Informal and formal speech styles

Speech styles exist in all languages, and English is no exception. Mastering the style is necessary for anyone who seeks to master the language and speak it as naturally as its speakers.


Formal communication style

Formal business style ( formal ) is used when writing business letters, contracts, agreements, lectures, in general, for documents.

The minimum number of abbreviations ( don't, he's, etc. ) and the use of full forms of verbs is the first feature of the formal style.

Common and complex sentences, such as “Toyota’s sales recalls” , are the second characteristic feature of a formal business style.

The third feature is longer words than in informal dialogues: for example, instead of “start” it would be more appropriate to say “commence” , “end” to replace it with “terminate” , and instead of “try ” to use “endeavor” . In principle, modal verbs this also applies to a certain extent: if “can” as a whole has a rather neutral stylistic hue (for example, the phrase “Can I suggest you try this new model?” Will sound very neutral), then “might” would give the sentence , in which appears, a big formality ( "Might I suggest you try this new model?" ).

The fourth interesting feature of the formal style is the interpretation of abbreviations when they are first mentioned in the text. Exceptions are abbreviations that are already widely known and definitely will not cause questions: for example, the Air Force, NATO and others.


The fifth characteristic feature of a formal style of speech is emotional neutrality or even dryness and severity of thought. For example, the signs "?!", "!!!" are not applicable in business correspondence, as are bright, emotionally colored comparisons, metaphors and images.

And finally, the official business style implies an impersonal presentation. In the documents, the phrases “I consider ...” , “we say ...” are irrelevant, the substitutions adequate to the formal style are “it is considered to be ...” , “it is said to be…” .

Informal communication style

The informal style (informal) is as close as possible to oral speech: slang and syntax violations, personal pronouns (for example, “I think ...” , “We want ...” ) and abbreviated verb forms ( “doesn't” instead of “does not” , “ it's ” instead of “ it is ” , “ couldn't ” instead of “ could not ” , etc.) - its characteristic features.

Also, in informal correspondence and communication , sentences are often shortened (for example, a subject or relative pronoun): for example, instead of “I went to Barcelona last weekend. I have lots to tell you " you can say " Went to Barcelona last weekend. Have a lot to tell you " or in the phrase " The boy whom I met was beautiful "miss the relative pronoun " whom " , making the informal version sound like " The boy I met was beautiful " .


No less important and characteristic feature of the informal style is the active use of phrasal verbs : for example, "He gave up trying" , "We must work out the solution" .

Below you can find a selection of relevant useful constructions and verbs characteristic of formal and informal speech styles, the so-called link words:

The most important thing is to clearly understand the relevance of using a particular style of speech in a given situation. This knowledge can be useful in daily practice, during exams, from the unified state examination to international, where in the written part you need to write a letter (formal or informal), as well as when preparing a resume and in conversation with a potential employer. Choosing an appropriate style of speech is the key to success in any communication.

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