Scientists are developing a drug for immersing astronauts in a kind of hibernation

Russian scientists are developing a drug to immerse astronauts in a kind of hibernation in bears. It will help to transfer long interplanetary flights better. The creation of the drug is engaged in the design group of the Advanced Research Foundation, write RIA Novosti.

"The developed approach of immersing a person in an artificial hypobiotic state can be used in the development of technologies for the development of distant cosmic spaces and other planets of the solar system, since the achievement of the desired goals is possible only when oxygen consumption is reduced and the energy resources of the astronauts are consumed," said Anatoly Kovtun

He also stated that the ultimate goal of the project is the creation of pharmacological preparations for introducing a person into an artificial hypobiotic state. In the course of the project, preparations have already been developed that made it possible to immerse laboratory animals in hibernation. As it turned out, during artificial sleep, their body temperature decreases, blood flow and heart rate slow down. In addition, the consumption of organs and tissues of oxygen is reduced.

The slowdown of biochemical processes in the body lasts up to six days.

“When the drug is discontinued, the experimental animal spontaneously recovers within 10-24 hours. The duration of the action can be adjusted by the composition and dose of the drug, “- said Kovtun.

The foundation itself was founded in 2012 to promote research and development in the interests of the country's defense and security. The organization has three main areas of work - chemical, biological, medical, physical, technical, informational. Now the fund works with more than 50 projects.


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