My few days of astronautics

This year, it turned out to be quite good to participate in events related to Cosmonautics Day. Under the cut:

Peaceful cosmic atom

On April 6, in the Ufa Art Club, as part of regular meetings called “Cultural Fridays,” I gave a lecture on the Peace Space Atom.

If you are closer to the text, or want to dive deeper into the topic, the lecture is based on the following publications:

Mitap LJ "Cosmos awaits"


On the evening of April 11, the Live Journal metap was held under the general title “Cosmos Waits”.

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Three speakers spoke (in the order of reports):

My lecture was devoted to a brief overview of the cosmic achievements of mankind, as well as trying to answer the question of why we are seeing a stagnation in the space program. If it is very short - the profitable applied cosmonautics is connected with the Earth, the conditional colonization of Mars is unprofitable, while enthusiasts who are ready to fly “even with a carcass, even a stuffed animal” have no money. But it's not scary, space is still cool and wonderful. In textual form, these same thoughts are more fully expressed in the publication The Concept of Cosmic Realism .

Alexander alien3 Khokhlov described in detail and in detail how to become an astronaut, what are the requirements for candidates, and briefly about manned space programs from different countries, work on the ISS and the future in the form of a near-moon station Deep Space Gateway.

Vitaliy zelenyikot Egorov gave a lecture “Cosmonautics: Expectations and Reality”, where he vividly showed how wrong the dreamers of the first half of the 20th century were and how people in space instead of the explorer and discoverer turned out to be servants of scientific instruments.

Video interviews with speakers and audience reviews.

Reconstruction of the flight of Gagarin in the Museum of Cosmonautics

We all know that on April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin flew into space and became the first cosmonaut of mankind. But if you dig deeper, very few people know how the technique worked, how the flight went, what dangers the first cosmonaut was exposed to. I brought together several sources - the Orbiter space simulator available for free, the Vostok ship addon made by Russian enthusiasts, the First Orbit film, shot when the ISS was as close as possible to the Gagarin flight track, the recordings used in the reconstruction of Yandex 2016 And thanks to the site of the mayor of Moscow , we have a great record of reconstruction.

Photos of temporary expositions of the Museum of Cosmonautics, 19 photos, 5.5 MB
Infrequent case when the queue rejoice. Space is interesting, and it is wonderful. Well, the museum is excellent - changing temporary exhibitions make a reasonable visit there about once a quarter, even for residents of Moscow.

On the street is the descent vehicle of the Soyuz. In my opinion, his vain painted in a uniform black color, burnt colored heat-resistant coating and more beautiful and realistic.

Technical hatch close up.

The most interesting artifact of the recently appeared in the permanent exhibition is the authentic descent vehicle "Luna-16". Without a special pump in the window there is a rather big object that went from Earth to the Moon and came back, an impressive sight.

One of the temporary exhibitions is devoted to space suits and space suits. General view of the hall.

Interesting things open when the top shell of the spacesuit is removed. It is necessary to tighten the design with slings so that in the event of a ship depressurization, the spacesuit does not swell to be unable to work.

And this is the breastplate of the spacesuit for work in space. It is perfectly understandable why these suits are classified as hard.

Installation for moving and maneuvering astronaut.

The exposition of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Space Communications". Kinect in the far corner attracts children with the opportunity to play satellite control, waving their arms.

Exhibition dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Komarov.

Left notes Komarov on the Soviet manned program.

The exhibition of Soviet posters is very sweet with its naivety and confidence in the bright future.

Corner and corridor are reserved for the exhibition of cultural artifacts - paintings, figurines and other things.

And a sudden pleasant meeting — the leftmost picture was on the cover of a Soviet book with a fantastic painting “Racing with Time,” which I remember from childhood and still see with pleasure.

And the last pair of photos shows a pretty exhibition of space images on matchboxes.


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