The Russian court demanded to remove the post from the Telegram blocked in Russia

Over the abundance of publications about the great battle between Telegram and RKN, the curious news about the decision of the Russian court "to remove the post removed from the Forbidden Telegram" went unnoticed.

This is a lawsuit filed by the Minister against a public blogger, for repost in a publication Telegram, which is freely available on the Internet.

Read more about this lawsuit in the GT publication on the “First trial for repost in Telegram” .


In December 2017, officials of the Crimean Ministry of Information submitted a lawsuit to the blogger: the head of the department, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Polonsky, his deputy Maxim Balatsky and former deputy head of the same ministry Ervin Musayev, who heads the official Crimean Tatar television channel Millet. All three statements dealt with the Telegram content of the Talipov online channel. Polonsky demanded from a public worker 1 million rubles for moral damage.

According to the press service of the Sudak City Court, the blogger is obliged to pay the deputy prime minister compensation for moral damage in the amount of 20,000 rubles, pay court costs related to notary fees in the amount of 7,080 rubles, pay the representative’s services for 20,000 rubles and the state fee 600 rubles, as well as the cost of the examination - 8 796 rubles. By decision of a court, a blogger is obliged to remove unreliable information and publish a refutation within 10 days from the moment the court decision comes into force. The decision was made on April 25th.

This decision will be appealed by a blogger, as he said in an interview with the local ForPost resource . He has serious complaints about the completed process.

“How can it (the decision) be executed if the Telegram is blocked in the territory of the Russian Federation? - Surprised blogger. “Or is it a public acknowledgment that Telegram is still working?”

According to the blogger, this is already at least the third court, to which he is not receiving subpoenas, so the public man was not present at the last meeting.

Because of this, the blogger did not know about the lawsuit of Polonsky, about the appointment of a linguistic examination of the message in the Talipov online TV channel; and this led to the fact that he was unable to receive the case file, file petitions and witnesses, and learn about the results of the examination.

“The first time they called me was an hour before the meeting, when I was on the mainland,” says Talipov. “And today I received a text message, also an hour before the meeting, and I was also on the mainland, I just flew in.” Lawyers for the blogger told Notes, another local resource, that they were not in court either. Those. the judgment was made without the Respondent .

At this funny things are not over.

The lawsuit of Deputy Minister M. Balatsky “On the protection of honor, dignity, business reputation ...” to the information published by the blogger about the past of a Russian official and the issue of the legality of obtaining Russian citizenship, most likely ended unexpectedly for the official.
“There is also evidence that the judge was arresting the participants of the“ euromaidan ”and therefore ran away, since they would have put him in Ukraine.” Strange, how did he get a Russian passport so quickly and immediately became the head of Rosgranitsa in Crimea? After all, in fact, he could only rely on the status of a political refugee? ”
Also, the blogger said that at the time of the Crimean referendum Balatsky was registered in an unfinished hotel in Alushta, which was the basis for obtaining a passport of the Russian Federation.

The official demanded a blogger of 100 thousand rubles, but the information was of interest to the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Crimea, which filed a lawsuit claiming the deprivation of Russian citizenship of an official who had already reached considerable heights in the Republic of Crimea.

On April 14, 2018, the court declared it illegal to obtain Russian citizenship. The room indicated by Balatsky as a place of residence in the Crimea at the time of the referendum is not suitable for life. If the subsequent courts confirm the decision, M. Balatsky will lose citizenship.

And on April 24, the day before the court decision, Minister Polonsky lost his ministerial position. The official version “the decision was planned long ago and agreed with the Prime Minister of the Republic Sergey Aksenov”, “the former minister should concentrate in his hands the management of the entire internal political bloc, which includes both the Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and Communication, and the State Committee for Interethnic Relations and deported citizens. "

Unofficially, the resignation is attributed to the scandal around the publication “Krymskaya Gazeta”, controlled by the Ministry of Information of Crimea, published on April 20 and congratulating readers on the birthday of Adolf Hitler.


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