Are there many geeks among programmers?

Fantastic films and comics, games and tough animation - the ability to navigate them, the ability to recognize quotes and to quote favorite characters to the place can be called a sign of belonging to a special geek culture. But is it true that programmers cannot live without desktop strategies or the series “Rick and Morty”? Or is the fact that a bystander confuses the two meanings of the word "geek" without distinguishing between people who are passionate about popular culture and high technology?

The answer is in our non-representative, but interesting study. In order to understand, we in February - April monitored users of the Skillotron IT specialists self-test platform from different countries.

At Skillotron, which is visited daily by more than 800 people, we launched the Geek ulture section. Here we have collected a few hundred questions about computer and board games, movies, comics and specific memes, which the programmers themselves invented. The first batch of tasks consisted of volunteers from the geek committee of DataArt, then third-party users joined them.

During the first two months, 38% of platform users turned to tests from the Geek Culture section. That is, a new section interested every third specialist, in principle, who has come to check his technical knowledge.

At the same time, if the average duration of a game session on Skillotron, for example, for users from Russia is about six minutes, then they turned out to be ready to spend twice as much on a geek quiz - about 13 minutes. Similar statistics showed and IT-specialists in Ukraine.

Questions from the Geek Culture column were answered by users from 24 countries. The Russians entered the top three in the number of points scored, second only to the Ukrainians and beating the Poles. It is curious that the subsection devoted to the romantic lines of favorite works turned out to be the most difficult for the players. The most difficult test was a test that seemed to be the easiest to create: it consisted of questions about whether Star Trek heroes, Mario games, etc., kissed each other.


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