What do I listen to when I play sports

On my third article, I grew bolder so much that I decided to experiment a bit with the style. A little bit. To make the review of books more copyrighted - in the end, I give recommendations based on my preferences. Readers who are annoyed, I ask to go to the end of the article - book tips will be there.

How do I imagine my acquaintance with Hicktimes? Like a darkened room, filled with the roar of people talking and arguing among themselves. Suddenly, the flashing light snatches the lonely novice figure:

- Hello Giktayms. My name is Vismanatanam Kaput and I am a Hindu. And I am writing our national code. An indistinct chorus of voices is heard, in which “It happens”, “Do not blame yourself”, “We are all Indians, to some extent”.
“And I wrote this,” continued the emboldened Wishmanathan, demonstrating to the hall a piece of the recording:

x = 73; if (x != 73) { x = 73; } 

There was a ringing silence in the hall. In which it was heard, as someone asked "Pass a paper bag, then the person is bad."

- But you will not be any more? - asks the presenter?
“I, I, I ... will try,” the Hindu mumbled uncertainly.
- Come and sit down. Following.

- Hello Giktayms. I am admin Roskomnadzora. I understand what I am doing, but I really needed money to emigrate to Canada ...

A deaf murmur rose in the hall. From the gallery, there were separate, unrelated cries: “Anus”, “Block”, “Not to be in the habit” ...

“We are out of politics,” the presenter said overlapping the hum, “come in and sit down.”
The RKN admin sat down in the middle of the empty space spontaneously forming around him.
Next was my turn.

- Hello Giktayms. I am 45 years old and I am a jock ...

Seriously, the topic of sports is constantly emerging in conversations. For example, in the discussion of the topic “Inside Hyperactivity” there were stories from people who improved their lives with the help of sports. I'll add my five kopecks and me.

I started practicing regularly about ten years ago, because I felt just awful. I got tired at work so hard that when I got home I only had enough strength to crawl into bed and lie down. It would seem that if I, in this state, start spending more energy, then I just die. It turned out that no. Pretty soon, after the start of training, I had a lot more energy - I began to want to move, travel, work.

I have a theory that explains this oddity. It seems to me that the adaptability of the organism is to blame for my lack of energy for life. Simplifying a little, it can be assumed that the body adapts to energy consumption - if I spend 2000 calories every day, then the body emits 2000 calories. Returning from work, I could spend the rest of a hundred calories in order to sit on the forum or read a book. I didn't want to do anything actively.

What has changed since the start of training? The body wept, cursed, but since I was implacable, I increased my daily calorie consumption to four thousand. Accordingly, in those days that I work out in the gym, everything was the same. I returned home tired (but with a good mood - playing sports increased the level of endorphin - and this is a proven fact) and also, as before, read, talked online, watched TV shows.

The difference was in those days that I did not work out in the gym. By the evening I had 2000 calories that I needed to spend. More precisely, I wanted to spend. I started with a major cleaning of the apartment, then I made repairs, then I started to walk ... In general, the gym changed my life a lot. What and you want.

But, if everything is so great, then why don't the people, Ann Mass, play sports? (I constantly see new people in the gym - who get acquainted with old-timers, share their impressions and burst with enthusiasm. I don’t even remember their names - it’s not worth the trouble - 90 percent of them will disappear during the week).

So what is a minus class in the gym? Why do people give up after the first weeks? It seems to me because it’s monstrous, unimaginably boring to do in the gym. Simulators - with their approaches, dull worse than the conveyor. And the pool - so generally the brother of the sensory deprivation chamber.

What do I suggest a way out? Audiobooks. Now there are several models of sports players in which you can actively go in for sports and swim and that support reading audiobooks. (I mean, remember the position to which the file was played, so that when you next turn on, start from the same place. This is very important - some files are huge and having missed the position from which you read, then you will search for it for half an hour for an hour and a half). Personally, I use the Sony NW-WS413 MP3 player - which is close to the ideal, although a bit expensive. (Of the minuses - isolation from external noise is rather average)

Before that, I used the DEXP AT-MH609 - 4Gb Black player, whose headphones ear cushions went deep into the ear, protecting it from water and noise. He had sound insulation for five plus points - although otherwise this player was more flimsy than Sonya. In addition, somehow, during the swim, the cushion jumped off and got stuck in the ear - so I had to go to the store for a set of goods, where I asked the seller for a big screw and wrapped it in my ear. In fact, of course, I wrapped the screw in the hole in the embouchure, and so I pulled it out without any problems - but the seller was quite surprised. So I recommend sticking the ear cushions with superglue on this model. Or carry a screw.

Important point: It is profitable for the manufacturers of the equipment to prohibit the buyer absolutely everything. This reduces the cost of warranty repairs. One of the clones of the player for swimming DEXP, according to the warranty card, could not be soaked. One of the Sony players, according to the instructions, can not be operated in salt water. So, these warnings can and should be ignored. Other factors are more dangerous for players - one of my players died in a sauna, from overheating. The second died from the ingress of soapy water - so despite the fact that the player for swimming, you should not go to the shower with him.

The next difficulty I encountered was the selection of literature. As a rule, well-known and popular books that I already read are voiced. But, when I found the Gibson novel sounded but not read, it turned out that I could not listen to him. During classes there are too many distractions - this is the need to consider approaches and physical stress and contemplation of colleagues in bathing suits ... well, alas and oh. Gibson was overloading my processor. I was either distracted from the text or stopped for a few seconds, thinking who told what to whom. So it was with other authors whom I loved to read with my eyes.

And so I would have abandoned the player, if not for Mariam Petrosyan. I downloaded her novel, brilliantly voiced by reader Igor Knyazev and literally drowned. Let's dot the Eo. I am not a fan of such prose, in the form of text - I lack events, adventures and conclusions in it. But, during the training session, all the drawbacks of magical realism - the Mariam novel is written in this genre - become pluses.

The novel is not filled with events - and images. There is no focus on history - or, more precisely, the story is told through the disclosure of the inner world of the characters, and not through a series of events and dialogues. That is, there is no need to concentrate on the plot - it is in the novel, but the plot is not on the main roles.

I was just in awe. So much so that I tried to listen to the book and after training, in the subway train. Did not work out. On the train, the slowness of the plot began to annoy me - the reader reads aloud five times slower than I read with my eyes.

So I left the book just for workouts and bike rides. In this mode, I listened to her for a month, having received tremendous pleasure. Then he began to look for similar books - just for training. So I discovered many authors who I could not read both on paper and in digital, and who shot like a Chekhov’s gun, hitting my brain with its flexible bullet, only being voiced.

Why such difference? I dont know. It is possible that, while playing sports, I analyze the text less, allowing the author to carry me into my world. It is possible that the book worlds of books read and heard are generally analyzed by different parts of the brain.

In favor of the latter, there is one funny incident that happened to me not so long ago. I listened to Ray Aldridge's Pharaoh Contract — a magnificent book, from a dark, gloomy, gothic universe. And retold a couple of episodes to his colleague, recommending a book to read.

A month later, a colleague asked to remind him the name of the book.
- Which book?
- The former fighter with the slave trade, flies on the instructions of the slavers' league to one of the worlds from which the league draws slaves ...
- Cool. I love these stories. But I did not read this.
- You told me.

I was quite surprised. I have a great memory. The plot was familiar, but I definitely could not remember me reading it. And only when a colleague told me half of the book he retold, I remembered. Book - I have not read. I listened to the book. And although I perfectly remembered the plot, he obviously did not add to the knowledge base derived from the books he had read - but was in a different database - the books he had listened to.

I do not presume to judge - this is my personal peculiarity, or this is a universal property of the brain - but I suggest trying to listen to books of other genres, during a workout or a walk. Perhaps - you will discover something new.

The following list of books to listen to, I gathered from personal preference. These books seemed to me worthy of the attention of thinking people.

1Q84. (A thousand and eighty-four) Haruki Murakami. Voiced by Igor Knyazev. Abstract publisher: The book takes place not so much in nineteen eighty-four, but in one thousand and eighty-four, in a world where some see two moons in the sky, where the key to eternal love is Symphonietta Janacek, where the police after the whole country shook up with a firefight sectarians re-armed with automatic pistols instead of revolvers, where Little People - Little Folk - come out of the mouth of a dead goat and weave Air Cocoon. Annotation is more likely to scare away than to interest - but, no, it is not absurd, experimental prose. The novel is rational and logical, only very “in its own way”. Full of nostalgia and allusions. To some extent, this book is the pinnacle of the author - in which he uses the techniques and images from previous books. So, if this book is for the soul, you can familiarize yourself with the other novels of the author, they are all quite similar.

Cloud Atlas. David Mitchell. The monumental masterpiece, entered, like many other books of Mitchell, in the shortlist of the Booker Prize. It is the story of several people living in different eras - from the past to the future. In the novel, six voices take turns: a notary of the mid-nineteenth century, traveling on a ship of the sea; a young composer living in Europe between the World Wars; a 1970s California journalist who uncovered a corporate plot at a nuclear power plant; old men of the publisher - our contemporary, fleeing from creditors; clone servants from fast-food businesses in Korea - the country of the victorious cyberpunk and Hawaiian kozopas at the sunset of civilization. There is also a film adaptation, which, in my opinion, is worse than the original.

The house in which ... Mariam Petrosyan. Voiced by Igor Knyazev. A very unusual book - on the one hand, a realistic side, it describes the life of a boarding school for people with disabilities at the end of the USSR, but this is only a small part of the book. Teenagers living in the house - Sphinx, Blind, Lord, Tobacco, Macedonian, Black and many others live in their own special world. Very kind, light novel written by a young, sincere author. Dry, callous, of course, I can pick thousands of flaws in form and style in it, but why? The book is good the way it is. And if I did not find answers to all the questions in it, then I am to blame, not the author.

The shadow of the wind. Carlos Ruiz Safon. Voiced by Igor Knyazev. In post-war Barcelona, ​​an unknown author’s book falls into the hands of a little boy. Trying to unravel the secrets associated with this book, he plunges into a labyrinth of intrigue and secrets hidden in the dark soul of the city. This book is written by a bookworm for bookworms. We can say that the city itself, in which the events take place - Barcelona, ​​is one of the participants of the action. Of course, the book is a little fabulous, with operetta villains and burning mysteries - but this can be attributed to the age of the main character.

“Magus” (in another translation, “The Magician”) by John Fowles After the completion of the Second World War, the mysterious billionaire — the “magician” on a lost Greek island sets violent psychological experiments on people, forcing them to participate in their own entertainment. The book surprised me that for the first time I probably could not guess the time of writing. On the development of intrigue, on the courage of the author’s game with the reader, I was sure that this novel was written by our contemporary. But no - the 1965 novel. You can also add that I attribute the book to "magical realism" very conditionally - events, albeit incredible, can be read as well as a thriller and as a detective story.

As you have noticed, many of their books are what I recommend - voiced by Igor Knyazev. He, being a great reader and a man with an excellent literary taste, perfectly voiced worthy books heed, being a peculiar quality mark. So, if you see a book voiced by Igor Knyazev, feel free to try. His name in the file tags is a certain quality mark that you can trust.

Scene after captions:
- Hello Giktayms, my name is Konstantin and I am a supporter of the theory of flat Earth ...
“Well, you got caught,” the presenter chuckled ominously and turned off the lights.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412367/

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