Published a list of countries where cryptocurrencies live well

The other day on the website of the BlockShow Europe 2018 conference a rating of the most friendly for cryptocurrency and blockchain projects of states was presented. Among the countries that were the most loyal to digital money and "chains", the first place was taken by Switzerland.

“Switzerland is the central hub for cryptocurrency projects from around the world due to positive regulatory dynamics, Canton Zug has become home to several projects and foundations, including the Ethereum Foundation, Tezos, Dfinity, Bancor, ShapeShift,” the researchers reached this conclusion.

Gibraltar ranked second, and Malta third. The five most friendly countries closes Denmark.

The study involved 48 European countries that regulate cryptocurrency. Russia was not included in the TOP-10, but Belarus ranked tenth. The researchers explained this by the fact that the government of Belarus established a zero tax on the activities of "cryptocurrency" until 2023 inclusive.

Indeed, at the end of last year, Belarus officially legalized all existing cryptocurrencies and operations on them. In the decree signed by President Lukashenko, there are no restrictions on the creation, placement, storage, alienation, exchange of tokens, as well as the activity of cryptobirth and cryptoplatforms.

In the Russian Federation, there is no legal basis for working with the cryptocurrency sphere. In general, the government does not treat Bitcoin and Altcoins too warmly. In January 2018, the Ministry of Finance refused to accept digital money as a means of payment.


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