpis had to leave Persia. However, he subsequently wrote several works on the national minorities of Iran, which made him a prominent Soviet orientalist and are still quoted.

In February 1923, another victory of Soviet diplomacy took place - the Consulate General of the USSR was established in Mazar-i-Sharif (Afghanistan). Soon there was appointed the first Soviet consul - Max Frantsevich Dumpis. At that time, the Soviet colony in Afghanistan was ruled by USSR plenipotentiary Fyodor Raskolnikov (the same naval commander) and his wife Larisa Reisner - the “valkyrie of the Revolution”, the prototype of the woman commissar in Optimistic tragedy and the “most beautiful Bolshevik.”


However, Dumpis, who lived on the outskirts of Mazar-i-Sharif, almost did not know them, and soon the authorities changed - first Reisner ran away from her husband, and then Raskolnikov was recalled to his homeland and replaced by the post of Leonid Nikolayevich Stark.

But Dumpis, I repeat, was far from all these intrigues. During his time as a consul in 1924, he actively assisted the expedition of Academician N.I. Vavilov, who spoke very warmly of him in a letter to Academician Oldenburg. Cooperation with Vavilov continued and later - in 1927. M.F. Dumpis sent the academician a rich material of cotton and flax seeds, collected by him in Kashgaria. Later, these seeds were sown at the southern experimental stations IPBiNK, and the plants were carefully studied by Vavilov before traveling to Xinjiang together with botanist MG. Popov in June – August 1929

In Afghanistan, another important event took place - being at the position of consul in Mazar-i-Sharif, Max Dumpis became the official resident of the Soviet intelligence, accepting the proposal emanating from the personnel officer of the Foreign Department (OIT) of the OGPU GS Agabekov, who worked in Afghanistan under the guise of the post of assistant to the head of the press bureau of the USSR Embassy in Kabul. It is interesting that the decision of Dumpis to combine diplomacy with service in another department could also be influenced by the national factor. Agabekov was an Armenian, but the top leadership was chosen as a special one. 1922 . ( ) , — ( ) . , ( .. ) ( ) .

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