TooWheels - wheelchair with open documentation

TooWheels (this is a pun, it can also be heard as two wheels) - a wheelchair with open documentation (CC-NC-SA), which can be made independently anywhere, fitting to the required dimensions and materials available in the area. Originally developed as a sport, today it is easily adaptable to other applications thanks to the efforts of users and the community. From India to Ecuador, not to mention Italy, where it all began, a design is being developed that meets the requirements of a wide range of people with disabilities. Many partners also take part in the project, including the Italian Federation of Invasport * . You can download files and documentation and make a wheelchair at home using simple tools or in a workshop with computerized equipment. Make as many details as you can and you can reduce the cost by 10 times. Back in 2016, the project received the Golden Circle, an international award from the Designers Association of Italy.

In the wheelchair Toowheels you can use the materials at hand, such as plywood, pipes, bicycle parts. It is possible to change the sizes and their ratios, having received as a result a design adapted to various applications. Also, as stated above, it is possible to adapt to the materials and parts available in the area. Work is underway to organize local production of wheelchairs in developing countries, which will create jobs for people with disabilities, give them social benefits and an affordable means of transportation.

Advantages of the project:

The ability to fit the size of the user, the use of local materials.

The price is 10 times less than sports wheelchairs with similar characteristics.

Adaptability to various applications: on the same chassis you can make a sports, off-road or urban stroller, making only small changes.

Open documentation: three-dimensional files or drawings can be downloaded from the project site, after which the stroller can be made on computerized equipment, or using ordinary jigsaw, drill, etc.

The project started in 2012, over the years it has been possible to involve people working on it and offering new improvements. Fruitful cooperation helps to find new goals, be ready to solve new problems.

For one stroller will need:

3 sheets of plywood 800x600x10 mm
5 studs M8
1 hairpin M16
40 bolts M8 x 40 mm
40 nuts M8
6 nuts M16
4 washers 20x56 mm
14 washers 8x20 mm
26 washers 8x32 mm
14 bolts 6x35 mm
1 aluminum tube 30x0.2x200 mm
1 aluminum tube 20x0.2x100 mm
1 aluminum tube 10x0.2x100 mm
4 ball bearings 42x20 mm
2 swivel wheels with a diameter of 40 mm
2 bicycle tires 26 inches or other desired diameter
2 bicycle rims of the same diameter
2 bike chambers of the same diameter
32 needles
1 iron sheet 200x20x1 mm
1 wooden beam
Self tapping screws

* In the original - FIBA, under this abbreviation it was possible to find including sports organizations, but not related to the invasion. Perhaps the author is referring to FIGD .


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