Amazon has disabled traffic proxying

A week after Google turned off the ability to use its network as a proxy service, Amazon did the same. The other day, representatives of Amazon Web Services announced that they plan to introduce new rules for working with their service. These rules imply the inability of developers to redirect traffic in order to avoid blocking networks.

Amazon said that this step will make it possible to better deal with malicious software. "The malware developers can use the Amazon network to avoid the possibility of blocking," the post says. "None of the AWS users would agree to have someone use their own domain for their own purposes."

Until now, most cloud service providers allowed working with their services as proxies, redirecting user requests to other domains. In addition to malware developers, this option was used by network users who were struggling with certain locks, including the Telegram ban in Russia.

Unfortunately for many Telegram users, neither Google nor Amazon will continue to practice proxying. However, Amazon will allow its users to work with various domains and resources that belong to this user, but they will not allow proxying traffic to anyone who wishes.

Google earlier than other large companies has banned using its own network as a proxy. Previously, many services had the opportunity to use Google as a proxy service, including redirecting traffic to their servers through the domain. Among other things, it allowed different companies to bypass the lock.

Initially, there was no official announcement, the developers of the Tor network were the first to notice the changes on April 13. Those services that used the domain-fronting technology had a hard time, because some of them could not bypass state censorship, including the protected Signal messenger and the Psiphon VPN service.

At Google, they said that the domain-fronting tool was available due to the features of the corporation’s software, but no one is going to restore this feature.

As for Amazon, it may well be that the company's actions are due to the fact that Roskomnadzor banned 655,352 Amazon IP addresses . This was done in order to prevent the messenger from working in Russia. “We received the Amazon subnet, which Telegram switched to, in unloading,” said the head of department, Alexander Zharov. - The fact is that the third point of the court order instructs Roskomnadzor and other legal entities not to create conditions for technical access to the blocked messenger. We execute the court decision. ” Then Amazon subnet,, and were blocked. Later the subnet was added to the registry.

Google subnet got Google subnet , which contained more than a million company IP addresses, got into unloading the registry of prohibited sites for providers for the same reason - Telegram avoided blocking using the proxy method.

The actions of Roskomnadzor, which is struggling with Telegram, led to the fact that the largest telecommunication companies of the Russian Federation began to speak out against the actions of the department. “The attempt to block Telegram in Russia unexpectedly became a blow to the whole RuNet. The lock affected not only the messenger - many resources and their users suffered. We do not consider this situation to be normal, ”said Yandex.

Other companies, such as Vkontakte, also agree with representatives of the domestic search service. Thus, the managing director of the social network, Andrei Rogozov, said that the transfer of keys and access to information outside the device with a messenger, where end-to-end encryption works is impossible by definition.

Currently, the confrontation continues, and now it is difficult to say who can come out of it as a winner.


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