When there is no time to wash the windows: send the robot to work

Experts from various analytical agencies believe that computers and robots will soon replace people, “taking for themselves” about 30-50% of the specialties previously considered “ours”. And if some experts are wary of this kind of forecasts - because who wants to lose work in the near future? We will give that series of tasks to the robots with joy. How, for example, washing windows.

There are people for whom window washing is a profession, it is mainly industrial climbers. But in most cases this kind of task falls on the shoulders of office workers, cleaners, if we are talking about enterprises, and all of us, if we are talking about an apartment or a house. In short, few people like to wash windows, so the robots here are very helpful. Surprisingly, a lot of mechanical washers. Today we will tell about interesting models that we have experienced ourselves.


188 is a model of a robot produced by the Taiwanese company Hobot. He can not only wash the windows, but also clean tiles, mirrors, glass tables and even scrub parquet to shine. He has several positive points, including low noise, behavior algorithms, updated design.

On the glass, the robot is held by a vacuum pump, both vertically and horizontally. The surfaces are cleaned with two special wheels with microfiber cloths. When cleaning wipes produce a statistical charge, which provides an opportunity to tighten the dust particles in the pores. And then water flows in and the dirt is washed out. After themselves napkins do not leave stains, and the robot itself does not roll down, holds tight. To keep the owner calm, there is a safety cable in the set, which protects an expensive device from falling if something goes wrong. Such cables come with all other models, which are described below.

The system can operate both in automatic mode and under the strict guidance of a person. By the way, the computing unit of the robot evaluates the area of ​​the surface to be cleaned and builds the trajectory of the robot. On the case there is a display that shows the current status of the work. By the way, we have already published a more detailed review of this model on Geektimes . It is worth noting that for several years this model serves us faithfully in the struggle for clean windows in spring (and sometimes even in summer).

There is a similar option, Hobot-198 . It is slightly faster due to higher power, respectively, the cleaning speed is higher by about 10%. You can manage it from a phone running iOS and Android.


Another robot produced by Hobot. If you have large windows, or a lot of them, you should get it. The system can work offline for about 40 minutes (two batteries are included, each of them provides a duration of 20 minutes).

The principle of operation of the Hobot-288 is about the same as that of its younger brother. As for speed, it is 1 square meter in 2.4 minutes. The package includes a control panel, but if you wish, you can control the system using a smartphone (Android and iOS).

Winbot w850

Actually, the principle of work here is the same as in previous models - a powerful engine with a fan constantly blows air, creating a vacuum in the bottom of the system. The robot moves quickly, especially when compared with other models.

Cleaning the glass takes place in four stages. The first is the treatment with a detergent, the second is the absorption of dirt, the third is the removal of moisture and the final drying. The system operates on the network, so before washing it is necessary to correlate the length of the cord and the desired surface coverage, which must be cleaned.

There is a mode of operation for high windows and another mode for wide ones. If electricity is suddenly turned off, the device remains on the glass for about 15 minutes due to a backup charge.

Winbot w950

Another Winbot model. In principle, everything is the same as in the previous case, only the robot is more powerful. He has a navigation system that allows you to build the best route to achieve the highest quality cleaning.

He cleans windows, glass doors, mirrors. Cope even with neglected cases of pollution. To start a wet cleaning, you need to moisten the cloth with a cleaning agent. After the cleanup cycle has ended, the Winbot W950 returns to the starting point.

Summary of the characteristics of window cleaners

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412021/

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