Electric car from the factory-robot. Now. In Sweden. Not Tesla

While some in the Western Hemisphere talk about the need to deepen the robotization of the automotive industry and the future candy paradise, others in the Eastern Hemisphere have already started a completely “dehumanized” robotic factory to collect innovative low-cost electric vehicles for the urban environment without much noise and dust.

Calmly and without raising a special information wave in the Swedish city of Landskrone (Landskrone), the innovative plant has been set up and debugged for several months. Not only the production itself, which is equipped with industrial systems from Siemens and KUKA corporations, whose equipment ensures the complete absence of people in production premises, is interesting. Curiously and the vehicle itself, produced there.

So, in the beginning of 2019, customers who have already left a pre-order on the manufacturer’s website will begin to supply an inexpensive and small “urban” electric car.

And what does he have?

And he has: a carbon body, two motor wheels, projection of data onto the windshield in the absence of the dashboard as such, the absence of a steering wheel and pedals in the premium version - and replacing all of this with a special kind of joystick - and, of course, so vigorously discussed now autonomous driving functionality.

Here is the manufacturer's website: www.uniti.earth

Once again: the guys already have fully robotized assembly shops where people, including lighting for a while, will drop in every 22 hours - and leave the premises again. In their electric car, the dashboard is already missing and, in principle, there is no steering wheel or pedals. And all this is admitted to the mass roads - otherwise it would not have been shown officially at the recent Hanover Industrial Exhibition.

While competitors are only talking about reducing people in production, at one time, perhaps, the emerging autopilot (an unclear degree of autonomy) - and the production of chocolates starts.

In a fun time, we live, right?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412185/

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