Tests of the self-balancing EduMip robot based on BeagleBone Blue. Part 2

Under the cut, I show how to run, a test for balance, acceleration in a circle, keyboard control and other programs.

It took three days to figure out how to adjust the BeagleBone Blue board settings and install the necessary libraries for python scripts. Linux is linux, I had to remember the command line skills and pretty google, but it turned out not so scary, because there are instructions, though not complete, but the ide cloud9 helps out in which you can edit the scripts on the robot and run them, it also has a terminal.

The easiest was to run a balancing program written on p. From the video it can be seen that it only holds the balance and returns the robot to its place, for control, you need a dsm transmitter. You can also modify it to control through the phone, but so far this option has not worked.

The python script is more interesting because you can control the movement of the robot from the keyboard.

It turned out that the robot can be accelerated quite high speed. There is not enough room in the room to accelerate to maximum speed.

Pre-installed programs on with cover all the capabilities and sensors of the robot.

There is still to understand these sources, but these features are very encouraging.

I tested the image for beaglebone blue with preinstalled ubuntu and ros, as soon as I figure out the next part, there are a lot of features and manuals.

How cool that progress has come to this and can be collected without special knowledge of robots. Quite a hobby.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412369/

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